UPDATE, 9:25a: A high up source tells me GOP senators plan to bring up today Kagan’s collusion with ACOG to rewrite its medical opinion of partial-birth abortion.

The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology is well-known in pro-life circles to be radically pro-abortion.
For instance, ACOG supports the most heinous of all abortion practices, partial-birth abortion. When in 2007 the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the partial-birth abortion ban of 2003, ACOG released an indignant statement, which read, in part:
“Today’s decision… is shameful and incomprehensible to those of us who have dedicated our lives to caring for women,” said Douglas W. Laube, MD, MEd, ACOG president. “It leaves no doubt that women’s health in America is perceived as being of little consequence.
“… The Supreme Court’s action today, though stunning, in many ways isn’t surprising given the current culture in which scientific knowledge frequently takes a back seat to subjective opinion,” he added.

How admirable of ACOG to stand on the principle of “scientific knowledge” in the face of “subjective opinion,” which overwhelmingly thought sucking out the brains and collapsing the skulls of almost-delivered late-term babies was gross.

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But as it turns out, ACOG is the grandest of frauds.
It has just come to light through the process of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan’s confirmation hearing that in 1996 ACOG let the Clinton White House, via then-associate counsel Elena Kagan, write its medical opinion of the partial-birth abortion procedure….

Continue reading my column today, “Exposed! Kagan’s partial-birth abortion scheme,” at WorldNetDaily.com.
[Photo via UPI]

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