(Prolifer)ations 6-21-11
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN and Kelli
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- At Planned Parenthood Corruption, former Kansas AG Phill Kline lines up evidence of corrupt public officers participating in a massive cover-up to protect late-term abortionist George Tiller and Planned Parenthood in KS. Be sure to check out this new addition to our blogroll. This article is a must-read.
- Live Action reveals that Catholics for Choice received a grant for $300k from the Ford Foundation – a group for which Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards is a trustee and chair of the Finance Committee.
- The Anti-Abortion Gang calls out abortion proponents for attempting to blur the lines between miscarriage and elective abortion.
- Moral Outcry expresses confusion as to why the Obama administration would seek to fight Indiana on its defunding of Planned Parenthood, a private organization:
Once again, we must stress that exactly zero freedom has been taken away from American citizens. In fact, more has been given. Now those who want to ensure their tax money doesn’t go for something that they choose not to be involved with can rest assured they have choice, and, tragically but still, those who choose to kill a baby still can.
… [T]he assertion some freedom has been taken away when abortion is still legal and some private organization doesn’t get the government’s help to kill babies is sickening and misleading – and it’s blatantly despicable for the government to align itself in such a way.
- Abstinence Clearinghouse remembers abstinence advocate Michael Johnson, a man unknowingly infected with HIV through a casual hookup as a teen who tragically passed the virus to his wife after their marriage. Michael is survived by his wife, Sherie, and a son.
- Abortion in Washington laments that Republican/Catholic AG Rob McKenna is now running for governor as a “pro-woman,” pro-choice candidate. AIW observes, “dead babies don’t vote or contribute funds to political campaigns.”
- Accepting Abundance posts a cartoon “… demonstrat[ing] how [author] Ayn Rand’s basic philosophy plays out with parenting”:
- The Culture Vulture counters the argument that if men got pregnant abortion would be “a sacrament” by pointing out “… pro-life opposition to abortion has absolutely NOTHING to do with the gender of the pregnant person carrying the unborn child; instead pro-life opposition is based solely on the status of the unborn child.”
“At Planned Parenthood Corruption, former Kansas AG Phill Kline lines up evidence of corrupt public officers participating in a massive cover-up to protect late-term abortionist George Tiller and Planned Parenthood in KS. Be sure to check out this new addition to our blogroll. This article is a must-read”
Right. An article from a highly partisan anti-choice blog, “Planned Parenthood Corruption.” No bias here, nosireee.
“why the Obama administration would seek to fight Indiana on its defunding of Planned Parenthood, a private organization”
It’s about Medicaid policy which doesn’t allow states to cherry pick which health care providers get the money of which 70% comes from federal funds. The only exception is quality of care and there is no real evidence that Planned Parenthood does’t provide quality of care.
“Republican/Catholic AG Rob McKenna is now running for governor as a “pro-woman,” pro-choice candidate”
Guess that means he excommunicated himself?
“pro-life opposition is based solely on the status of the unborn child”
Whose rights, according to the pro-life movement, are superior to the woman who carries the fetus. It’s based on subjugation of women. The fetus fetishist cult is based on subjugation of women - especially those who dare to assert their right to bodily self determination. In the “good old days,” they would have been burnt at the stake. Now, they’ll just have their babies and love them (cuz all women love their babies) - or perhaps go to jail for attempting to have an abortion.
“Abstinence Clearinghouse remembers abstinence advocate Michael Johnson, a man unknowingly infected with HIV through a casual hookup as a teen who tragically passed the virus to his wife after their marriage. Michael is survived by his wife, Sherie, and a son”
So much for abstinence advocay. Perhaps if Michael used a sinful condom, he’d still be here! But hey, let’s keep advocating abstinence because it really works.
Right. An article from a highly partisan anti-choice blog, “Planned Parenthood Corruption.” No bias here, nosireee.
Uh… in case you didn’t notice, CC, we highlight other pro-life blogs on this pro-life blog. Phill Kline wrote the first blog mentioned in this post.
And if you don’t think you have a pro-abortion bias, well… I’ve got some oceanfront property in Kansas I’d like to sell you.
“pro-life opposition is based solely on the status of the unborn child”
Whose rights, according to the pro-life movement, are superior to the woman who carries the fetus. It’s based on subjugation of women.
It must be so crowded in your house with all those straw men living there.
Yeah. That’s why so many of us are women. We just hate our rights and determining our own destinies, and has nothing to do with us defending our children. 9_9
“We just hate our rights”
Actually, you do for whatever reason, but it seems to be heavily based on conservative, patriarchal religion.
Have “Catholics for Choice” excommunicated themselves yet? It’s no fun if you do it do yourself. Isn’t it better when the edict comes from on high as when our bishop excommunicated the head of our Planned Parenthood. But really, have the bishops denied them communion?
Actually, you do for whatever reason, but it seems to be heavily based on conservative, patriarchal religion.
Wrong. I love my rights. So much so, that I’ve been working towards an education for quite some time now, and am thrilled to live in a country that grants women the kinds of rights we have to do so.
Wrong again. I’ve bristled at men trying to tell me what to do my entire life. Just ask my father.
And for the trifecta, wrong again, as many of us are not religious.
The right to kill one’s child-at ANY stage of their development-is a purely imagined one with no basis in reality whatsoever. Pro-life women don’t hate their own rights, we just want our kids to have the same right to live that we do.
Oh, yeah, the Blessed Mother was suuuuuch a patriarch. Lol!!
I like to think our Blessed Mother Mary was the first pro-life activist. When faced with what can easily be understated as a ‘crisis pregnancy’ she went to her kinswoman Elizabeth and helped Elizabeth through her pregnancy. Does that make her the first mobile CPC? Ha ha! I think so!
Yep, and while we’re on religion, don’t forget, ladies, that the first mortal human being to speak with the resurrected Christ was… a woman!
Ah yes, the Blessed Mother Mary–such a fine example of passivity.
Yes indeed, how much better that “such a fine example of passivity” as the Virgin Mary would have instead followed the example of modern day feminism displayed by Hillary Clinton’s tolerance of being publicly humiliated time and again by her husband’s dalliances with assorted females, and still staying with the guy when she could have ditched him years ago. Stranger yet, modern day feminists appear to have little issue with Hillary’s passivity and instead are not only tolerant of Bill’s sexual abuse of women, but actually support the guy.
You were saying something about passivity Megan?
Passivity? Good golly – please see that that fiat was the most courageous decision ever! She gave Christ his humanity, and trusted in God in difficult circumstances. She watched her son unjustly condemned to death, stayed by his side even when most everyone left him, and had the pleasure of being reunited with him after he rose from the dead.
Passive? More like courageous, loving, trusting and being at peace while being at the center of everything, past, present and future.
Spouse of the Holy Spirit is one of her titles, so is Cause of Our Joy… among many that proclaim that she did something remarkable and is tied forever to Jesus (whether you believe or not) – and cooperated fully with God.
I’d say that was highly not passive! ;)
“Actually, you do for whatever reason, but it seems to be heavily based on conservative, patriarchal religion.”
Haha! I didn’t know that everyone on the pro-life side was religious, conservative, and a misogynist! Thanks for setting me straight, CC!
The Blessed Mother was FAR from passive. Her “yes” to God’s plan had nothing–absolutely NOTHING to do with passivity, but everything to do with her faith and trust in God’s plan for her life. It wasn’t easy, but she knew God would take care of her and He did.
Definitely courageous as joyfromIllinois said. The Blessed Mother’s example of faith, trust and hope in God is one that we should all follow. I know I’m not perfect at following it, but as a loving mother, she directs us to get closer to her son, Jesus Christ, and as it says in the Gospel of John, Chapter 2 (“The Wedding At Cana”) “Do whatever He tells you.” That is Mary’s direction every time, she directs us to follow Her son and do whatever He tells us.
She teaches us about trust and faith.
Actually, you do for whatever reason, but it seems to be heavily based on conservative, patriarchal religion.
But remember, folks! Abortion supporters respect women and would never tell any woman how to think or act or feel or try to silence her voice. Because they respect us and believe we have a right to determine our own thoughts and actions and ideas.
And that is, quite logically of course, expressed by telling us what we really think. Yeah, really feeling the “trust women” rollin’ offa you, CC. :|
“Because they respect us and believe we have a right to determine our own thoughts and actions and ideas”
You can believe (or not believe) in whatever belief system sustains you. I don’t happen to have that belief. And that’s why I, and others who don’t subscribe you world view, will oppose any attempt to foist your belief system on the rest of us. You can do all the “sidewalk counseling” you want. For those of us who are pro-choice, it’s just more street theater. But when you excercise your right to lobby for your world view, you will be challenged – as is our right. Trusting women is all about letting them make the decision to have children if and when they want.
I know it’s probably a bit useless arguing with you, but how can you say pro-life women hate our rights (plural) when, really, there’s only one “right” that we disagree with you on? And in that case, we don’t even see it as a “right” but as murder! We’re coming at this from a totally different angle. Why do you claim that our disagreement to the “right” to abortion – one right on your list!! – is equal to pro-life women hating all women’s rights?
I’m a pro-life libertarian so I believe in the a lot of liberty and rights for all people – women included. Women’s voting rights – yes! Women having an equal opportunity to prove themselves based on performance in the workforce – yes! Women’s right to choose to work instead of being a stay at-home mom – yes! Women’s right to be treated as an equal member of society – yes!
But a woman’s right to murder her baby? Sorry, no. I don’t believe anyone has the “right” to kill another human being. So it’s not about the women – it’s about the act of murdering innocent babies.
megan: “Ah yes, the Blessed Mother Mary–such a fine example of passivity.”
That view of it will be worth remembering should you ever say much here about date rape or the importance of “consent” in sexual relations. “Consent,” apparently, is in your mind the feminine version of being an Uncle Tom.
Careless troll.
Passive, ha! My Blessed Mother wears army boots. ;>) ! Back in the first century, a young woman who got pregnant while still under her father’s roof could be stoned to death. She risked her life carrying her child. She and Joseph were betrothed but hadn’t had the wedding feast yet.
In her time, she would have endured almost as much scorn as a cheerfully pregnant woman endures TODAY, from people who call her ‘breeder’ and ‘subservient’ and ‘enslaved’ because she does not destroy the living child in her own womb like ‘smart’ women do. I hope someday that I can be as “passive” as she was! :>) !!!
“My Blessed Mother wears army boots.”
I know exactly where you got this from, ninek… makes me very sad to think about it… :(
Actually, you do for whatever reason, but it seems to be heavily based on conservative, patriarchal religion
Xalisae is an atheist and I though I do believe in God, I am not a fan of organized religion.
I thought X converted recently…
Yes -Bobby – I am sad at the combat boots. a terrible decision indeed, in my opinion. I think the devil won at that one…. much prayers needed, for sure…
And CC – I am sure you would have compassion on my friend, who has no natural children now due to her abortion history. You can scream ‘choice’ at the top of your lungs, but every abortion ends a life of a pre-born human child, and sometimes it wounds the mom in ways unimaginable. So much for having women empowered by abortion. 20 years later – she is still grieving. And before you claim that she is defective in some way, she is a loving, courageous, and good woman – fully functional and beautiful inside and out. She was forever changed by abortion, as was her family tree. Not to mention the baby.
Joy and Bobby, I hear you. I can’t even express how sad I am about it. Still can’t believe it.
Ninek, Joy and Bobby….. Um what’s “it”?
It has to do with one of the great Catholic preachers, Fr John Corapi, essentially leaving teh priesthood. He was/is a hero to many of us Catholics on here, and the whole situation is very hard for everyone. You can easily find some info about it by googling if you’re interested.
“She was forever changed by abortion, as was her family tree. Not to mention the baby”
While your friend’s experience was very sad, not all women are affected by abortion in this manner. I have a number of friends who had no second thoughts about their abortions and went on to have children of their own. Everybody is different.
Not all women react the same way to their child being killed via abortion. Everybody is different. Whether happy or sad or relieved or depressed or suicidal or have no second thoughts…..the child is still dead.
Right, CC?
Unless you have any links you could provide that clearly show a child does NOT die in an abortion.
Sheesh… it feels like only a few minutes ago that I swept up this place! Okay, once again:
Carla, don’t you know – anyone who regrets their abortion must have been mentally unstable BEFORE they had it. I know that cuz I reads Abortioneers and if they say so, it must be right. LOL!!!
But seriously. I do try to jog my pro-abortion friends by asking this: Hypothetical case, you have a young woman. She hates to kill spiders, she gathers them in a cup and puts them outside. She’s got a soft heart for stray animals. Her favorite high school job was babysitting. Now, she gets pregnant. Her parents threaten to kick her out if she doesn’t abort and the father says she must have slept around and dumps her. So, she “chooses” abortion. Now, how does a sensitive person like this hypothetic girl cope afterward? Answer: not very well.
Her parents threaten to kick her out if she doesn’t abort and the father says she must have slept around and dumps her.
Oh, ninek, don’t be SILLY! You know NO woman is EVER coerced to abort! She’s “empowered” by her threatening family and irresponsible boyfriend. Get it right next time, sheesh!! ;)
Ninek and Kel,
Thank you for straightening me out!! :)
I knew I could count on you!
So much for abstinence advocay. Perhaps if Michael used a sinful condom, he’d still be here! But hey, let’s keep advocating abstinence because it really works.
I believe Michael was wise enough to know that abstinence is the only thing that protects 100% from sexually-transmitted HIV. He would still be here, his wife would not have been infected, and people like you couldn’t mock him when he’s dead.
I can point to a real world example (Uganda) where government sponsored promotion of abstinence and fidelity had the desired apparent effect of greatly reducing the incence and spread of Aids and other STDs. I suspect that you’ll dismiss these results as a Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy and this may, in fact, be the case.
I wonder though, can you point to a similar scenario where promotion of condoms had the same effect? It does not have to demonstrate cause and effect. Just a simple “X number of months after Y began promoting condoms, Aids was reduced”
Please pray–I received an email that a young man’s girlfriend is set on getting an abortion even though he & his parents are against it.