There’s a good Politico piece this morning entitled, “Abortion groups caught off guard.” For starters I was happy Politico omitted “rights” after “Abortion,” a word that gives pro-aborts a psychological edge.
Multiple topics were covered in the article, so I’m going to write 2 or 3 separate posts. The following excerpts focus on the deflated pro-abort movement:
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Anti-abortion groups leapt into action last month when the National Right to Life Committee warned that elective abortions would be covered under a PA insurance program created by the health care reform law….

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The Susan B. Anthony List and the Family Research Council blasted the news to the media and supporters. NRLC began scouring other state plans for similar provisions. Top congressional Republicans sent a letter of protest to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
And within a day, the anti-abortion groups got what they wanted: a nationwide ban on coverage for most elective abortions in the so-called high-risk insurance pools, a position reaffirmed in a HHS regulation released on Thursday.
Abortion rights advocates were caught completely off-guard.

Planned Parenthood and NARAL didn’t publicly petition HHS until after the new ban was imposed. And it took sympathetic Democrats on the Hill a full 10 days to write a letter expressing disappointment with the HHS — and even then, they were so squeamish about the issue that they never even used the word “abortion” in their protest.
For abortion rights advocates, the HHS episode was both a reminder of the health reform battle they lost and a warning about the risks ahead: Having a president on their side doesn’t mean they can sit back and expect success….
“We’re stuck in a slow backpedal,” said Laura MacCleery, government relations director for the Center for Reproductive Rights….
Even with many allies in Washington, reproductive rights groups have not found the city particularly hospitable. All the reproductive health groups that Politico spoke with said they were not consulted on the decision to bar elective abortion coverage in the high-risk pools.
“I don’t see any evidence that there is a willingness to fight for important principles about access by women to constitutionally protected abortion services,” MacCleery said…
Obama has been a strong defender of reproductive rights….
But Obama’s signature legislative accomplishment – the health care reform law he signed in March – was a mixed bag for abortion rights groups….
On abortion, though, advocates have been bitterly disappointed. The health care reform law settled on a system under which insurers that cover elective abortion on the public exchange would be required to collect 2 payments from all subscribers: one for abortion coverage, another for everything else. Advocates criticize the requirement as overly burdensome and as a strong disincentive for abortion coverage….
The administration’s decision to disallow abortion coverage in the high-risk pools and the lethargic response of the staunchest abortion rights defenders in Congress have left activists frustrated….
Reproductive rights groups are trying to remain optimistic. “There are some disappointments, but I think overall he has been a wonderful president for us,” says PP’s [Laurie] Rubiner, [VP for public policy]. “Nothing is perfect, right?”
But where pro-life groups are bullish – NRLC has released a 7-point plan on where it expects the abortion battle to flare – pro-choice groups sound skittish.

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