Abortion backer mocks pro-life reaction to Tim Tebow post
Oh anti-abortion folks. Sometimes I wish I could just give you a hug and tell you that it’s all going to be ok.
This isn’t a war on Christians, or your beliefs, or your precious Tim Tebow. We are doing the work, God’s work, if you will, that saves women’s lives, strengthens their families, and lets women achieve their hopes and dreams, all while you’re anonymously commenting on a blog post about football.
You make our job so easy! Thanks for reminding us who is really on the side of love, kindness, respect, compassion, and justice.
~ Steph commenting on the backlash for the recent pro-choice fundraising proposal using Tim Tebow’s touchdowns, Abortion Gang, December 15

Love and life always win. LL
Obviously this kind of idiotic post makes me angry. First they have the gall to use Tim Tebow to support murder. Then they get all snobby about it. I am disappointed in some of the emails they claim to have received. There’s some in every crowd, obviously.
But that trigger warning makes me giggle every time. I am all about trigger warnings when necessary. But I don’t see anything on that post that’s really that triggery. Talk about overhyping things.
You don’t hear pro-aborts too often claiming that they are doing “God’s work” but she has taken it to a new level of idiocy.
Killing the innnocent is NEVER God’s work.
Remind me again how you strengthen families by killing someof its members? How does that go again?
I am laughing at you, Steph. I am also crying for you.
I admit, I *was* curious what would happen if a troll actually procured a blog of her own; with Steph’s case, the experiment has now been run, I think!
There is a reason women are only fertile a few days a month. And there’s a reason women stop being able to have children after a certain age. God designed women this way on purpose. God doesn’t like Abortion.
Leave God out of it Steph. You are doing the work of your father the Devil. He was a deceiver from the beginning and you are deceived. God created man in His image and you are doing everything in your power to mar and pervert and destroy that image. God said He loves little children and their angels behold His face in heaven. God said He forms us in the womb and knew us before one of our days came to be. Yet you take those children that God holds to be precious and rip them limb from limb then blaspheme the name of God by claiming its His work and will.
You really want to know God’s will Steph? Here is a CRAZY idea. Pick up His Word and read it. Then you will know His will. You will read things such as “the fruit of the womb is His REWARD.”
You are killing children and destroying women. God says He is not mocked and whatsoever you sow, that will you also reap. Be prepared for a bitter harvest Steph.
God also says if you will turn from your wicked ways and humble yourself He will forgive you and heal you and bring peace to our land.
umm…yeah….I don’t think you’re worshiping “God” persay…Maybe a god…But the God I’m familiar with, His worship doesn’t involve exalting women over everything else in the world and sacrificing children to them. I think you’re a little confused there, sweetheart.
This is obviously a (failed) attempt to save face. Her first post came off as sour grapes, full of bitterness and resentment, so now she has to try and troll harder, put on a happy face, and up the ante. Still pathetic. XD
bahaha we make their job SO easy.. I highly doubt that..
What’s really pathetic and scary is Steph’s assertion that abortion promotes abortion as loving, compassionate, strengthing, godly act.
Do you think she really believes this?
God wants all of His children to come into being. That they are conceived is by His power. But I have never known women truly joyful and free from their abortions. When they are older they realize what they have missed, what they have lost. No amount of money equates to those special moments when your youngster says ‘ I love you mommy!’ or they give you a bouquet of dandelions, or they hold your hand.
Every woman we have worked with, while recognizing that parenting is important and a demanding job, it is precious, beautiful and helps us to grow. In a word: priceless. No job, no material thing does that. God in His wisdom, allows us to be co-creators of others- a true privilege that is not measured in usery, or dollars and cents. Abortion is a poor substitute for goodness, for sure.
All I have to say is “Ew.”
It is so funny when abortion supporters have the nerve to act haughty and offended over stupid things. Tearing an unborn child apart is non-offensive and perfectly dandy, but criticizing someone’s blog post? They are offended! Offended I tell you!
oh hahaha so women can live their dreams? we have to kill our children to do so? yeah gotta go to college ya know! at all costs. you have to kill so you can live your dreams? im living mine and my children are a part of it! oh and abortion doesnt save a womans life! many have died. many have breast cancer and many cannot carry a wanted pregnancy to term. lets not forget the pain that lasts forever unless you heal as carla and carol have shared. may god heal your hearts. and my friend from snm who aborted 22 years ago. talk to these women steph.
Attention abortion advocates: your condescending hugs don’t bring my dead human child back to life. Thanks but no thanks.
You may lie and say this isn’t a war on religion, and maybe that makes you feel better about yourself. But you can’t deny it’s a war on the human child, and the casualties continue to pile up.
But they’re totally doing God’s work-God spends nine months creating a unique human being so you can pay an abortionist to tear off his/her limbs and crush his/her skull-imagine how pleasing that is to God. Abortion Gang is a treasure trove of moronic prochoice quotes. They got the ‘gang’ part right anyway-thug mentality-don’t try commenting there or you’ll be subject to the liberal ‘peace and tolerance’ right to free speech (aka censorship). Page after page of Marxist drivel and victim feminist whining-they are living proof that abortion hasn’t improved the lives of women-almost 40 years later and that little whinefest is the best they can do. I hope they keep flapping their libsnob pieholes personally, it’s a great service to the prolife movement.
Pro-aborts are “..on the side of love, kindness, respect, compassion, and justice…” ???
Dang! Steph…methinks you took too much kool-aid !
“You make our job so easy! Thanks for reminding us who is really on the side of love, kindness, respect, compassion, and justice.”
Yeah, Cinnamon Bunz, and it ain’t you.
If any here are Twitter-pated, please RT or make your own tweets to the #10forTebow HT in support of your local CPC instead of Premeditated Parent-hoods/abortion funds. Two can play at this game.
Sure, she’s doing “God’s work,” if by “God” she means “pro-abortion ideologues who want to eliminate poor people and minorities by killing their respective offspring.”
Uh — whatever you say, Steph (shakes her old gray head)
This is a little off-post, but apparently “tebowing” is the rage among some knuckleheads. Now, why would you do this in school?
Sometimes I think teenagers are a separate (and often) annoying species!
I’m all for women* achieving their dreams,but using abortion to do so? IMHO that’s sick. Aren’t there other ways? (or even other dreams)they can use?
*especially since I AM one
Can’t you guys ever seen the honest good in people? You have an idealogical difference from this women but why can’t she HONESTLY BELIEVE (the way you do about your work) that she is doing good work to save women’s lives and help to empower them? I do think she has love and compassion in her heart and I think that a lot of pro-life supporters have love and compassion in their hearts. Why can’t you guys see that this is a difference of IDEAS, not a right and wrong. You’re never going to listen and convert if you’re always shoving your hands over your ears and shouting “I’m right you’re wrong la la la la la la can’t hear you!!!!”
One thing ALWAYS puzzles me… Can someone please please explain to silly me HOW, just HOW pro-choicers “save womens’ lives”??? Did abortion save someone’s life? Ummm… I don’t think so, though it did TAKE someone’s life, that’s for sure. Does PP save womens’ lives? Like how? I haven’t heard of anyone dying because they didn’t get the contraceptives (though some died because they TOOK them)… Are we talking about STD testing? Well, that I’m sure both pro-life and pro-choice side have no arguments about, but you don’t need PP or pro-choicers to have yourself STD testing done, plenty non-abortion clinics do it…
So just exactly HOW pro-choicers save womens’ lives? Or is it just a methaphor for “saving women from unplanned children, so they could continue with their lives”?
It’s not merely an idealogical difference, Elizabeth. It’s almost as if proaborts are a different kind of species. They look at the killing of children, in this blog, as a wonderful, godly act.
It’s bloody baby parts in buckets.
How do I have a conversation with a woman who sees murdering babies as a positive?? Because there’s no reaching an understanding here, there’s no dialogue to be had except to say Evil is alive and well, and it’s taken over the souls of these poor women. I want NOTHING to do with them.
Plus, the more they offer inane drivel like the blog above, they make the pro-life case without me lifting a finger.
So, let me make sure I get this:
Abortion “clinics” do not help women with ectopic pregnancies. Late-term abortionists use a process that can take approximately 3 days to kill the child: if a woman were experiencing a medical emergency, the child could be delivered by cesarean and given a chance at life. In no way does murdering the child “save” a woman in the case of elective, financially or socially motivated abortions. If a woman doesn’t want to raise her child, there are about a million families in the US waiting to adopt.
This isn’t about philosophies and differences of harmless ideas.
As Courtnay so aptly puts it:
It’s bloody baby parts in buckets.
Personally, I’m not trying to convert the most rabid abortion advocates and abortionists: I’m trying to put them completely out of business. You can go ahead and believe that abortion is wonderful: someday you’ll go to jail for committing them, as it should be.
Sometimes, when you’re lost on the road or in the wilderness, the best thing to do is turn back. That’s what we must do with abortion: go back to it being illegal.
Women deserve so much better than to be complicit in the deaths of their children.
Vita-not one of them has been able to answer when I’ve asked how aborting a girl because you wanted a boy or aborting because baby has Down’s Syndrome is ‘lifesaving.’ Not. One.
Elizabeth, me saying that a kitchen with white cabinets and green walls is the most beautiful look for a kitchen and you saying dark cherry wood with red walls is the prettiest look for a kitchen would be a difference of IDEAS.
When someone says killing children in the womb is God’s work and someone else says killing children in the womb is Satan’s work… well, someone HAS to be wrong. THis isn’t just difference of ideas or opinions. The two can not be simultaneously right.
Wow, Elizabeth. You fell for the lies “hook, line and sinker”. Just goes to show..pro-aborts know who will buy what they’re selling. The TRUTH is on OUR side, Elizabeth. A dead baby, a dead or wounded mother is not an “idea”, it’s a REALITY when people who are for abortion get what they REALLY want.
Elizabeth, I don’t find it hard to believe that this woman believes she is doing good for women, I find her haughty indignation at the criticism she received annoying and a little ridiculous.
It’s not lifesaving, Vita. Abortion is lifeSTYLE saving. And young women who have grown up with the privilege of never having to struggle don’t see anything wrong with doing something that society tells them is “no big deal” in order to avoid something as uncomfortable and inconvenient as pregnancy and childbirth.
Len, that’s a mischaracterization of women who have abortions… I personally know a lot of girls who terrified and came from horrible and abusive circumstances who thought that abortion would be for the best. It wasn’t for the best, not ever, but that’s what they were told. I tire of people acting like every women who had an abortion was a privileged college girl who aborted because it was convenient.
Jack and Len: you’re both right.
But I’m not sure it matters when we’re dealing with someone like Steph. There are proaborts who see abortion as a necessary evil; on the other side of that, we’ve got Steph and her cronies who see it as lifesaving, God’s work! If she ever, the good Lord please forbid, gets near young women and offers them the idea that abortion (like sex) is merely a stepping stone to fulfilling dreams, then you know what we’ve got?
Jack: I know you don’t believe, but this is Satan, here and now, and he’s a liar.
Y’all: Be strong. We are absolutely on the side of goodness and justice and God here.
It is VERY hard for me to consider that idea when people like Megan who aborted just so she could get her degree-a piece of paper-come here, and after my coworker attempted to sell me on abortion when I was in a crisis situation with my daughter by telling me about how her abortion when she was 17 years old freed her up to go backpacking around Europe for a year. Or one of the girls (I’d say “women”, but she doesn’t act like one) I often see on Twitter tells me about how she can spend $400 on a pair of high heels and go to Disneyworld because of her abortion.
I am sorry my experiences are so limited.
I know, X, I don’t pretend that every woman who aborted was in the type of situation I described. My experiences are different than most peoples. I was on the streets and knew a lot of addicts and hookers, women and girls who had no support or love at all and really did believe abortion was the best thing they could do. Doesn’t change the wrongness of the act, but I don’t think painting women who abort as evil and selfish tackles any of those problems. I have my opinions of those who abort for reasons I personally find abhorrent, but I can’t see it being helpful so I don’t tend to talk about it.
I realize that women from all walks of life have abortions for many different reasons. In the community I grew up in there was a lot of teen pregnancy it was the girls with more money and more privilege who were most likely to abort because a teenage pregnancy carried a higher stigma for them and interfered with their plans for college, travel, etc. The girls from poorer families were more likely to keep the baby because it was more common and acceptable in their circles to have children very young. Sometimes they just didn’t have the cash upfront for an abortion but knew they could get public aid.
I tend to think in terms of the people and society I’m most familiar with, though I know those views are not all-encompassing
phillymiss says:
This is a little off-post, but apparently “tebowing” is the rage among some knuckleheads.
Hahaha. It’s all the rage on the volleyball courts. My teenage son’s team does this move when they get an ace.
This is not just a difference in ideas, it’s a difference in who is valued. Is pre-born human life valued enough to protect from conception until birth? Not according to pro-abortion folks and the majority of supreme court judges in 1973. According to them, there is NO value to the human growing inside, or at least until the “viability” stage. Of course all these folks think their intentions are good and honorable. So did Hitler.
To those of you who see nothing wrong with abortion: aren’t you glad your mother didn’t abort you?
I got pregnant at 18 and my daughter is the most amazing woman and I am so blessed to have her in my life. I could have chosen abortion as it had just become “legal”. What a tragedy that would have been. Abortion isn’t just about getting rid of a “problem”. It’s about snuffing out the life of a person. Forever. No second chances to share that precious life with them. How many women live with the guilt and shame of abortion for the rest of their life? Thankfully we have a God who is merciful and forgives when we repent. Steph, it’s not too late. I pray you will give thought to this.
I have worked in pregnancy care for over a decade, and I have never met a woman whose life was saved by an abortion in a medical sense. A recent client with a plethora of health issues, who had started to assume that her pregnancy would be physically inadvisable was actually told very strongly by specialists that an abortion would be far more catastrophic to her health than continuing and giving birth.
I have seen many women who have sought to preserve their current life, in a social sense, by having an abortion. Some lose the relationship they were trying to preserve by having the abortion. Some conceive again, seeking to replace the child they lost in the abortion. Some react so badly that all their dreams are lost in a wash of self abuse, including years of addictions and even suicide attempts.
I have also known many women who were saved by their babies. They found a sense of purpose, a drive to grow with their child, and a desire for a better life that they never dreamed of when they were alone, but with a child, she gains a bright vision of a better future for her little family.
It makes me so sad that more and more, babies are viewed as a burden rather than a blessing. How can adults be threatened by someone so helpless and tiny? How can grown people turn their back on the one chance to know their own son or daughter?
Sometimes this work gets very heavy. I am eternally thankful for an amazing team to share the journey with. My volunteers are like my sisters and together, we spread hope, help and healing, and we comfort each other when our offers of compassion are exchanged for the lies and death of abortion. We are not going away because love is our motive, our source and our method.
That little jab didn’t go unnoticed, X. That little “piece of paper” allows me to pay my bills. My parents certainly aren’t in a position to take me back in. Self-sufficiency, right, Tea Party Queen?
But in a curious reversal of that staunch conservatism, you’d put every pregnant woman under lock and key until she gave birth, if you could. And I don’t see any of that outrage over life lost directed at the protracted wars we’re in, or the lax gun laws that kill scores of kids every year (Anders Breivik, cough). No, you focus your anger solely on women who made a decision that you wouldn’t make. Maybe there’s something more to the bitterness and resentment that we’re not seeing.
That little jab didn’t go unnoticed, X. That little “piece of paper” allows me to pay my bills. My parents certainly aren’t in a position to take me back in. Self-sufficiency, right, Tea Party Queen?
Umm…did you TRY to make it first without your precious little tree pulp before you resorted to killing your child, or was that the go-to notion? I know plenty of people who have their oh-so-valuable paper bits that I’ve been able to make more than at a job that I liked without finishing college yet. My fiance was one, for awhile, before I moved up here to be with him. He had 2 degrees from one of the best colleges in the country for the field he’s in, and I was making more than him with an almost-finished general education degree with credits from two different schools, one a CC. Oh, and I had full benefits at my job that were some of the best in the nation. Bitterness and resentment? Nope. Disgust at someone capable of such a cruel act who was so cold-hearted she was not willing to move from her precious pedestal to let her child live? You betcha.
I just know that you CAN be self-sufficient WITHOUT killing your child(ren) to do so.
You sure care a lot about “lax gun laws that kill scores of kids every year” for someone who couldn’t manage to keep from killing one child, who was her very own. HA.
Locks and keys are not required to prevent women from killing their children in utero. Do we use locks and keys to prevent ANYONE from killing ANYONE ELSE…EVER? You’re sad, Megan, creating some fantasy world and painting other women like us as boogeymen to try and legitimize what YOU have done. We have no locks and keys. We just wanted you to let your child live and not kill him or her! I still really don’t think that’s too much to ask.
Tim Torbreck is over-rated.
Just think Megan, if you would have chosen to let your precious child live you wouldn’t be here defending indefensible behavior.
Just think of all that you could be doing right now with your child instead of defending your killing of her.
Make sure to read that important piece of paper a bedtime story, give it a kiss and tuck it in. It probably won’t give you a hug and kiss back and tell you it loves you though.