Oh, please. Planned Parenthood staff get counseling for dead infant found on doorstep?
Only in this crazy world where we pretend abortion clinics don’t kill children would an otherwise tragic news story include these absurd lines:
Reed said this is the first time that a dead infant has been placed outside of a Planned Parenthood office in North Carolina. She said counseling was being made available to employees who came to work Saturday.
(Speaking was Melissa Reed, VP of policy for PP in Raleigh.)
Backstory: A dead newborn baby girl was found in a blue storage bin outside the Winston-Salem Planned Parenthood abortion mill (pictured above right) early in the morning on September 4.
NC has an infant abandonment law that allows parents to drop off newborns up to 7 days old at various “safe havens,” including “nonprofit community health center[s],” which I’m guessing include PPs.
The baby was born alive, according to authorities, about 3 weeks premature, and found wearing a diaper, dressed in a onesie, and wrapped in a blanket.
Although it will take 3 weeks to determine the cause of death, I’m guessing the baby died of hypothermia after being dropped off at the PP by a well-intentioned but ignorant mother, probably young.
But back to PP, why in the world would staff need counseling in the death of a born baby when they routinely abort babies into the 2nd trimester and not to worry, “can still help” mothers pregnant beyond 16 weeks with abortion referrals?
So had the mother of this dead born baby come to the Winston-Salem PP only one day prior for an abortion, the same staff would have helped her get one.
The “counseling was being made available” was a line of bull. I’m confident in actuality PP does not want employees to explore their feelings about dead babies.
Please tell me the safe haven law does not list PP as one of the options to drop off a live baby!! Surely not.
From what I’ve read elsewhere, I don’t believe PP is a legal safe haven, no. I believe the safe haven laws also require that a living child be delivered, in person, to an on duty staff person (say at a hospital), under which circumstances the parent may then leave without being questioned about anything, including their name. So, really a bad reading of the law all around.
Planned Peoplekillers is a sick minded bunch. Do the writers of this article really not see the irony of this piece, or do they really believe that the readers of this article are that mislead?
Never mind, I see that Jill has found the language of the statute. It does say that the baby must be left with a “responsible adult.”
That poor child. That poor mother. The child was wrapped carefully up. Holy Mary, have mercy on us all.
It is too psychotic to comprehend.
While I still don’t understand why they’d need counseling…this particular PP does not actually do surgical abortions. They do prescribe the morning after pill, but the closest mills are in Charlotte (3 of them….1 where our family ministers weekly). So, these particular employees might not have ever seen dead babies. Not that I don’t see the irony in this…I do!
The more I know people, the more I love my cats . . .
They do do abortions.
I wonder if they would allow Jill to pick the counselor?
No, I promise…This *particular* facility in Winston Salem only does chemical abortions (morning after pill, etc.), NOT surgical. Trust me…our family is heavily involved in prolife ministry at an abortion mill in Charlotte, which is 90 minutes from *this* PP. Both the Winston Salem PP and the Charlotte PP do not do surgical abortions…only chemical. We counsel moms WEEKLY who come from that area to Charlotte to obtain surgical abortions. Yes, PP’s do surgical abortions (they’re the largest abortion provider in the nation), but all I’m saying is that they do not see aborted babies at that facility, because they only give out abortion pills, and do not perform surgical procedures. Not that any of this makes it any less confusing as to why they need counseling…they’re still selling murder.
Lisa Metzger
Poor little kid. On the other hand, counseling for PP employees? Wow, we really have woken up in Bizarro World.
It seems an odd choice on the mother’s part. She may have not understood that Planned Parenthood was not a haven for tiny human beings.
Google Maps shows that there is a medical center very close to the PP (It looks to be a few blocks away.). Why the baby wasn’t left there instead is a mystery to me.
Wouldn’t it be something if they sent a pro-life grief counselor to a PP!
Lisa, I believe you, but this clinic does advertise that it commits in-house surgical abortions: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-center/centerDetails.asp?f=2845
I’ve found the perfect therapist:
LOL Gerry! You’re bad *grins*
This baby was in diapers and a onsie. Evidently that makes all the difference.
Oh my gosh! This is the planned parenthood I called when I was pregnant with my first child that told me they couldn’t help me with any prenatal care, but could certainly give me an abortion!
What a horrible story all around.
Hospital, Fire station, Police station.. and she drops a newborn off at an abortion mill? “well-intentioned but ignorant mother”.. ignorant definately, well-intentioned? Give me a break!
This is the most ridiculous thing yet: “Counseling” for those that work for an organization which KILLS more BABIES than anyone else. Who do they think they’re fooling ? Like what do they THINK happens in those mills every day ?
That’s like offering counseling to workers in a slaughterhouse when they see a dead cow.
Oh yes…lets all feel pity for these poor abortion clinic workers. Give me a break.
The counselors would likely have been happy to “provide” counseling to Hitler and Stalin. For a fee, of course.
I don’t believe many people in the general public are aware of what Planned Parenthood actually does and is. Often in the media they are portrayed as an organization that provides care for women, often poor women, but their status as abortion advocates/ providers is frequently concealed or downplayed. It’s very possible the mother knew nothing more about them than this. All the more reason why we need to expose their true nature and work to educate the public about the deaths of unborn children and the abuse and exploitation of women and girls that takes place at PP.
I came across this article quite by accident. I never post on blogs or anything else of this type, but this really floored me.
All I can say is that we need to pray the Rosary daily and pray the “Our Father” daily for these people. They are so sick! How on earth could anyone that works in a place that murders human beings become upset or disturbed by the sight of a dead baby (although I really hope they were upset and disturbed; then maybe there is hope for them!).
I hope the Lord our God provides a God loving and God fearing counselor for these people to see; maybe their life will be changed for the better because of this.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph keep us safe!