(Prolifer)ations 2-11-11
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- SecularProLife finds something very insulting in the pro-choice idea that “the greatest sexual assault on women is the assault on her right to choose.”
- ProWomanProLife features a disturbing story from Sweden: 8th graders (and their parents) were outraged when a clueless teacher assigned the students to write half-page essays of their sexual fantasies or first sexual experiences – with “passion.”
- Real Choice posts 5 encouraging things happening in the pro-life movement, one of which is the OH “heartbeat” abortion ban bill.
- The Passionate ProLifer discusses Stericycle, a medical waste disposal company which aids the abortion industry. If companies like this one would refuse to do business with abortionists, clinics would have great difficulty remaining open.
- Parenting Freedom features a story of a mother diagnosed with leukemia who was encouraged to abort but declined and gave birth to health baby girl. The mother is responding well to her chemo and is on the road to recovery.
I guess it’s an optimistic sign if people in Sweden were outraged.
:) Good point
SWEDEN… same stupid country that kidnapped a child because and jailed his parents for homeschooling him. Can you blame them? You send your kids to Swedish government schools and they try to titillate your young teens. Awesome.
The Stericycle article is interesting. This is a company profiting from abortion by ‘disposing’ of the medical waste. I did a quick search and noticed that one of their investors is a mutual fund that says it does faith-based screening to avoid investments in abortion. Stewart Global Equity Income Fund lists both its stand and it’s investment in it’s latest prospectus.
I also wonder if any Catholic hospital are using this company and if they are aware of its service to the abortion industry. Losing hospital business may make them stop servicing the death industry.
We need to get companies to stop collaborating with the prenatal homicide industry.
We also need to get companies to stop giving money to Planned Parenthood.
If I were an eighth-grader and wrote about my sexual fantasies, I sure as heck wouldn’t want to show it to my teacher! Besides the total inappropriateness of the assignment, I’m wiling to bet it was just embarrassing for most of the kids involved.