web grab.jpgby JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat

  • The decision regarding the fate of the Northern Illinois Women’s Center abortion clinic in Rockford, Illinois will wait another two weeks:

    Attorneys for the NIWC and Illinois Department of Public Health were back before Administrative Law Judge Cynthia Ramirez this morning. They were expected to announce the terms of an agreed settlement stemming from a series of state law and administrative code violations that the clinic was cited for earlier this year. Instead, they asked for more time…. Resolution in this case could range from revocation of the clinic’s license to allowing the clinic to reopen.

  • I wonder what Bart Stupak’s feelings are now on his health care deal after this Elena Kagan/Larry Tribe e-mail exchange was released:“I hear they have the votes, Larry!! Simply amazing,” Kagan wrote, in an email obtained by Judicial Watch, on the day Obamacare passed through Congress. Larry Tribe, a Harvard Law professor and Supreme Court attorney who served as “senior counselor for access to justice” in the Department of Justice (DOJ), replied to Kagan that the bill’s passage was “remarkable.”

    And with the Stupak group accepting the magic of what amounts to a signing statement on steroids!” Tribe added in delight, and in derision for the pro-life Democrats.

  • Another former employee of abortionist Kermit Gosnell has pleaded guilty to charges against her:Tina Baldwin, 46, pleaded guilty to participating in a corrupt organization, conspiracy, and corruption of a minor involving her work at Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society clinic from 2001 until the clinic closed in 2010…. The charge of corruption of a minor involves Baldwin’s daughter Ashley, whom she got a job at the clinic at age 15 and who soon was working with her mother in providing sedatives and other drugs to women undergoing abortions.

[Photo via blog.sfgate.com]

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