Rosie O’Donnell: Money better spent on abortion than foster care
Radio Equalizer heard this on Rosie O’Donnell’s March 15 satellite radio show…
O’Donnell was saying public funding of abortion would eliminate the problem of unwanted children and public funding of foster care… that apparently we have our priorities backward.
Not to mention O’Donnell has adopted several presumably unwanted children. She thinks they would have been better off aborted?
Unknown male: And then you have some, uh, you know, more conservative Democrats that are saying there’s not strong enough language about abortion in it, saying, that, you know, it should be stronger language than you can’t fund abortion with anything that comes through the healthcare bill.
O’Donnell: So you can’t fund abortion with the healthcare bill
Janette Barber (producer): Church and state has really, really been separated.
O’Donnell: So sad, and it’s so scary, but we can pay for all of the unwanted kids and the half-million of them in foster care. I’m for a woman’s right to choose. I’m not so sure that I would be able to choose that, but I’m for a woman’s right to choose.
Barber: That’s what it’s about. It’s not about making anybody do something that they don’t feel is morally right for them. It’s about choice.
[HT: Twitter friend sistertoldjah]

UGH…stupid fat idiot. She really is. Child abuse rates have SKYROCKETED since 1973 when abortion was legalized. You can find that right on the internet in a variety of sources…
Women are still having babies and dumping them in the trash (Ashley Cox) women are still killing their children…how has abortion solved that? Born children are still being killed.
And so to end the scurge of having children in foster care we should kill those same kids before they’re born? HUH?
Rosie claims to just loooove kids so much and be so pro-child and then she says stupid crap like this. Take that sow off the air already.
That’s so sad. Especially coming from an adoptive mother. Besides, abortion is the root of all evil. A lot of kids in Foster care are there because their mothers are substance abusers. Abortion can cause a sober woman to turn to drugs and alcohol. A past abortion can also make women abusive to other kids in the home. It can ruin a womans ability to bond with her other kids. Also, with 40 years of abortion on demand, why are there ANY kids in Foster care at all? I kind of like Rosie, and I USED to think the same way she is currently thinking. That was until I studied the abortion industry and researched what it has done to society. Abortion is destroying us. Just this past week, 2 Cleveland mothers were arrested for killing their children. One little girl was scalded to death and 2 more were starved to death. Abortion gives the message that life is cheap. I guess society is getting the message.
Take Rosie’s children from her! Nothing but disgusting words come out of her mouth. How dare she suggest abortion! I am sure her adopted son means the world to her. I am sure his birth mother wishes she had kept him now, to keep him away from her disgusting pro abortion spew.
Sydney, LOL! Love your post! BTW, I guess Rosie would have to be PC. After all, her BFF Madonna has had 11 abortions, and I have read Madonna quote in her own book “Bringing an unwanted child into the world is only doing a disservice to society.” “Sometimes the decisions we make are sad, but they prove better for society in the end.” I was like, Madonna could have afforded condoms made of gold! Liberals think backwards!
Madonna had 11 abortions/??? I didn’t know. But why am I NOT surprised? Thus Madonna’s ME ME ME attitude to mothering, such as, why not kidnap a designer black baby from Africa? Its the new posh thing to do! Children become objects to be HAD to people like that.
Sydney, yes. Madonna admits that. She even aborted Sean Penn’s baby while they were married. I also read that when Penn remarried and had a baby with Robin Wright, Madonna sent a baby gift with a note that read “Silly Boy, I would have given you a baby.” And Madonna begged Dennis Rodman to impregnate her. It just never happened.
The problem with famous people? They believe that their money and talent puts them in a position to be experts on everything! I was reading that Britney Spears is in deep despair after her own abortion. I’m sure several people in Hollyweird probably told Britney that it would be in her best interest to put off another kid and focus on her career. Poor thing bought the lie.
Rosie is so past her “sell by” date. Sigh.
Maybe Rosie believes that it’s no one’s business to want someone else’s “unwanted” child. Does she believe a child is “unwanted” only if the mother so chooses? Otherwise she would be taken to task for having to decide who she deems to be “unwanted” children. And who is she to label which children are wanted and unwanted?
It’s this ideology that raging liberals make children out to be possessions of the mother, much like a slave.
Although I don’t agree with Ms. O’Donnell, I don’t believe name calling is appropriate.
I think sometimes she doesn’t think things through before she speaks. Sad, really.
And every child is wanted by God, if not by their parents.
There are times I feel that the libs just hate children. I was watching Joy Behar the other day. I wanted to see the story about Kate, Kate from Kate plus 8. I guess she’s on ‘Dancing With The Stars’ now. I must admit, I do watch a lot of TV these days. I am 6 weeks away from my due date, and my back aches so bad. I’m kind of stuck in bed a lot. Anyway, the story was about her “DIVA” behavior on the set. Joy piped up “Give the woman a break.” “Someones got to support all those brats!” I think Joy has a daughter. How would she like someone saying “Someone has to pay for the little bit** to get through college.” I mean, how are the sayings any different?
Although I dislike Rosie, I do not think it is right to call her a “stupid fat idiot.” Roise is very much misguided. Go on her site & email her questions about why she said that.
To give praise where praise is due: Model, Heidi Klum said this: “Pregnancy is a most amazing and wonderful time.” “A beautiful baby results after all the work is done.” “All done through your amazing body.” “It’s a real miracle.” Model/actress Angie Everhart got pregnant at 40. To clarify, Angie stated for the record “This baby was unplanned but not UNWANTED!”
Why do people care so much about what celebrities say and think?
Also, I get tired of hearing about how children in foster care have such terrible lives. A loving, permanent home for a child is always preferable, of course, but there are excellent foster care programs and dedicated foster parents.
“Child abuse rates have SKYROCKETED since 1973 when abortion was legalized. You can find that right on the internet in a variety of sources…”
Which sources are you referring to? Could you provide a link? You do realize that in the last 30 years the reporting of child abuse has increased. This is because schools, in particular, are alert to the symptoms of child abuse in students and are quick to report it to the authorities. Family members are not as willing to keep it secret. The court system has become much attuned to and sympathetic with the victims of abuse. Prior to the 70’s there were few, if any, independent child advocates and (sad to say) many family court judges were from an old, parochial mindset that didn’t see child abuse as a problem – in other words, corporal punishment was a way to discipline the child and sexual abuse was a fantasy on the part of the child because we all know that family members and authority figures would never abuse… Sexual abuse, particuarly by the clergy, was, prior to the 80’s, not routinely reported because (sadly) the victims were not believed. Prior to the 70’s there was just as much child abuse as there is now. One of the reason we have sexual predators is because they, as children, were abused – prior to Roe. And abuse – the punishments meted out to orphans, in Ireland pre 1970 or so, was hideous. Both the Irish government and the Catholic church have issued formal apologies and given compensation to the victims.
One could also argue that if a woman is prone to abusive behavior, it’s better for her to have an abortion. Another sad reality is that we do have a shortage of good foster homes for abused and neglected children. “Unwanted” babies might get adopted; but older children, pulled from abusive parents, spend the rest of their childhood in foster care. Special needs kids are really hard to place. I worked in child welfare so I do know something about abuse and neglect.
What Rosie was saying was that without funding abortions, we will be funding a child welfare apparatus which could be burdened even more without a woman’s right to chose. She didn’t say “money better spent on abortion.” But she is pro-choice and as such, she earns your ire. I get it.
“One could also argue that if a woman is prone to abusive behavior, it’s better for her to have an abortion.”
Man…this reasoning is sooo wrong on many levels, I don’t know where to start…
It is not responsible to be sexually active when you don’t want the baby. Using birth control doesn’t make you responsible if you plan to abort when (not if) your birth control fails. Being responsible means doing what’s right for the baby. But heaven forbid anyone talk about using self-control.
Nope. Child abuse cases are indeed on the rise. This is thanks to pro-aborts and their sick thinking. If abortion is okay, then the message is that children can be discarded. Period! It doesn’t matter what the reason is. Why is Amy Grossberg a free woman? let me remind everyone. Amy was an 18 year old girl back in 1996 who became pregnant. Amy was afraid to tell her parents she’d been sexually active with her steady boyfriend. Amy was in heavy denial about her pregnancy. She had missed 2 periods,but she continued to wrap up maxi pads so her mom wouldn’t question her. Months went by and Amy went off to college. Her BF attended a college nearby.Amy kept the pregnancy hidden. She just kept begging her BF to “Make IT go away.” Her BF scheduled an abortion for her twice, but she refused to go into the building each time he took her. She was afraid she’d get an infection and her mom would find out about the pregnancy. She allowed the pregnancy to go full term. on a November night, Amy went into labor. She called her BF, and he drove her to a hotel. He begged her to go to a hospital. She wouldn’t hear of it. “No.” “My parents will find out.” Amy gave birth to a full term boy. She instructed her BF to grab a trash bag and “Get rid of IT!” He followed orders. He tossed the baby into a dumpster on a frigid night. She cleaned herself up and they left. As they pulled away, Amy inquired “Where did you put it?” Her BF pointed to the dumpster. Satisfied, they pulled off and returned to their respective colleges.
Amy thought nobody would ever find out about the pregnancy. She’d gotten away with it. A self abortion! Just one problem. Amy was suffering from pre eclampsia the entire pregnancy. She collapsed in her dorm the next evening. Her body racked with severe convulsions and seizures. The ambulance came. Amy maintained “I’m fine.” “I’m not going to the hospital.” Her pulse was racing. Her BP was 170/100. She had bitten her tongue and blood was dripping onto her shirt.
Amy finally agreed to go to the hospital. She told the paramedics “Under one condition.” “You don’t tell my parents.” As soon as Amy reached the ER, the questions were fired at her quickly. one of them was “Are you pregnant?” Another “Have you been pregnant?” Amy answered “No.” Then another severe convulsion. Her BP shot up to 210/110. Soon, Amy’s secret was discovered. Doctors looked at her swollen abdomen. A doctor from ob was paged and immediatly recognized the s/s of eclampsia. The placenta stub was then spotted. Amy was coming to. The ER staff began “Where is your baby?” “We know you had a baby, now where is it?” Amy said nothing. The staff was getting angry with her refusal to cooperate. The staff psychiatrist came in next. His face was red with anger “You are not leaving here until you tell us where your baby is!” Amy replied “I don’t know.” The police were called and the rest is history. Now, why did a grown woman only serve 2 years for infanticide?
Heather, that story makes me want to VOMIT.
A child died because someone didn’t want their mommy and daddy to find out something embarassing. How sick and twisted and EVIL. How could she look at her sweet newborn baby boy and not love him? How could she just “get rid of ‘it'”??? And what kind of spineless jellyfish of a so-called “man” would dump his own son into a dumpster?
That little boy deserved a chance. He deserved the BEST. So many adoptive parents would have given anything to love that sweet baby.
Both Amy and her “boyfriend” should have gotten life in prison with no parole. They don’t deserve to live their lives like normal people after they took away the life of their own baby. Sick, sick, sick!!!!
Are Later Children Affected by Abortion?
Liz from Nebraska; how dare you demand that Rosie O’Donnell’s adopted children be taken from her merely because she expressed her pro-choice opinions. This kind of arrogance and presumption is typical of people like you,who think they have the right to tell other women what to do with their bodies.
I don’t buy the notion that child abuse has risen greatly because of legalized abortion either.And if it has, it’s certainly not because of the fact that abortion is legal.
And making it illegal again will inevitably cause a rise in child abuse because of poor unwanted children being born to women who aren’t fit or able to take care of them.
The notion that liberals hate children is just plain ludicrous. And of course, conservatives love children- until they’re born !
My thoughts exactly, army_wife.
Sorry for the double’s acting up.
“O’Donnell was saying public funding of abortion would eliminate the problem of unwanted children and public funding of foster care… that apparently we have our priorities backward.”
But what will eliminate the problem of O’Donnell?
yor bro ken
Once again, Rosie O’Donnell proves her inability to think rationally.
Every time I hear priv’leged folks like these pipe up and talk about how we need abortion for the poor, I want to barf.
HOW has abortion brought poverty, child abuse or neglect to an end for children? If it was a true solution, it would have at least partially worked. Its not a solution.
So, rich women standing up for abortion usually means one thing- standing up for their own abortion(s) and those of their self-absorbed buddies. Because a real look in the mirror hurts too much, they talk about ‘abortion and the poor’.
News flash- rich and poor and everyone in between can come from or be in a home with abuse. IF you care, find solutions to the problems that don’t involve the destruction of innocent victims.
Until then, Artemis- stop speaking for the poor! We don’t trust you and social service phonies when you want us and our offspring dead. We feel your contempt.
I’ve endured your comments for a while- enough! Focus on your own messed up, empty,-turkey basted life, and try again when you can love and help ALL of us, including our fetuses (offspring)!!!
Artemis says, ‘One could also argue that if a woman is prone to abusive behavior, it’s better for her to have an abortion.’
A woman PRONE to abusive behavior? Do you mean prone to being abused or abusing?
No mention of how you would help her with her behavior. No mention of solving the abuse problem.
Gee, sounds like some death fairy floating around,
Abortion will solve it! Abortion will solve everything, my dearie!
Posted by: Robert Berger at March 17, 2010 4:49 PM
“The notion that liberals hate children is just plain ludicrous. And of course, conservatives love children- until they’re born !”
You liberal humanists are only interested in seeing prenatal children who are ‘predisposed’ to liberalism/humanism nutured and protected.
The children who signs of resistance to your indoctrination are expendable.
You see all people except yourselves as a threat to your ‘quality of life’, if not your very existence.
You are self deluded morons who arrogate unto yourselves to power to decide who measure up to your relativistic standards and who does not.
If you really believed the gospel you preach you would already recycled yourself and taken a couple of your less equal comrads with you.
yor bro ken
Focus on your own messed up, empty,-turkey basted life, and try again when you can love and help ALL of us, including our fetuses (offspring)!!!
Posted by: Mary Ann at March 17, 2010 5:16 PM
Why are you “projecting” that my life is messed up? Is that what you think or what you want my life to be like? There is an argument here beyond ad-hominems. And yes, there are many successful folks who come from an abusive background. But in order to move beyond the abuse, it takes years and years of therapy – and sometimes even that doesn’t help. Thankfully, we have child welfare agencies to step in to make the interventions. But if a woman is living in poverty, and she can’t afford to bear another child, she should not be forced to bear that child. Because that, I believe, reduces women to the role of “breeders” and, as such, shows utter contempt for them. As a retired social service professional, I support a woman’s choice to either have a child or not. And if she has that child and needs assistance, she is fully entitled to the full range of any social services that can be provided for her.
But once again, Mary Ann – nice to see that you can’t argue your point without the totally baseless insults. And despite what you think, not all “rich women” regret their abortions. Sorry.
A rage-filled lesbian who stands for slaughtering children. That’s her talent.
That’s Rosie. Not so Rosy.
Let’s move on. She’s had more air time than she deserves.
Abortion Trauma and Child Abuse
“Experts agree that during past the 25 years the rate of child abuse has increased dramatically. Between 1976 and 1987, alone, there was a 330% increase in the reported cases of child abuse. While a portion of this increase is due to better reporting, experts agree that these figure reflect a real trend toward ever higher rates of abuse.”
Robert Berger: “The notion that liberals hate children is just plain ludicrous. And of course, conservatives love children- until they’re born !”
WTF does that mean? No, really: back up your assertion with facts. Which conservatives are advocating the killing of newborns, toddlers, eight-year-olds, and adolescents?
“The notion that liberals hate children is just plain ludicrous. And of course, conservatives love children- until they’re born !”
Oh that’s right Robert Berger… I forgot that after all of my children were born, I sent them away because I love children but only until they’re born! Yeah, and I love the baby I’m pregnant with now but as soon as he’s born, I guess he’s out of luck! *rolling eyes big time* I love how you guys just like to pull stuff out of nowhere and pretend it’s true with no substantiation whatsoever.
When pro-lifers say pro-abortionists don’t like children, we at least have evidence. They advocate KILLING them, for goodness sake.
Robert, I guess you’re right man. I’m a conservative so I guess the hard work needs to be done.
I’ll kick my three kids out tonight. I better tell the special needs students I teach tomorrow how much I really hate them and that our world would be in better shape had they been aborted. You got room?
I must be getting senile because I remember being promised by the liberals that abortion would stop child abuse. Something on the order of “Every Child Wanted” Maybe I will be able to think clearer when the kids are gone. . . .
Robert despises the poor and the only solution he can come up with is to kill them. Kill all of the poor children lest they grow up to be poor and hungry and have poor, hungry children of their own. You hate them. Own it.
Do not raise a finger to help them, Robert. Do not give to the thousands of organizations or charities that actually offer real help. Organizations that many of us donate to. Do not part with your money to be the solution and not the problem. Just focus on one word. Kill.
Robert is a man without hope.
I have to say I think that you are taking what Rosie said out of context. To me it seems as though she is not saying that babies should be aborted rather than go into foster care, I may be wrong but I think that what she is saying is that the choice to abort a baby is not being respected as much as the choice to put a child into foster care is, and it seems that she does not believe it is the right of the state to decide which ,perfectly legal, choice has more worth. I also think it is important to mention that she also implies here that she herself would not get an abortion, and simply thinks that people should have freedom of choice.