Featuring “adorable” condom embroidery and a uterus belt buckle

Yesterday Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota was proud to unveil its “first edition of the Planned Parenthood Advocate Gift Guide!”

I can only imagine one of my sons unwrapping this “adorable condom craft”…

planned parenthood
Then there’s the “Uterus Belt Buckle” (not to be mistaken for a chastity belt; Planned Parenthood would be horrified at the thought)…

planned parenthood
Ironically, Planned Parenthood displays the “I ? Minnesota (except Michele Bachmann)” t-shirt directly above the feminist necklace.

Bachmann would be the United States’ first female president if elected. But liberal feminists instead support a man for that office, all over the right to abort babies, over half of whom are female. And they call us nutjobs. Click to enlarge…

planned parenthood
Now you need no longer stress about shopping for the people in your life who already have everything. I guarantee they don’t have a uterus belt buckle.

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