(Prolifer)ations 5-10-11
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN and Kelli
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Secular ProLife encourages pro-life bloggers to participate in Life Report’s upcoming “link party” – a posting of links to various blog entries on a particular topic. This week’s topic will be “The Physical Dangers of Abortion.” See here for details.
- Creative Minority Report hosts video of a Genocide Awareness Project on a college campus. As the video demonstrates, not all of the reactions to the display were thoughtful or educated:
- Vital Signs posts snippets from the Center for BioEthics in Culture regarding the victimization of egg donors and the terrible side effects of egg donation.
- Timmerie reveals a unique pre-Mother’s Day outreach to women entering abortion clinics: the gift of a bouquet of flowers and “Happy Mother’s Day” card, along with the usual sidewalk counseling information.
- Suzy B highlights Republican candidates’ responses to life issues questions in the first debate.
- ProWomanProLife contributor Véronique Bergeron discusses society’s “split personality” when it comes to abortion and assisted reproductive technology.
- Wesley J. Smith writes on VT’s failure to pass a law approving assisted suicide.
- John Smeaton discusses a recent Economist article which highlights how the culture of death propaganda machine influences cultural behaviors in third-world countries.
[HT for CMR video: Jasper]

I would bet that the girl destroying the signs still carries some animosity and anger about an abortion in her past.
I would bet that, too.
When I bring up the subject of abortion, I think I can tell a post-abortive women by the facial tick and muscle tension. For example, when I was telling a old friend that I was post-abortive and pro-life, she held her breath and held perfectly still as if she were frozen. I changed the subject just to be merciful so she could relax. Another post-abortive friend became so angry at me for being pro-life, her hands were shaking and she couldn’t breathe normally. The changes I’ve seen are instant, as if you’ve pushed an ‘on’ button.
When poor-choicers say that there is no such thing as post-abortive syndrome, I might find it funny, if it weren’t so tragic.
I think that’s a positive approach bringing the flowers and giving the moms a Mother’s Day card.
I was at the Mother’s Day Outreach that Timmerie’s blog refers to. My wife, my unborn son, my born son, and I all came to the clinic to help The Survivor’s in their distribution of the flowers and cards. We also provided counseling and information regarding community resources to help fight against abortion.
Before The Survivors left, we prayed together and found out that we saved 3 babies. Praise the Lord! I was part of saving one. A woman was having some minor complications associated with a pregnancy and she was there because her doctor said she should get an abortion. I gave her resources for indigent health care insurance, the local pregnancy center, and other options available for her pregnancy. Many of us spoke with her and who was with her. We prayed with her. I shared some of my experiences as a Registered Nurse and that there are many modalities to help women continue a pregnancy safely even with what she was experiencing. We also urged her to get a second opinion from another doctor. The woman walked back to her car and eventually drove off without once entering the clinic.
This was my very first save ever! I am so very happy that this woman chose to leave the clinic that day. However, I do not know how the other 2 were saved. It was a great day and I am looking forward to continuing my efforts at sidewalk counseling. God is certainly great! :)
Kudos segamon!
ninek and TS – that was my first thought. The young woman is so overly-emotional about it, she’s attempting to destroy property. Everyone – even her friends – appeared to be watching her in amazement. And her voice sounded on the verge of tears.
Wonderful testimony, Segamon! God Bless You and your family! ;)
I felt so sorry for the clearly post abortive woman in that video. I hope someone will reach out to her and help her get the healing and support she needs. Kel is right, it sounded like she was on the verge of tears. She is angry and does not want to face what abortion does.
Oh man, I would like to participate in LifeReport’s first link chain post and even started putting together a blog post, but Blogger has been down since yesterday evening and blogs aren’t even visible at this point. I imagine others here are affected too. Ironically, Blogger went down somepoint after I’d finished working on my blog and left the library yesterday afternoon