Pro-life activist Randall Terry is running for President of the United States precisely with the goal of running an ad during the Super Bowl game that shows the graphic reality of abortion.

This is because federal law forces television stations to air ads for federal candidates uncensored.

It is unlikely Terry will reach his goal. He only began fundraising in earnest a week ago, and this came 2-1/2 months after NBC Sports announced Super Bowl ads, at $3.5 million for a 30-second pop, were almost sold out. At that time only five slots remained, according to USA Today.

Nevertheless, the question can be asked: Which do you think would be the most persuasive Super Bowl ad, a graphic spot like Terry’s or a nongraphic spot like Tim Tebow’s in 2010?

To clarify, the question is not which ad do you like better. It’s which sort of ad do you think will persuade more people against abortion.

I’m also asking this as a poll question, on the lower right side of my home page.

To refresh, here was the Tebow ad, sponsored by Focus on the Family


And here are three ad options Terry is proposing to run…

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