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by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

  • ProWomanProLife points to a recent study showing a link between abortion and drug/alcohol abuse among women, along with other mental health conditions such as mood disorders….
  • In a piece entitled, “My brother’s birth trumps her mother’s abortion,”Rai’s Mundo (new and welcome pro-life blogger on our blogroll!) draws attention to a woman’s story of how her mother’s abortion improved her family’s lives, in stark contrast to Rai’s own family story. If abortion supposedly makes one a better mother, one has to ask, “to which baby?”
  • Christina at Real Choice reminds us “kids [with Down Syndrome] are so scary that we as a society consider it acceptable to accidentally kill 3 genetically standard kids in order to weed out 1…” She links to a 2007 study which shows the high risk of miscarriage associated with amniocentesis, and the large number of healthy babies that are lost in these “search and destroy” missions to identify unborn children with DS.
  • The LTI blog links to a Daily Beast article in which Stephen Farber laments the lack of pro-abortion movies (such as the upcoming Greenberg, starring Ben Stiller – see pro-abort review here) in comparison to movies like Juno and Knocked Up, and believes this is the reason more Americans now consider themselves “pro-life.” [JLS note: Greenberg has been out 7 weeks and grossed just shy of $4 million at the box office, pretty pathetic.]
  • Bryan Kemper gives a “shout out” to the winners of the pro-life Campus Impact Awards.
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