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by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

  • 2 Seconds Faster reports on new legal challenges to bills passed in the OK House. The Center for Reproductive Rights is (of course) opposed to the bills which ban sex-selection abortions, allow freedom of conscience for health care workers, and state that only physicians should be allowed to administer the chemical abortion drug RU-486….

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  • Americans United for Life has a series of posts in honor of Women’s History Month. This one deals with the abortion industry’s brainwashing rhetoric and with the off-label, dangerous uses of RU-486.
  • Dr. Gerard Nadal has an article on the increasing use of euthanasia by family members in order to decrease their own suffering.
  • Fr. Frank Pavone begins a series on “Why Abortion Breaks all the Commandments.”
  • [Photo via]

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