(Prolifer)ations 1-4-11
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs! Please email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- National Review’s Kathryn Jean Lopez defends Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights’ president Bill Donohue against the uninformed ladies of The View on the matter of the revocation of St. Joseph’s Hospital’s Catholic status due to an abortion performed there.
- Parenting Freedom links to a Daily Mail article in which a UK doctor recommends school girls be told the best age to bear children is between ages 20 and 35 to avoid more conception and fertility problems.
- Fr. Frank Pavone writes that despite MTV’s claim to “show the choice” of abortion in its recent program, “No Easy Decision,” it did not, in fact, show that “choice” many are so “unashamed” to make.
- Wesley J. Smith points to a Live Science article which shows delaying sexual activity leads to more satisfactory relationships.
- Coming Home awards another “Golden Coconut Award” for anti-scientific, pro-choice nonsense – this time to Sr. Carol Keehan, who promoted Obamacare and defended Sr. Margaret McBride, “who has been presiding over a hospital that aborts babies in the case of rape, incest and the “mental health” of the mother (which means anything that might be on the stress scale at all).”
WWouldn’t “No Easy Decision have been the perfect time to show what an aborted 6-week-old really looks like to show up all those pro-lifers’ fake pictures? Hey, they could have showed a CPC lying too! They sure missed some opportunities.
If the Catholic Church is so awful, why does St. Joseph’s want to be associated with it? And why shouldn’t the Church have the right to decide what institutions bear its name? Do you think a CPC would be able to call itself the Gloria Steinem Pregnancy Center?
What’s wrong with educating women on when they are most likely to be fertile? There need be no value judgment on when is best, or disparagement of those who cannot find a partner or pause their career in that ideal range. Just mention that a woman’s fertility peaks at 25, slows down at 30, and begins to drop off rapidly at 35, with natural conception in the forties being rare. Seems most of those against this just want to deny reality or make excuses for why they’re still single/childless. But no one is saying it’s anyone’s fault if it doesn’t work out; just that girls have a right to know how their bodies work.
The girls at “The View” do what they do best–racheting up the emotions to keep their equally brain dead audience and the show’s advertisers in tow.
Meanwhile heroic women who serve in a thousand different life affirming ministries without fanfare, often for no money at all but for the love of their fellow human beings–these of course would never do for a day time talk show because they are just plain, good women. Goodness doesn’t sell–lies and distortion on the other hand does sell.
Naw, you mean that building a relationship on mutual self-respect is a good thing? shock! awe! </sarcasm>. For that matter, actually, since when is it surprising that having children between 20 and 35 is ideal for health issues? Many times, I’ve had girlfriends mention their intentions to be done having babies by 30. While I don’t necessarily feel like there should be a cap other than that given us naturally, I don’t see anything wrong with pointing out that there is a preferable fertility age.
I am with Fr. Pavone on the MTV special. I put off watching it until I was informed that there wasn’t any abortion footage because I just didn’t think I could stomach it. Of course, I should have expected that they wouldn’t show the actual procedure, considering that most Americans couldn’t stomach watching a baby being sucked from the womb.
As a Roman Catholic, I find myself so frustrated with those Cafeteria Catholics who want to call themselves Catholic seemingly only to undermine the Church. Grrr… (BTW, Jill, your link to the Golden Coconut article doesn’t work. I found the article, as it’s quite recent, but had to go to the main blogpage. Just an FYI.)