Abortion proponent uses Tim Tebow to raise funds
So here is my solution, and if you’re a sports fan that also thinks women should be able to do what they want, when they want, and how they want it with their uteri, you can join in this too.
For every touchdown Tebow throws next week (when the Broncos play against another famous QB, Tom Brady) , donate $5 or $10 to your local pro-choice organization…
I figure this is indeed the best way to enjoy football, support Tim Tebow (more touchdowns, mannn!!!), and give, give, give to pro-choice organizations earning little to no glory, yet desperately in need of funds.
~ Sophia figuring out how to support pro-abortion organizations and a pro-life athlete simultaneously, Abortion Gang, December 13

Sophia is a double-minded woman, unstable in all her ways. (James 1:8).
As for Tim Tebow, what’s not to love? :)
People’s 10 Top Tim Tebow Shoots
I find this kind of fundraising disgusting. No one would ever use Harriet Tubman or Sojourner Truth as a tool to fund slavery. Yet someone who escaped the abortionist because of his mother’s love is somehow exempt from even the most basic form of common decency.
I enjoy Tim Tebow as much as anyone, but he does have a problem throwing the ball sometimes. ;) So it is very possible that he won’t throw any TDs, and this could blow up in her face.
Haters gotta hate. She hates him because he represents what’s good in our world.
Man, I love Tim Tebow. A young man uncompromised in today’s compromising world.
Sophia, if you admire Tim, you might want to figure out where his joy and standards come from. The way it stands, you are lost.
Has anyone thought of countering her suggesting by donating, say, $20 to a pro-life organization?
Get ‘er done, Alex!
Abortion advocates sure do love death and destruction, even on a Sunday.
I really wish Tim would speak to this.
How pathetic.
I think that NFL Defense Coordinators will adjust to stop Tebow’s antics.
I don’t get it. Why would she pick him? He stands for everything she despises…where is the logic/reason behind this? It simply doesn’t make any sense to me.
Doug, no they won’t. He’s the best thing that’s happened to the franchise in a very long time.
desperately need the funds??? that’s a joke right??
I agree with Adam, the reason Tim is not considered NFL-quality is because he has trouble throwing the ball at this level, he does run the ball pretty well though. Guess perhaps Sophia needs to settle down a little and chill with some friends this Sunday.
Heather, I think the idea she is playing on is taking the insulting epithet and turning it into a badge, much like the pink triangles or the word “biXch”.
Courtnay, you and Doug are both right, that’s the challenge of competitive sports; adaptation. Thing is, AFC West teams have very little time left to figure out the Broncos’ new schemes…
It is amazing to me how God has chosen to elevate the man at this time. I don’t think he’ll have a Hall of Fame career, but at the same time, I think he’ll be happy where ever he ends up. And all this publicity for the babies and mothers is nothing but glory to God.
Yes, Adam–to the glory of God. And that’s the first thing he cares about.
All I know is I got tickets to see Aaron Rodgers play Christmas night!!!!!!
LOL! She HAD to have written this through gritted teeth.
U mad, Sophia? XD
Doug, no they won’t. He’s the best thing that’s happened to the franchise in a very long time.
Courtnay, he’s good for Denver, yeah, but we shall see on countering him.
No, I mean he’s good for the NFL. And for the unborn who have no voices.
We can do the same thing. For every ___________(you fill in the blank) that some famous pro-abort does, or for every minute they have their pro-abort march, we can donate x amount of money to a Crisis Pregnancy Center. Turnabout is fair play.
This tactic was used against neo-Nazis in some cities. The longer the Nazis marched, the more money was donated to organizations that fought racism.
It’s a fair tactic
Wow Sophia you just gave me a great idea! for every touchdown Tebow throws I am donating the same amount to a crisis pregnancy center . In yo face!
“give to pro-choice organizations earning little to no glory”
Hmmm…gee, Sophia, I wonder why there’s no glory in killing the unborn, hurting women physically, emotionally and psychologically and protecting rapists, pedophiles and abusers ????
it’s just not fair is it? ;)
I have never been able to stand Tebow, he has irritated me since he played for the Gators.
There really is something rude about donating to a cause in the name of a person who despises that cause. Who the heck does that? Lol, the donation matches sound like a good plan.
“I think that NFL Defense Coordinators will adjust to stop Tebow’s antics.”
Nope..not this year.
I guess it is only OK to use your celebrity status to speak out about abortion if you are for it. Apparently you can only choose to use the bully pulpit if you choose the way they want you to choose. So much for that ridiculous “pro-choice” moniker. I guess it really is “Pro-Abortion.” Who knew??
I think it’s a great idea to donate to a CPC every time Tebow makes a TD. After all, not only are they not getting any “glory,” they are definitely “desperately in need of funds” and in addition are constantly under attack by the likes of Sophia and her ilk.
What a sad, mixed up world we live in when someone like Charlie Sheen, a drug addict, creep, and abusive womanizer, is idolized by many yet the members of the media, among others, are constantly trying to belittle and demean Tebow. I wish there were more like him!
A response to Ms. Sophia’s pledge.
“I think that NFL Defense Coordinators will adjust to stop Tebow’s antics.”
Tyler: Nope..not this year.
:: sticks tongue out at Tyler :: We’ve only got 3 weeks left in the regular season, but even there I’d say we shall see.
Oh no, not a nice, humble virgin Christian boy who volunteers in 3rd world countries!! I suppose pro-aborts would prefer if he was the type of athlete who used his fame to sleep around with women and encourage them to “choice” his children so as to not to cramp his lifestyle.
Adair, there’s plenty of those in the NFL. I love the sport, but many of the players are jerks.
Adair: Oh no, not a nice, humble virgin Christian boy who volunteers in 3rd world countries!!
No, that’s fine. But the constant gesticulating and verbal interruptions get old, and it’s not just Tebow. Spouting some ludicrous chain of thought about how “I was blessed and thus I was able to knock that guy’s block off,” often replaces honest answers about the game. If a player repeatedly yelled out, “Allahu Akbar!” there would be all manner of people in the US whining and moaning and carrying on about it. Or, how about, “Thank you, Satan!” What are you going to say to that, if the person so believes?
Good grief, guys (the players), we accept that you believe some things. In Tebow’s case, it’s like, okay, Tim, we know what you believe. Now how about talking about the game?
If I were Tebow, I’d try and run in every touchdown, just to spite them.
I tried to visit the Abortion Gang site and it wouldn’t load, I think it’s temporarily down this evening. Did anyone have this issue?
I tried to visit the Abortion Gang site to view the comments (and see if they responded to our challenge) and it wouldn’t load. I got a 403 error with a likely cause: This website requires you to log in. I think the website is locked down due to trolls, apparently according to their Twitter page, they’ve deleted some harsh comments :-( Did anyone else get this?
Nice guys finish best.
She knows that Tebow is a born again Christian and TOTALLY against abortion, right? And does she also know that Tebow is a scrambling QB? I almost forgot, does she know that abortion is really, really, REALLY wrong?!?!?
Twisted, twisted world.
Sophia doesn’t live up to the meaning of her name -‘wisdom’. I think Timmy did just fine on his throwing last game against the Bears.
Thanks for the pics Laura Loo and “People”
Thanks for bringing more attention to Tebow, his story, and what he stands for. Go Tim!
Doug, the things that get you all riled up.
None of what you see can be described as “antics.” His praying is WHO HE IS. I know that might be hard for a anti-religion zealot like yourself to understand, be follow me here: Tebow has been given a platform and he intends to use it to God’s glory. Simple. And if you had a 13 year old daughter (who is starting to notice guys) and a 12 year old son (who’s about to get Packer tickets on Christmas morning and may not survive the shock, he’s that much of a football fan), you would realize how incredibly refreshing it is to see a young man rip it up on the field and then praise Jesus for how much fun that was. He’s not out at the club with strippers in Vegas in the off season, he’s working with charities. He’s on his knees. And if there were any dirty laundry about him, don’t you think HuffPo or BSNBC would have outed him by now?
Pick on someone else. You let us have Tim.
If Tim Tebows mother had been Pro-Abortion like Sophia, there likely would be no Tim Tebow for Sophia to “idolize”. Talk about mix-up values! :oP
The only reason she can do this, is because she is alive! She was given life not death! That is what Tim stands for LIFE!! Touch not my anointed!
That is pathetic. But the best thing Tim Tebow can do is just to ignore it. He shouldn’t attract any more attention to it.
Poor Sofia! I sense desperation here!! When every lie fails, let’s try to use the good guys to support murder! Pathetic!
This gives me an idea. Every time Michael Vick scores a TD people should donate to the ASPCA.
You’re welcome Elayne! LauraLoo :D
Kinda stupid how they are trying to mix abortion and sports… I mean really? Also the 10 week fetus on the quarter is gonna give me nightmares.
To make a $5, $10, or $20 donation to pro-life is an extremely weak effort in showing support to pro-life and is almost laughable. Why don’t he really get serious and step up to the plate and make it $5, or $10, or $20 Thousand to pro-life? It sound like he is just Condescending and toying with the pro-life movement.
Nicole says:
December 15, 2011 at 3:52 pm
This gives me an idea. Every time Michael Vick scores a TD people should donate to the ASPCA.
:) :)
Once in a while would be different, but it gets old to see Tim doing the same thing over and over. Even strongly Christian NFL players like Kurt Warner are saying he’s overdoing it.
What is the Denver quarterback’s name?
1.) Tim Webot
2.) Tim Bowtie
3.) I, Robot
Doug, the things that get you all riled up.
Courtnay. :) I’m not all that over-wrought about it, it’s just the amount of the shenanigans.
None of what you see can be described as “antics.” His praying is WHO HE IS.
He need not do it after every play (and he doesn’t). He need not do it after every touchdown. If a teammate gets injured, does he “praise God” for it? Some Christian pro athletes are agreeing, it’s just too often. He is who he is, but we already get the religion thing. If he was prancing around shouting Islamic stuff, you’d probably be bumming out. I say give us all a break and ease off that stuff. You have a point, and I know it’s not really “antics” or “shenanigans” on his part, but there’s just so much of it.
I know that might be hard for a anti-religion zealot like yourself to understand, be follow me here: Tebow has been given a platform and he intends to use it to God’s glory. Simple. And if you had a 13 year old daughter (who is starting to notice guys) and a 12 year old son (who’s about to get Packer tickets on Christmas morning and may not survive the shock, he’s that much of a football fan), you would realize how incredibly refreshing it is to see a young man rip it up on the field and then praise Jesus for how much fun that was. He’s not out at the club with strippers in Vegas in the off season, he’s working with charities. He’s on his knees. And if there were any dirty laundry about him, don’t you think HuffPo or BSNBC would have outed him by now?
I don’t think there is any dirty laundry at all. But again – if his doing things “to God’s glory” was yelling “Allahu Akbar!” then I highly doubt you’d be so in favor of it. Again, I say come on Tim, give us all a break. It ends up being like those clowns who manage to sack the quarterback one time, and they strut around like they are the King of the World, when their team is still losing by 3 touchdowns.
Pick on someone else. You let us have Tim.
Good post, Courtnay. You damn near convinced me. :)
I was just about to point out that Tebow hasn’t been giving thanks for every good play. That bugs me too when they celebrate a tackle as if it was a game-winning touchdown.
That being said, I do wish Tim could be a little less demonstrative. Pointing fingers in the air is a bit much. It’s saying: “Look Who I’m thanking!” Jesus said to pray by yourself, and not to be showing off like the Pharisees.
But He also prayed in company. I think “Tebowing” is perfectly fine after a TD or win. It’s like saying grace at the table.
Hans, yeah – no huge deal, and I agree, “a bit much” covers it well.
If players were Muslim and knelt down and prayed to Mecca, you can imagine what people would be saying.
I’d say I’m surprised at the people who get riled up because of how Tebow living his life in accordance to his faith, but then I remembered the country I live in. If you have a problem with Tebow professing his faith, then guess what you can do? You can turn off your TV.
I’ll never forgive Time Webelo for helping to beat Ohio State when he was a Freshman, though.
Oh, and before I forget:
Mike Tyson
Muhammad Ali
Some Guy: I’d say I’m surprised at the people who get riled up because of how Tebow living his life in accordance to his faith, but then I remembered the country I live in.
And if he wasn’t Christian, many of the people now defending him would be crying bloody murder. What if he was a Hare Krishna, and after a touchdown he ran into the stands, handing out pamphlets and trying to get people to give him their spare change?
It’s time for a little separation between church and sports.
“And if he wasn’t Christian, many of the people now defending him would be crying bloody murder.”
Forget the fact that you can’t even prove such a statement, again I’ll give you the following names:
Mike Tyson
Muhammad Ali
“What if he was a Hare Krishna, and after a touchdown he ran into the stands, handing out pamphlets and trying to get people to give him their spare change?”
Isn’t a good thing Tebow is doing nothing similar?
“It’s time for a little separation between church and sports.”
Please. Again I say that if you’re so offended by Tebow’s displays of faith, you can simply turn off your TV and not watch.
“And if he wasn’t Christian, many of the people now defending him would be crying bloody murder.”
Some Guy: Forget the fact that you can’t even prove such a statement, again I’ll give you the following names:
Mike Tyson
Muhammad Ali
Were they kneeling down on the canvas and praying to Mecca at the end of every round?
If Tebow was doing something as far as another Religion, you bet your butt that many of the people now defending him would be whining and moaning something fierce.
“Were they kneeling down on the canvas and praying to Mecca at the end of every round?”
There’s no time to celebrate in between boxing rounds.
…But, in the case of Mike Tyson, he usually started his pressers with something about Allah and then promptly went on to say how he would eat your kids, how he was a terrible husband and/or how he was a rapist.
“If Tebow was doing something as far as another Religion, you bet your butt that many of the people now defending him would be whining and moaning something fierce.”
And I’d also bet that many of the people criticizing him would now rush to his defense against the “Christian zealots” who dare to attack him for displaying his faith. So what’s your point?
Praying to Mecca would have people saying the same things as they are about Tim T-Bone, that it’s disruptive, intrusive, too often, etc.
Tyson was indeed pretty crazy. ;)
Some Guy: And I’d also bet that many of the people criticizing him would now rush to his defense against the “Christian zealots” who dare to attack him for displaying his faith. So what’s your point?
Well, maybe some would. Thus better, IMO, to keep such displays to a minimum, and let’s watch the game.
Again, Doug. The stuff that pisses you off.
Tim does nothing to prevent you from watching a game.
The right of a woman to kill her own child? Thumbs up, in Doug’s world!!
The right of an earnest, hard-working man to genuflect and quietly praise his God. OOOOOOOH that makes Doug so ANNNNNGGGGGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have started a facebook to counter Sophia’s campaign. Please join us at https://www.facebook.com/cmcledford.
Courtnay: The right of an earnest, hard-working man to genuflect and quietly praise his God. OOOOOOOH that makes Doug so ANNNNNGGGGGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, that’s a bit excessive with the exclamation points. I ain’t sayin’ it’s the end of the world. I see it the same as the clowns that strut around like they made the best play of the last century just because they got a good block, sacked the quarterback, knocked down a receiver, etc., (even if their team is losing by 3 or 4 touchdowns. ;)
“Genuflect” hmm… that sounds like something that should be legislated against… : P