Planned Parenthood’s holiday gift guide
Featuring “adorable” condom embroidery and a uterus belt buckle
Yesterday Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota was proud to unveil its “first edition of the Planned Parenthood Advocate Gift Guide!”
I can only imagine one of my sons unwrapping this “adorable condom craft”…
Then there’s the “Uterus Belt Buckle” (not to be mistaken for a chastity belt; Planned Parenthood would be horrified at the thought)…
Ironically, Planned Parenthood displays the “I ? Minnesota (except Michele Bachmann)” t-shirt directly above the feminist necklace.
Bachmann would be the United States’ first female president if elected. But liberal feminists instead support a man for that office, all over the right to abort babies, over half of whom are female. And they call us nutjobs. Click to enlarge…
Now you need no longer stress about shopping for the people in your life who already have everything. I guarantee they don’t have a uterus belt buckle.

There is also a beautiful hand crafted condom holder and birth control pill case!!
Must haves this Christmas season!
Wow, they expect you to pay $100 for that uterus belt buckle?
Also, I can’t believe they forgot a classic!
Oh. My. Word. Oh my word! I have to have it! The uterus belt buckle is EXACTLY what I need to complete my wardrobe! I can’t wait to wear it to my women’s studies class!
haha way to ruin Christmas PP – I think I would throw up if I opened that uterus belt on Christmas morning hahahahah – some body parts just need to remain hidden on the skin :P
I actually prefer to use my uterus for its intended purpose rather than wear it on a belt buckle.
I think people will be pretty aware that I have a uterus without clothing advertising the fact.
Ugly presents. I’ll stick with the time-tested pair of socks.
But etsy does have many great items on it, including a good selection of prolife gifts.
I ordered mine last week, but it’s different than the one you show. (edit) But I can’t show mine because it seems comments no longer allow html.
..I’m curious…I wonder how much money they actually make on these?
Do they really think that people will buy these as gifts???
Hahahahahaha ohhhh a uterus belt. Well, they could make one with a male reproductive organ and then my husband and I could match! (joking)
Nothing quite says “I love you…sorta” like an embroidered condom! lol
Sooo, what’s that round thing in the uterus? A cookie? A quarter? A clump of cells? An IUD? I checked my anatomy books and can’t find any roundus thingyus.
they must be desperate,,,,,
Embroidery skills are useful for many things, like making Its a Girl! Wall plaques or something cool.
I knew a man who occasionally wore a chastity belt. I hope Planned Parenthood wouldn’t be horrified by his choice.
I bet those adorable condom crafts are going to be flying off the shelves! I wonder if you get a free trinket with every abortion…
I hope those embroideries aren’t done by hand because anyone that would sit around stitching those things would have to be pretty creepy, but so is Planned Parenthood so I guess it’s not that hard to believe.
There could be a whole line… kidney belts, colon belts, epiglottis belts… I mean, think of the possibilities!!
STTKTC, Etsy is a website for artisans to sell their crafts, so I would be almost certain that someone embroidered all those little condoms by hand.
COL (creeped out loud). Doesn’t that Uterus Belt Buckle look like a woman, hands on hips, saying: “Well, I never!” ?
Well, “If only…” :)
If I’m not mistaken, it looks like the uterus within the Uterus Belt Buckle is not exactly empty…
Either this is a mistake on Planned Barrenhood’s part or they take pride in seeing filled uteruses so they can perform their emptying services.
I think we all should ask them what it means….
What on Earth would you do with a little embroidered condom anyway? It’s not really something you could hang on a wall, or a Christmas tree, or embroider on a skirt or shirt or anything. I’ve seen some pointless patterns before, but I think that one really does take the biscuit.
“I actually prefer to use my uterus for its intended purpose rather than wear it on a belt buckle” – I guess you won’t be buying a ‘rosary of the unborn’ either then huh?
Well Reality, I am not Catholic, I don’t need beads to help me pray so no I wouldn’t buy it.
Yeah CC we’re bizarre because we showcase the humanity of the most defenseless among us? I wear the precious feet pin because it opens up conversations with people about the humanity of the unborn.
Now, explain exactly how a condom with a face on it stitched onto some fabric helps your cause exactly?
I think I’ll write to PP and suggest they have Cecile Richards proudly wearing one of their uterus belts and an embroidered condom t-shirt to all their events. I wonder if she’d have the cojones to do it.
yeah cc i want you to send a pic of yourself to the site wearing the condom shirt. lol fetus fetish? lmao where do you lunatics come up with this bull?
also cc with your shirt please match them up with condom earings still i the wrappers. also i could sent you “i wish i was jewish” t shirt.
Shows priorities.
Pro-Life = precious feet pins (yeah, feet. Clumps of cells don’t have feet) show our priorities lie with those who cannot protect themselves, and we stand as a voice for the voiceless.
Pro-Legal-Abortionists = Sex. What a noble cause. *EYEROLL*
I enjoy sex as much as the next gal, but I’m not willing to kill for it. I pity anyone who would or has.
Pro-Life = precious feet pins (yeah, feet. Clumps of cells don’t have feet) show our priorities lie with those who cannot protect themselves, and we stand as a voice for the voiceless.Pro-Legal-Abortionists = Sex. What a noble cause. *EYEROLL*
Yes – well, the other way to have a handy visual reference for pro-choice gifts would be abortion, since the choice in question is actually abortion and not sex. But nobody wants to have an embroidered ‘product of conception’ on their…wtf, wall? tree? poodle skirt? who knows.
There are people who legitimately think that “birth control fails sometimes” is an argument in favor of abortion. With all the facts on the table, it’s just an argument against sex – not an argument that sex is bad, but an argument that if one of the foreseeable, reasonable consequences of sex is so bad that you would rather take away another human being’s life just to avoid dealing with it, then your decision to have sex is not a good decision.
It’s easier to be pro-sex than to be pro-abortion, when it comes down to cute visual imagery and rhyming slogans. Plus it’s easier to fight against someone who is anti-sex than someone who is anti-abortion, because most people like sex. Far fewer people actually LIKE abortion. If you can convince people that being pro-sex is being pro-abortion, and you can simply say, “Hey, do you like sex? Then you belong with us!” you have a much easier time defending your position, provided nobody thinks too hard.
Well said, Alexandra! BRAVA!!!!
PP managed to make the uterus emblazoned on the buckle look like a macho bouncer that you see in the movies tossing people out on to the street.
A testosterone laden uterus with its hands on its hips refusing implantation. How appropriate for the abortion industry to view the uterus as a bouncer. SICK
I ordered mine last week, but it’s different than the one you show. (edit) But I can’t show mine because it seems comments no longer allow html.
The mods need to fix that cranky. Your photoshopped edits are one my favorite reasons for visiting this site. MODS. What can we do to get cranky posting his pictures again?