So here’s how I found out about this, while trolling pro-abort tweets (click to enlarge)…
black children are an endangered species, abortion, 2.png
… so I knew it had to be good.
Sure enough, GA Right to Life and the Radiance Foundation announced at a press conference today the launch of their “Endangered Species Project.”
Already, according to GARTL prez Dan Becker, with whom I spoke on the phone, 62 of the billboards below have been erected in 2 majority minority GA counties (Dekalb and Fulton), where most (67%) of GA abortions are committed (click to enlarge)….

black children are an endangered species, billboard, abortion, african-american.png
GA is the right place to launch such an educational endeavor. Of all states reporting abortions to the CDC, GA reports the most abortions of black mothers, 18,901 in 2008 alone. Dan also reports that 30% of GA’s population is black, but they account for 59% of all abortions; and 14 of 14 abortion mills are located in majority minority neighborhoods.
The group also announced the launch of, which produced this video…

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