Shock: Planned Parenthood poll finds people love it and hate Sarah Palin
Yesterday Politico ran a story, entitled, “Poll: Sarah Palin not trustworthy on abortion,” a factoid it reiterated even before getting to the story with its photo caption…
But the more accurate title would have been, “Poll commissioned by United States’ largest abortion provider and conducted by Democrat poll company: Sarah Palin not trustworthy on abortion.” Ok, that’s a little long, but it would have prepared the reader for the obvious upcoming spin:
The survey, conducted for Planned Parenthood by Democratic pollster Hart Research Associates, found that just 24% of registered voters choose Sarah Palin as trustworthy on women’s health issues, versus 54% who consider PP trustworthy.
I can’t believe this was even reported as news. I tweeted PP CEO Cecile Richards, “Let c the ?s, %Dems/GOP.”
Of course Richards never answers me on Twitter, but I was making a point. The way poll questions are framed and the demographics of respondents are the 2 critical points in establishing credibility of results. And I can find neither on this poll anywhere.
Politico reported, “The poll reached 802 voters split evenly across party lines,” but where is the evidence? How were respondents asked about their party affiliation? How many identified themselves as pro-life vs pro-abortion? How many women were polled vs men?
And Politico only reported 1 question verbatim, “Whom do you trust more to represent your views on women’s health issues?,” which was the only question released in Hart’s report….
Even the Daily Kos admitted, “Considering that Planned Parenthood commissioned the poll, it must be taken with a grain of salt… that said, it’s a pretty funny grain of salt.” I agree.
I wondered how many other news outlets would carry PP’s propaganda, and only 1 did, to my knowledge – surprise, MSNBC.
The questions for PP are: If Sarah Palin is so outside the mainstream on abortion, why continue to obsess about her? If your poll results are true, why not keep them quiet and hope Palin sinks the entire Republican Party by running for president in 2012?
The reality is everyday people like the Palins. Unfunny and vulgar comedienne Kathy Griffin recently discovered this when attempting to mock Bristol during a show before the US Marines. As reported on Fox yesterday, they booed her…
Why do Americans like the Palins? Because they identify with them, which scares the pants off liberals. As Timothy Dalrymple wrote at Patheos yesterday:
The loving and loathing, at least for most, have little to do with her past or her policies. They have to do with her persona. For the populist Right, Sarah Palin is a personification of all that is still good about America: rugged individualism and bootstrapping success, toughness and pluck, firm devotion to Christian family values, a commitment to the cause of life, and the kind of folk wisdom that cannot be gained through graduate degrees but is packaged in common sense and reinforced through the experience of a hardscrabble life….
For the cultural elitists on the Left, Palin lacks everything they pride themselves on possessing, possesses everything they pride themselves on scorning, and stands for everything they pride themselves on opposing. She lacks cosmopolitan tastes and elite university credentials, a well-worn passport and fluency in foreign tongues, a blueblood vocabulary and literary speech patterns, not to mention a fashionable address and a vacation home on Martha’s Vineyard. She possesses a beauty-queen title and the wrong kind of good looks, a large brood of lily-white children with outdoorsy names like Track and Piper, a commoner’s cadence and a steady supply of you-betcha folksy phrases, and a background in conservative white evangelical and even Pentecostal churches. And she stands for the defense of the unborn, for heterosexual marriage, for premarital abstinence, for the extraction of our natural resources, for small government and second amendment rights, for conservative Judeo-Christian traditions and for American exceptionalism.
Exactly, corroborated liberal Richard Cohen at WashPo yesterday:
The spectacular interest in Palin comes not, as you might imagine, from her fans on the political right….. [It] comes from the left…. Again, why?…
Two reasons. The first is that the left is sincerely mystified by Palin. It finds it hard to understand how someone so clearly clueless about so much could possibly be considered a presidential candidate. The left, you see, has long thought that there ought to be some connection between intelligence or learning and the right to govern. This helps explain its infatuation with Barack Obama, who, along with his wife, is accredited by no less than four Ivy League institutions….
The second reason is much more ominous. The left just doesn’t get America. I say this as a fellow-traveler of liberalism and as one who recognizes that many liberals fear the heartland. They see it as a dark place of primitive religions and too many guns. For such a person, Palin is the perfect personification of the unknown and feared Ugly American who will emerge from the heartland to seize Washington, turning off all the lights and casting America into darkness. The left does not merely disagree with the right; it fears it.

The deranged liberals are all so busy playing Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals #13 on Sarah Palin that they forget most of the US population are onto this vile tactic, and are rejecting it’s use. Sarah is well aware that the tactic has a serious flaw and she’s exploiting that.
That flaw? The deranged liberals are forgetting Alinsky rule #1: Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.
Anyone who thinks Sarah Palin is “so clearly clueless about so much” hasn’t been paying attention for the last, oh, year and a half. She may have had some knowledge gaps during the 2008 election – though not as many as leftist media would have you believe – but she’s clearly been studying up on America’s role as a foreign power, which I think was the only major area where she needed work back in 2008.
Every time Democrats insult Sarah Palin for her perceived “flaws”, they’re insulting millions of Americans. “She has an accent!” Newsflash, brainiacs, so does everyone. “She goes hunting!” Yeah, so do my uncles and cousins, and so did my late grandfather. My fourteen-year-old cousin shot her first deer a few weeks ago. “She purposely gave birth to a baby who’s never going to go to an Ivy League college!” My God, the horror. “Her daughter got pregnant as a teenager!” So did the birth parents of a lot of the adopted Korean kids I went to school with. “She talks about religious belief as playing a role in the founding of America!” Go read some historical documents, people. “She’s just some woman who started out in local government!” So is my mom. “She went to several different colleges!” My boyfriend will have gone to three by the time he graduates this spring. Et cetera, et cetera.
Why is it always so conveniently overlooked by the liberals and gov’t controlled media that no one is more unqualified for the presidency than the present occupant of the White House? The American people voted for charisma, not competence.
As if this isn’t bad enough, we have to realize our enemies recognize incompetence and ineffectiveness when they see it as well. That’s what really scares me.
Mary, someone emailed me: Remember that couple that crashed the Whitehouse? They’re still there! Lol!
Actually, this was the first presidential election where I heard formerly intelligent friends declare that they were “fans” of Obama. I think that says a lot.
When I think of Palin and Obama I think of this quote from PEGGY NOONAN:“In a president, CHARACTER is everything. A president doesn’t have to be brilliant… He doesn’t have to be clever; you can hire clever… You can hire pragmatic, and you can buy and bring in policy wonks. But you can’t buy courage and decency, you can’t rent a strong moral sense. A president must bring those things with him… He needs to have, in that much maligned word, but a good one nonetheless, a “vision” of the future he wishes to create.. But a vision is worth little if a president doesn’t have the character– the courage and heart– to see it through.”
Palin has it, plain and simple character.
Obama detests it.
Hi Ninek,
I hear you. I was surprised the professional people I knew that did everything but kiss the guy’s…uh..feet. Though I’m sure they were prepared to kill that as well had the opportunity present itself. As I said, I’ve stopped wondering how such intelligent, cultured, and educated people as the Germans could be so mesmerized and led to their destruction by an Austrian street thug.
Also Ninek, about those “crashers”. That’s a pile of horse dung. They were allowed in by some Obama flunkie, with Obama or Michelle’s blessing and when all you- know-what broke loose were left hanging in the breeze. They have been ordered to keep quiet, go through the motions, and not name names. Just try pulling what they did at your nearest airport, much less the White House. I don’t buy any of this for a minute.
Another one was Air Force One scaring the daylights of New Yorkers by flying low over the city. Some low level flunky took the flak for “ordering” AF1 in the air without authorization, as if some low level flunky can do this. I believe it was the Discovery Channel that had an episode on what must be done before AF1 even leaves the ground but apparently there are people stupid enough not to question the “official” explanation. Our gov’t run media of course raised no serious questions about this.
I don’t trust Palin. I liked her until she quit the governor’s office. Then I lost all respect for her. Typical politician trying to free herself up to be president. BLECH. What about all those voters who contributed to her campaign, worked to elect her and voted for her? She’s just gonna ditch the job? What a quitter! I don’t like her anymore. plain and simple. She is just like all the rest. They’re all liars. I am sick of all of them.
And Bristol was pretty chubby (not that I’m not too since becoming a mom) and she danced horribly. She put herself out there in the public arena so she’ll just have to take the cheap shots.
Why is Kathy Griffin even still around? She is so obnoxious. Her voice alone drives me to convulsions. And I’ve never heard her say anything even remotely funny. she is like a train wreck.
From what I have read she quit the governorship due to all of the frivolous lawsuits that were brought while she was running for VP. She didn’t want to put the people of AK through that. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
I appreciate that she is “real.” She is a real wife and mom that has experienced miscarriage. When I met her I made her cry by handing her the precious feet pin and said it was in memory of her baby. She got tears in her eyes and then showed the pin to Todd.
I admire that she has a husband, family, career and got it all without killing any of her children by abortion.
She is unafraid, she has conviction and purpose and vision. That scares libs.
The left does not merely disagree with the right; it fears it.
This is so very true. I’ve got a hobby where I’m frequently inundated by liberals, and there really is a climate of fear when people are talking about the right wing. They are observably terrified by conservatives, and that bothers me for a lot of reasons, not simply the ones mentioned in the article. When you’re living, quite literally, in fear of people who disagree with you, what motivation do you have to get out of your echo chamber? And if you don’t, who could possibly keep you intellectually honest?
I’ve never met her. All I can say is how I feel watching her and seeing her quit her job was a big thing for me. Maybe she is genuine as can be. I don’t know. But my gut says she’s not trustworthy so I listen to my gut.
PP (and its radical feminist allies) fudge results of a poll? Say it aint so? lol
RH Reeality Check is trying to exploit this sham of a poll for all that it is worth:
i knew it. Some folks just can’t handle shooting caribou.
Sydney, I’m totally with you on Sarah Palin. I didn’t have such a high opinion of her to begin with, but quitting her job mid-term struck me as very selfish and irresponsible.
I’ll say I like Sarah Palin more than Planned Genocide. But frankly, I’d much prefer to elect Michelle Duggar as president before Sarah Palin. Michelle Duggar is way awesome, and after raising 19 kids, I’ll bet running the country would be a cinch.
From what I have read she quit the governorship due to all of the frivolous lawsuits that were brought while she was running for VP. She didn’t want to put the people of AK through that. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
You’re right. It was costing her millions of dollars in legal fees to defend herself, and by legal necessity it was taking up too much of her time. She thought Alaska deserved a governor who could devote more time to leading the state.
I can’t fault Palin too much for quitting when she did. She had a newborn and new grandchild. She was smart enough to know when to say, “enough is enough, my family needs me and they come first”.
Scientifically, this poll is suspect because Hart and PP have not released the internals. Results make good copy, but results are only as valid as the methodology employed.
Try as I might, I cannot track down the internals on this poll. How were the women selected?
Who are these women?
Age groups?
Political backgrounds and whether they fit criteria as likely voters or registered voters?
Exact wording of the questions?
Sequence of the questions?
Measure of tendency to respond in a socially desirable manner?
Oversampling of liberals vs. conservatives?
All of these matter, and a good research company releases their internals. I don’t see that here, and that casts a long shadow over the data.
What I could find regarding this poll is that the respondents were 802 registered voters, according to a memo from Hart Research Associates to “Interested Parties” found at Planned Parenthood
Sarah Palin didn’t quit because she didn’t care about her responsiblities as Governor- she did it because the frivolous ethics complaints were costing her money and preventing her from governing. She personally had to pay $500,000 in legal fees and the last complaint was about the organization set-up to collect donations for legal fees so she couldn’t access donations. All the complaints were dismissed and no wrong-doing was found on ANY counts. She left the state in the hands of her Lt. Gov. and the staff could now do real work. She left not knowing if anyone would buy her book or hire her for punditry, but she did it because it was best for Alaska. The taxpayers also had to pay $ to evaluate the claims. It takes character to do what’s best for your constituents at the cost of being called a quitter by those who like cheap shots.
“From what I have read she quit the governorship due to all of the frivolous lawsuits that were brought while she was running for VP. She didn’t want to put the people of AK through that. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.”
Sorry Carla, and the rest of you, she’s just a quitter.
The cost of the complaints was never in the millions. The total cost
was actually less than $300,000; $296,000, with 63 percent of $187,797
being the result of Palin’s “complaint against herself” in the Troopergate probe; trying to undermine the independent legislative
panel investigation by filing complaint with Personnel Board.
Despite belittling Obama supporters as cult-like, you guys seem to have fallen for half term Governor Palin hook, line and sinker.
Hal – Sarah didn’t quit on Trig. I’ll leave it at that.
Yeah, she totally just should’ve stuck it out and kept plugging along, because it’s not like she would’ve been forced into lame-duckness by year after year after year of wasteful and meaningless complaints…right? Give me a break. It doesn’t take a year into your term to realize where something like that is heading.
I think Timothy Dalrymple nailed it. Sarah is abundantly popular because she’s one of us. How often do you find a politician with whom you ahare so many of the same values and with whom you can so easily relate. I can picture exchanging chili recipes with her across the back fence or sitting with her at a high school sporting event, rooting on our kids. There is no pretension with her, at least that I can tell.
People see her chase her daughter’s boyfriend out of her bedroom, chuckle and say to themselves, “Here is a real person fighting the same battles we all face, just doing the best she can.”
And the courage and intensity with which she defends her family is awesome.
She may not be the most intellectual politician out there, but she’s sharp and has off the charts charisma. She seems to have this ability to reach out and connect with people in a very real, authentic and personal way (kinda like how Obama makes Chris Matthews’ leg quiver :-)).
If I had to summarize her strongest personality trait in a word, it might be goodness. Not that she’s perfect by any means, but there’s so much there that’s right, it’s easy to give her a pass on her mistakes.
What?? Hal doesn’t like Sarah Palin? Color me surprised! :)
She is tenacious! Obviously she is someone moms relate to. Especially moms who didn’t have their babies with Down Syndrome killed by abortion.
Carla, to be honest, I have no real dislike for former Governor Palin. I don’t want her to be President, but I don’t dislike her. I don’t share many values with her either, but that’s okay. Believe me, not all Moms “relate to her.” In fact, I think she polls higher with men than women.
Hal, I’m not in the cult! I am pro-life and I respect Sarah P for being pro-life. And yes, I respect her for giving birth to her special needs little boy. But I am not sitting here just oozing devotion to her. Thats how politicians make me feel these days–slightly queasy and plenty uneasy.
Of course men love her though. I will admit Sarah Palin is hot! If I looked like her (especially after having kids) I would be strutting my stuff like nobody’s business!
Hi Sydney M
LOL. I always say if you’ve got it flaunt it, if you don’t keep it covered up cause ain’t no one that wants to look at it.
I think that’s why feminists don’t like her. Sorry, but you won’t change human biology and psychology. None of us women like it when that hot looking woman walks in the room! I still remember a couple of gals hissing and meowing when the young and pretty new nurse walked through the lounge. Live with it ladies, we all pass our prime sometime. Heck, I can’t even remember mine!
I’ve never met a Palin detractor who can actually articulate what it is that would make her a bad president, beyond her articulation of core conservative principles. The bigest obstacles that I see are her folksy demeanor, her looks, her lack of ‘polish’, and keeping Trig.
I love her lack of polish and her demeanor. We loathe the cookie-cutter professional politicians in both parties who’ve screwed us raw. So along comes someone who is quite conservative, not of the mold, and suddenly she’s despised for not fitting into the mold we’ve come to hate.
That’s our problem, not hers.
Then there is the derision hurled at her because of her daughter’s pregnancy. Now there’s a surprise… a teen of either liberal or conservative parents who sowed her wild oats and had a harvest!! Stop the presses!!! Girl meets boy, has sex, makes baby.
No, Sarah is despised because she didn’t kill the Down syndrome baby, and supported her teen daughter’s pregnancy. They embraced life, and for that they are hated beyond the usual charge that every Republican is a caveman, and every liberal Dem is the second coming of Einstein.
The amazing thing is that the Dems never seem to get a sore throat from singing the same old song all day, every day, for over fifty years. Could someone please write them some original material?
“No, Sarah is despised because she didn’t kill the Down syndrome baby, and supported her teen daughter’s pregnancy.”
I have never heard this in real life by any of the very large number of people who have said negative things about Ms. Palin in my presence. If fact, many people say some nice things about her such things before starting the criticisms. Maybe on the internet you can find a few harsh comments about not aborting, but mostly because she admitted considering abortion as an option.
“I’ve never met a Palin detractor who can actually articulate what it is that would make her a bad president, beyond her articulation of core conservative principles.”
Well, that’s a big one right there. But on top of that you have inexperience (which by itself is not fatal), her lack of intellectual curiosity, her ability to say things that are not exactly “true*,” her quitting the job she was elected to perform because it got a little rough, her refusal to hold even one press conference while a candidate for VP, her ethical violations as governor**, etc etc.
* one example out of many: she repeatedly claimed to have said, “Thanks, but no thanks” to the Bridge to Nowhere; in fact, she openly campaigned for the federal project when running for governor.
**she insisted that the Branchflower Report “showed there was no unlawful or unethical activity on my part”; in fact, that report prominently stated, “Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.”
Your argument is quite thin. The ethics ‘violation’ was a political show trial put on by her detractors, timed to do maximum political damage.
As for leaving office, she chose to capitalize on her name recognition in the lower 48, and help the nascent Tea Party Movement. Staying in Alaska would have been the deep freeze, both literally and metaphorically.
As to the bridge, she said no in the long run, which is what counts.
Hal said: Well, that’s a big one right there.
So being conservative is to be wrong – very wrong. Conservative is a label – what’s the reason?
But on top of that you have inexperience (which by itself is not fatal),
If I recall – unless a sitting elected officer runs for reelection, there is no way anyone can have the experience of that office. It’s sort of like pregnancy Hal – you don’t know what it’s like to be a parent until you become one and step up to the role.
her lack of intellectual curiosity,
What does this mean in concrete terms? Is that sort of like saying most liberals lack intestinal fortitude (guts) because they don’t kill, butcher and cook game? Looks like a straw-man.
her ability to say things that are not exactly “true*,”
The overriding principle is not re: validity of any one individual statement, but consistency of words w/actions. You’d be incredibly reluctant to go there with BHO.
Her quitting the job she was elected to perform because it got a little rough,
Hal – you don’t even have the fortitude to post your full name behind your own statements because of some fears, whether they be privacy or security, but you’re critical of a woman who was publicly beat upon by almost the entire world media complex, and exposed to every insane liberal as governor? You can only quit what you’ve actually started – most of her critics don’t even get that far. And if the work she went in for is being accomplished – then why the need for a particular personality?
her refusal to hold even one press conference while a candidate for VP, her ethical violations as governor**, etc etc.
Still holding court Hal? Give some solid reasons and stop repeating the same lines. I thought you were a defender of choice.
I don’t know that I want her running for president either. I don’t have enough minutes of the day to sit and ponder the what ifs of that.
I am looking forward to 2012 though. Buh bye Obama.
Hal – you don’t even have the fortitude to post your full name behind your own statements because of some fears, whether they be privacy or security,
You bring this up repeatedly and it bothers me. Lots of people – myself included – would rather control our web presence as tightly as possible. I have somewhat rigid security settings on my Facebook not because of any embarrassing information but just because I would rather my baby pictures not be the first thing a prospective employer sees when looking for information.
Not wanting a full first and last name assigned to every comment you make over years on a politically divisive subject does not indicate a lack of fortitude. Some of us work in industries where we are likely to be Googled, and would rather our clients and co-workers see our relevant work information rather than pages upon pages of our personal and political interests. If you Google me, you get my LinkedIn profile, a very basic (and, uh, not up to date) theater-specific resume that is largely useless to anyone not in this industry, a few industry-related notes, a college newspaper article about an ethics debate I won back in the day, and some spammy “find Alexandra now!” links. I like it that way – short, to the point, and relevant as far as what most people who Google me might be searching for.
I struggled for years with a difficult illness that could really use some exposure, of the “It happened to me, too” variety – and I have been, for years, a member of an online support forum for people who share that experience. My preference not to use my full name on that does not indicate a lack of fortitude; I discuss these things openly in real life, at benefits etc. But these things are not how I introduce myself formally or professionally – “Hello, I am Alexandra. I voted for X, am an omnivore, shop local, and was once hospitalized for X disease, and I will be managing this production. So! Let’s take a look at those drawings, shall we?” None of these things are secrets, but they are irrelevant in that situation. Most people who know me know them about me – personally and politically. The people who don’t know me – it’s about what side they are likely to be looking for, and what side I feel would be most appopriate for them to see.
If one’s personal and political interests and beliefs ARE their profession, as with Sarah Palin or any other politician, then naturally the person in question will have absolutely no reason at all to be concerned over putting their professional face on first. But to compare someone in this position with someone in mine – or Hal’s – is disingenuous and IMO irrelevant. Most people here, pro-lifers included, don’t include a full name when leaving comments. If that is relevant to Hal’s comments then it is relevant to theirs as well – though I’m of the opinion that it’s not relevant at all.
Hal, I’m not in the cult! I am pro-life and I respect Sarah P for being pro-life. And yes, I respect her for giving birth to her special needs little boy. But I am not sitting here just oozing devotion to her. Thats how politicians make me feel these days–slightly queasy and plenty uneasy.
I don’t think she is qualified to be president and I started to really dislike her when she agreed with that racist Dr. Laura.
As for Kathy Griffin — I don’t think she’s funny and since many of our troops are conservative, I’m surprised that a self-described liberal atheist would take part in a USO tour. I remember when she was accepting some award, she said “f*** Jesus.” I’m all for free speech, even when I find it offensive, but why is it that these militant atheists attack only Christians? I guess if they said anything derogatory about Islam they realize that they’d be on the business end of a fatwa.
Alexandra – did you bother considering the context of my remarks? The issue is about quitting a publicly elected position. To be a public figure opens one up to all sorts of queries and judgements – but is there a line? I’m not making the case that Hal should become a public figure on the web – that’s his choice whether he desires to do that or not. But doing anything in terms of full public access holds one to a higher degree of accountability and increased exposure. That shows fortitude. Sarah Palin’s critics would not for one second like to undergo the intense media barrage that she (and her family) underwent. What would her critics reactions be to such intense exposure? It took courage for her to do what she did. That’s part of the point I’m making.
What you’re describing about yourself is dividing a personal side from a professional side – which is precisely what Sarah Palin was not given – professional courtesy or even a line where inquiry should have stopped. She even had a biographer move in right next door to her house in Alaska. That’s downright creepy.
Most of the intensity and inspection of her life had nothing whatsoever to do with her professional conduct as Governor of Alaska, or candidate for VP.
My point with Hal re: media interest in Palin was that it was beyond a “little rough” – it bordered on insane. In many ways it was pure character assassination.
Alexandra – you’re throwing up a straw-man by taking my comments out of context. You want to be respected by not having your life turned upside down and inside out simply because you make public statements. That’s fine. The media extended professional courtesy towards an elected official to Barack Obama (Hal’s candidate), but did not do the same for Palin. Not even close. To then mischaracterize such handling as “a little rough” – now that’s disingenuous.
Lastly – what you seek in your exposure is media control. That very thing was not afforded to Sarah Palin early on. She turned it around, but only after she removed herself from official government duties. If that’s what it took to get a semblance of sanity back into her life, then I don’t fault her for doing so.
To paraphrase IIRC Teddy Roosevelt: The glory goes to the man who steps into the ring to fight – and not to the critic who stands on the side.
Chris – I only mentioned it because I have seen you bring it up more than once or twice, not always in the context of politicians, but IIRC often to Hal. I do think that the personal scrutiny politicans face is ridiculous, Palin especially, but I do not see what that has to do at all with Hal’s fortitude – or lack thereof - in posting his own full (real) name. It’s the comment that he “doesn’t even have the fortitude to post his own name” that I objected to – because that is not about fortitude at all. It’s simply an incorrect implication on which to base a legitimate complaint about the treatment of Palin by the press.
I find it ironic and humorous that Obama fans hate Palin. They hate because:
1. The politician is charismatic.
2. The politician emerged quickly into fame without being well known before
3.The politician doesn’t have a lot of leadership experience, only a limited local history
4. The politician’s critics worry that other people would elect the politician based not on past experience and reliable leadership, but because of optimism for the candidate’s presumed future accomplishments
Gee golly willikers, who does that remind us of??!! I think the poor Obama fans are having a bit of buyer’s remorse. Poor wee little things. Sniff! Pass me a tissue, I’m so verklempt! Lol!
I don’t hate Sarah Palin and don’t consider her to be a bad person in any way.
It doesn’t bother me in the least that she has five kids =,one of whom has Down syndrome,or that she’s a soccer mon, aregular gal, has a charming personality and all that.
I don’t hold any of the things that conservatives praise her for against her.
But I’m opposed to her because she is anti-choice and supports conservative economic policies which would not be good for America at all. But Sarah is all sizzle and no steak. The empress has no clothes. She’s all charisma and no substance,unlike Obama, who is a man of great intellect and accomplishment whether you like him or not,and is infinitely better qualified to be President.
Whatever his faults, Obama does not deserve to be demonized and lied about the way the anti-obama lying machine has done ever since he came to prominence.
Obama is NOT a “baby killer”. In fact,his health care program could PREVENT many abortions because of greate government help to poor pregnant women.
That’s something the Obama haters conveniently fail to mention.
He is NOT a muslim,a communist, does not hate America or our military, is not a native of Kenya,is not anti-religion or anti-christian, has not “apologized” to other foreign nations,and has never been a follower of that over-the-hill 60s radical terrorist Bill Ayers.
When Ayers began his nefarious career, Obama was only eight years old, and many years later,served on thecommittee of a university in Chicago with him.That’s the extent of their relationship. Obama never agreed with him or supported him.
I don’t believe the reports about Alinsky either.
Obama is a mild-mannered, reasonable,level-headed, and fair-minded man without a shred of evil in him. He’s not a “narcissict”. The Obama haters will say anything bad about him ,with absolutely no regard for fairness,accuracy and the truth. It’s one thing to criticize his performance as President and to disagreee with his policies. But I’ve heard almost no substantive criticism of him by conservatives.It’s been almost nothing but mindless vituperation and childish name-calling.
Palin may be likeble and well-meaninf, but she simply lacks the substance to lead this nation. And she’s anti-choice. I would never vote for an anti-choice politician.
They aren’t “pro-life”. They’re opposed to abortion,period. And they aren’t willing to provide more help to poor pregnant women and the poor in general, and this is no way to reduce abortion,let alone “end” it.
..without a shred of evil, huh?
So, if a woman went for an abortion and the baby survived, your pal thinks that said baby should NOT, I repeat NOT receive any kind of first aid or care. If the mother wanted a dead baby, she gets one. This is what it means to not protect infants that are born alive. But hey, if you don’t consider the murder or willful deadly neglect of infants to be evil, then you have no problem him.
He is the most unqualified, anti-American, child-hating, panderer ever to stand behind a podium with a presidential seal. His accomplishments: Pandering. That will be his legacy.
“ I don’t hold any of the things that conservatives praise her for against her”
Robert Berger,
The rest of your comments about Palin are contradictory.
If Palin were dirt poor, one or two abortions would have been acceptable to you, right?
To Robert Berger and Hal: I have personally heard people say they dislike Palin for having a Down Syndrome child, including folks in my own family, unfortunately. I’m not saying that all pro-choicers feel this way, but some do.
What is so sad is that such blatant hatred and bigotry against challenged people is accepted and tolerated. Imagine the reaction if the same were said concerning a child of a certain race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. The same people would be aghast at such intolerance and bigotry.
The story about Obama voting to deny care to infants who survive abortions was discredited long ago.It is a total fabrication. He never voted for any such thing,and does NOT support this kind of treatment,or lack of it.
Anyway,the whole issue has been blown way out of proportion. Situations where an infant survives an abortion are so rare it doesn’t matter.
And can’t you read? I pointed out that Obama’s health care policies could PREVENT an enormous number of abortions because of increased government help to poor pregnant women,something conservative republicans don’t want to do.
They are the real baby killers because of this,not Obama.
Obama argues against Born Alive in IL State Senate
And really, Robert, Jill was THERE. Please do visit the links on the following page:
And I don’t know why this is bothering you, anyway. I mean, if you support abortion at any cost and you stand with Obama that the original decision of the woman should not be “burdened” by having another doctor to assess a possibly viable baby born in an induced labor abortion, then just OWN IT. We already know you think abortion is the solution to all the world’s ills.
All while you fight against people becoming accountable for their own actions and condemn the Catholic Church for promoting traditional marriage and family as a solution to broken homes and unplanned pregnancies.
You’re a trip.