Winning entries of the “Tell Congress to defund Planned Parenthood” video contest
After receiving dozens of videos from youth across the country explaining why Congress should defund Planned Parenthood, Live Action and Students for Life of America yesterday announced the winners of their “Tell Congress” YouTube video contest.
The contest was open to high school and college age youth. Contestants were urged to use creativity in addressing Congress to explain why it should defund PP.
Here are the winners. Congratulations! 1st place definitely deserved the honor. It is quite a compelling video.
1st Place – $1,000 prize:
2nd Place – $500 prize:
[youtube] [/youtube]
3rd Place – Survivors Camp:
4th Place – $250 prize, view here.
Honorable mentions here, here, here, and here.
LA and SFLA also recognized a video I agree was a “wonderful contribution” and already featured on this blog, “We are the Youth” by a Live Action high school chapter in CA, who created their video to participate without competing.
Great job!
This video is really well done. Congrats!
On the topic of defunding PP, Mattias Caro’s commentary on the topic — and the PP version of “motherhood” — is pretty interesting.
Heh. I called it.
Take the time to watch all of the linked videos if you can. Well done!
Amazing. I am still in tears over these powerful messages.I am so grateful that so many talented thinkers are pooling their resources to fight this epidemic.
Thank you!
Great videos!
It is the youth, I think that will lead the call to end this barbaric practice that is akin to slavery of the 1800’s or the Holocaust of German concentration camps.
The sad thing is that no matter how many voice are out there for life and to describe how horrible Planned Parenthood really is there will always be people, men and women who will still support abortion no matter what. And I always feel that it’s a large percentage of our population. At work I am the only pro life person – I can’t even voice an opinion because I will be looked on as a monster who hates women and doesn’t want to help rape or incest victims.
My father also was also pro abortion, he was a dentist so he had a scientific attitude toward it – I did not, from an early age I knew it was wrong. He gave me some speech that bordered on the violent because of my opposition to the “procedure”, and his reasoning was, if I can remember clearly, that abortion is needed because it is beneficial for society, especially in a world were poor and deformed, or mentally retarded children were being born – too bad that it had to happen but there it was. This was after he wanted to pay for my cousin who got pregnant at 15 from a boyfriend. She did not have the abortion. I got a similar speech twice in the near future. These two times I remember they got pretty violent were we might have hit each other. It is so disturbing to me that its become almost a mish mosh of bad memories. The last two times that he paid for the abortions were for my sister who got pregnant from the same boyfriend.
So, the attitude that drives me absolutely mad is this twisted always sham humanitarian excuse that it’s needed to control an out of control population explosion, and if it were some humanist right of women to do this in order for their lives not to be ruined.
Like my father’s reasoning, they, the pro abortion people will never even listen to your options, like keeping the child, or even giving it up for adoption. There are no choices or options with the pro abortion crowd – it’s just cut, scrape, vacuum, and release the “tumor” that is an unborn “it” in the womb and then you would have done your humanist duty as a “human”.
I became pro life because I was 7 months premature, and I wondered if my dad would of had me aborted in 1966 through an illegal abortion if it was a complicated pregnancy. I also became pro life because I realized that the modern feminist movement and it’s abortion wing are really just facets of an international socialist and Marxist plan to destroy and subvert primarily the Western institutions of family, marriage between a man and a woman, and Judeo-Christian worldview. plus the feminists are pretty crude and vulgar people and not very nice towards men which in reality they hate for some deep rooted physiological reason. Although it seems to me that congregations of reformed Judaism or Mainline Protestant churches like the Episcopals have made the acceptance of abortion a sacrament of sorts.
The ironic thing is that my father being an anti communist because he had fled communist Cuba didn’t realize the holocaust that Fidel Castro started in Cuba, making the island one of the largest abortion providers in the world, where the disregard for human life in a nation of 300 million is unspeakable because of how abortion is used as birth control.
God please forgive me for being so hard on my father who is now gone but I had to say this after I watched the first video.
Great videos prolifers! You younger prolifers give we older ones great Hope.
Now is the time.
Are they going to show these at the next Senate hearing? I don’t understand how they can keep a place performing illegals acts FUNDED. It’s very telling though…since they have to finally tell the truth about cigarettes we have to protect our next most lucrative means of making money, abortion & birth control. This isn’t a movement to make abortion illegal. Although, I’m grateful for the baby step to it! Why don’t they understand the money can be moved someplace else???? Hopefully to Birth Right.
I love the song in the third video. Does anyone know who the singer is or what the title of the song is?
There is obviously a huge schism regarding abortion between communities of faith. I’m curious as to whether you think this should be addressed by those who are pro-life and if so, how? Or is this a gap that will never be bridged with the outcome being who has the most political clout?
Agreed Dawn-Marie, they should show all vids at the next Senate hearing.
Great videos!
Those who claim to part of a “faith community” who support abortion have no faith at all. Period, end of discussion. They will eventually have to answer why they chose to support the murder of His least. That will be their day of reckoning. I wouldn’t want to be them.
Every single video was EXCELLENT. We have to keep showing these videos! I hope they don’t disappear.
The last video made me think about what I often say: When I had my offspring I learned I was the funniest person in the world LOL
Do LA and SFLA have plans to get these videos in the hands of politicians (by burning a CD or the like)?
@Kristen, the second song in the third video is called “Finest Mistake” by Skyhawk Drive, here’s a youtube link to the song with lyrics: