About face: Lilith Fair dumps pregnancy care centers as charities but keeps maternity homes
Net gain for the sanctity of preborn human life.
I reported March 31 that despite pro-abort pressure, Lilith Tour organizers had decided to keep several pregnancy care centers and maternity homes on its list of prospective women’s charities to receive proceeds from its multi-city concert tour this summer.
Well, that lasted a whole blink of an eye….
On April 2 Lilith reversed itself, scrubbing several pregnancy cares centers from the list… but also NARAL North Carolina… lol… for not fitting into its revised criteria.
I never expected pccs to ultimately win the coveted $1 per ticket sales in their cities. Voting rules state that while fans will narrow choices down to the top 3, pro-abort Lilith organizers will pick the winners. Stacked deck.
But I did find it interesting that Lilith organizers included 3 pccs and 4* maternity homes in the 1st place, while only including 2 abortion organizations. Here’s the revised list:
PCCs/maternity homes:
A Beacon of Hope Women’s Center, Atlanta, GA
Life Centers, Indianapolis, IN
Maggie’s Place (maternity home), Phoenix, AZ
Metro Women’s Center, Minneapolis, IN
Mother’s Refuge (maternity home), Kansas City, MO
New Beginnings Home* (maternity home/adoption ministry), Seattle, WA
Our Lady’s Inn (maternity home/children’s shelter), St. Louis, MO
The Haven of Grace (maternity home), St. Louis, MO
Abortion mills/organizations:
Feminist Women’s Health Center, Atlanta, GA
(NARAL) Pro Choice North Carolina, Raleigh, NC
(*Lilith incorrectly linked to New Beginnings Home but now links to New Beginnings, a domestic violence shelter.)
Somehow Lila Rose and I became part of the story along the way…
Like I said, I never anticipated pccs would ultimately benefit from Lilith Tour’s charity donations. I just thought pro-lifers should vote to make a statement.
Bottom line? Lilith Tour’s original inclusion of pccs as charities was a good weird, a momentarily hopeful sign that feminists might be starting to live up to their “pro-choice” moniker.
But I commend Lilith organizers for remaining open to donating ticket proceeds to maternity homes. This is indeed a pro-life inroad as well as an area of discomfort for pro-aborts.
Meanwhile it has been fun watching those pro-aborts get themselves all worked up about the pccs.

They dropped NARAL NC?.. Wow… I’m so happy they kept at least some maternity homes.. It’s as it should be. With money “possibly?” going to help women and the childen they CHOSE to have. Also, it floored me when I saw the ultra low amount of votes for helping women in domestic abuse situations, as compared to the abortion mill votes. I thought pro-choice cared about women.
justsnapd8, I was surprised as you were regarding the low number of votes for domestic abuse shelters.
But maybe, being so-called “feminists,” they shy away from anything with “domestic” in the title…
Lilith was a demon.
I went to Lilith in Orlando ’98. They raised nearly $10K for Spouse Abuse, Inc.
The abortion-tweeter might benefit from the 2-hour drive to get to there.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, and I just wrote a story about this for the Pro-Life organization I intern for. It just went up around 6-ish central time…..and then they HAD to go and remove the CPC’s. Bother.
“pro-choice cared about women”
I think that line should be finished with “ONLY if it advances the liberal agenda”
Think about it…these femi-nazi’s scream and shout that women CAN work as well as men, that women CAN do anything they want, it’s about EMPOWERING women..etc, etc…
BUT when it comes to the ONE thing that ONLY women can do (ie…get pregnant and give birth to a child)…the femi-nazi’s are saying women CAN’T do this and women will be POWERLESS if they go though with the pregnancy, give birth and raise the child..etc…etc..
Yeah..that’s caring….in Bizarro world.