An Arizona law passed over a decade ago to protect aborting mothers from unsafe and unskilled practitioners finally takes effect today.

Dubbed “Lou Anne’s Law,” the legislation was adopted in 1999 following the April 17, 1998, death of Lou Anne Herron at the hand of late-term abortion hack John Biskind, pictured right at his 2001 trial for which he was convicted to 5 years in prison for manslaughter.

Among other guidelines, Lou Anne’s Law stipulates that:

  • A doctor is the only one who may commit a surgical abortion.
  • The aborting doctor must have admitting privileges at an accredited hospital in case of an emergency.
  • The aborting doctor must remain on the clinic premises until all patients are stable and ready to be discharged.

The kicker? These regulations were “drawn from the abortion industry’s own internal standards,” as AUL’s Denise Burke wrote. How could the industry protest? Yet it did.

We now know it is no wonder Planned Parenthood of Arizona took the lead vehemently fighting to kill Lou Anne’s Law.

In 2007 it was revealed – only after a complaint was filed – that Tucson PP nurse practitioner Mary Andrews had been committing abortions through 16 weeks since 2001.

The pro-abortion AZ Board of Nurses ultimately dismissed all charges against Andrews, instead voting in 2008 to allow nurses to commit abortions up to 13 weeks gestation.

Furthermore, a conglomerate of abortion groups began conducting legal research in 2000 of 10 states, including AZ, to pursue allowing not just nurse practitioners but also midwives and physician assistants to commit abortions.

According to the Arizona Daily Star at the time, “Nothing in state law specifically spells out that only doctors can terminate a pregnancy.”

Now it does. PP tried to stop enforcement of the law, stating there weren’t enough abortionists to keep up with demand.

Maricopa Co. Superior Court Judge Donald Daughton ruled October 27 that was PP’s problem, not the state’s.

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