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by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

  • Catholic Vote Action calls for prayer and fasting for the unborn during this crucial week of Congressional voting.
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  • Albert Mohler has a must-read article regarding the worldwide gendercide of female babies, born and unborn. After a long silence from the MSM (and American feminists) on this issue, The Economist has published an eye-opening cover story entitled, “Gendercide: What Happened to 100 Million Baby Girls?”…

  • The 40 Days for Life blog tells the incredible story of Espy (Esperanza, meaning “hope”), a longtime sidewalk counselor who suffered a stroke. Abortion clinic workers were among those who came to meet her with hugs and tears when she returned.
  • ProLife Action of OR points out some more disturbing trends in the Girl Scouts organization. One way girls are encouraged to earn their “Our Rights and Responsibilities” patch is to organize a “Red Ribbon Party” for HIV awareness… complete with “condom cake.” These aren’t your mother’s Girl Scouts.
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  • On March 10, Bryan Kemper informed his readers of the companies donating to Planned Parenthood’s Food Fare in Santa Monica. Bryan now has an update posted on some of the organizations which have withdrawn their support.
  • Instead of acknowledging “Thank an Abortionist Day,” Big Blue Wave declared March 10 “Thank an EX-Abortionist Day.” Included among ex-abortionists is Dr. Bernard Nathanson, last surviving founding member of NARAL:
  • [Economist cover via; Cupcake photo via]

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