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Here, all these years I had no idea Human Life International did not have an American affiliate!…

euteneuer giroux.pngNow to learn one of my favorite people, Fr. Thomas Euteneuer, president of HLI, is teaming up with another of my favorite people, Jenn Giroux, new exec. dir. of HLI America, is great news.
More great news is HLI America’s focus: “A new initiative aimed at confronting contraception and the culture of death throughout the United States,” quoting Fr. Euteneuer from the press statement.
Continued Fr. Euteneuer, “HLI is present in over 100 countries around the world. This new American initiative highlights what is true in both our personal lives and on the world stage – namely that ‘protecting life begins at home’. Led by Jenn Giroux, HLI America will bring Americans the truth about human life, the beauty of children and the devastating and harmful effects of contraception in America.”
HLI America’s 1st project will be to “produc[e] the most up-to-date materials on the link between contraception and abortion, the often unseen effects of these assaults on women and the family, and the many health risks of contraceptive use,” according to the statement.
Jenn is mother to 9 beautiful kids and is a registered nurse. Before joining HLI America, Jenn headed Women Influencing the Nation and has appeared often in national media, including CNN, FOX, and MSNBC.
Go HLI America!

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