A furor erupted in Catholic circles 2 days ago over a campaign postcard the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party mailed this week. Click all images to enlarge…

On its face the postcard appears to accuse Catholic priests of ignoring the poor, a charge even politically unsavvy people would find weird, I think.

A politically savvy person would surmise DFL is attacking the Catholic Church for opposing  Obamacare, although politically savvy people also know it did so because Obamacare allows taxpayer funded abortions.

My Catholic friends immediately accused DFL of Catholic bashing. On October 26 Donald McFarland, communications director for DFL, issued a statement of denial:

The ad is part of a two-piece mailing that highlights and criticizes the policy views of Dan Hall, a preacher who is the Republican candidate for the MN Senate. I enclose both sides of both pieces. I understand that some Republican bloggers have taken one image from the first piece, and claimed that the mail is somehow anti-Catholic. But the text explicitly criticizes Preacher Hall for distancing himself from policy views that have been taken by the Catholic Archdiocese, by the Lutheran Synod, and other leaders in MN’s faith community. Dan Hall is willing to enlist God and religion in his campaign when it helps him – but in fact, his views hurt the poorest and sickest among us, and this mailing holds him accountable for those views.

Then I saw the back of the postcard last night, and it was my turn as a Protestant to get mad…

What purpose does all the “Preacher Dan Hall” references serve other than to try to pigeonhole Republican state senate candidate Dan Hall as a religious zealot as well as strongly imply religious leaders have no place in politics?

It turns out Hall is a state senate volunteer chaplain who attends the Assemblies of God affiliated River Valley Church in Apple Valley.

DFL ignorance about the Protestant faith is glaring. Evangelical pastors don’t wear a collar; only pastors from liturgical Protestant faiths do. And in my entire life I’ve never heard anyone entitle their pastor “Preacher” anything. That’s a hick term.

Of course DFL is ignorant of the Catholic faith, too. Here’s another of its mailers opposing Dan Hall that is quite the religious mash-up…

And yet another offensive mailer…

Bottom line: It is ridiculous for an organization that supports murdering preborn children to accuse anyone of ignoring the poor, but particularly leaders of the Christian faith. Since our inception 2,000 years ago they have spearheaded care for the poor. Furthermore, it is well-known that conservatives are more generous givers than liberals.

I wish someone would create a big fat anti-DFL postcard with a glaring photo of an aborted baby on the front wearing a button “<s>Ignore</s>Kill the Poor.”

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