
It all turned out so well, I have a hard time making much of the fact that Focus on the Family’s Tebow ad, billed as pertaining to the pro-life issue, didn’t have anything to do with abortion.
But looking back, Focus never said it would.
In fact, Focus said it wouldn’t. CEO Jim Daly told USA Today on Feb. 5 the ad was “an open discussion on the sanctity of human life – not just the issue of abortion… [with] a bit of humor in it – in fitting with the Super Bowl theme.”
Focus gave exactly what it promised.
People like Jeff Emmanuel at RedState.com commended Focus for PR genius:
The job done by Focus and the Tebows with their much-
publicized Super Bowl advertisement was nothing short of masterful. In fact, I’m not sure that word describes the level of mastery Focus showed with their domination of the pro-abortion left through last night’s ad and the public relations battles leading up to it….

Continue reading my column today, “Wednesday morning quarterbacking the Tebow ad,” at WorldNetDaily.com.

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