Supermodel: Pregnancy “the ultimate blessing”
2011 has been a year filled with incredible gifts and this is the ultimate blessing!!
~ Brazilian supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio gushing over her pregnancy with her second child, from her Facebook page via People, December 29

good for her for seeing pregnancy as a blessing! she is in good company with a few other models. brooke shields heidi klum kathy ireland and jennifer o neil. im really not expecting the pro aborts to cogratulate her though. just like nobody congratulated christina applegate or alissa milano. they wont remark unless its death thats chosen. cindy crawford is pro choice so now when i see her i dont even see beauty. a beautiful person who is ugly inside becomes ugly!
The late sexbomb Jayne Mansfield said, “Carrying a child is the most fulfilling experience a woman can have.” She was also no radical feminist in her views on relationships. She said, “A woman should be pink and cuddly for a man.” An interviewer read off a list of the many beauty queen titles Jayne Mansfield had garnered. Then he asked, “What is your favorite title?
She replied, “I like to be called ‘mother.'” I am voluntarily childless and have never regretted not having children. However, women who are INvoluntarily childless are often heartbroken over it. The attraction of motherhood can be seen in the behaviors of those who are involuntarily childless and will go to extraordinary lengths to become mothers. As Mansfield observed, many of Hollywood’s top glamour queens were childless. Mansfield believed some of them were afraid having kids would harm their images. She asserted, “My children have added to my image.” She was proud to be photographed with a diaper pin in her mouth and holding an infant.
It’s probable that fear of harming the image was not really the main reason so many big name actresses were childless in Mansfield’s day and before it. Hollywood’s notorious “casting couch” meant a lot of sexual exploitation and the result of such exploitation, in heterosexuality, if often a pregnancy that is not accepted by the pregnant female and some of which are aborted. Not only Marilyn Monroe was damaged by illegal abortions. I’ve read that Mae West may have been left sterile by an illegal abortion. I’m sure there were many others as well.
Of course, we shouldn’t go too far with this. We can never know with certainty why heterosexually active women in past time periods were childless. For example, Theda Bara, “the vamp,” never had children. After her career ended, she married a man and they seem to have been happily married for decades. Although she considered a return to theater, she never tried one because her husband did not want her to engage in paid work outside the home and she went along with his wishes (no radical feminist she!). She never had children. However, I’ve never read that she had abortions. It could be that one or the other just wasn’t able to have kids or that their contraceptives worked or that they avoided much of the type of sex that leads to pregnancy. They did not adopt which tends to indicate that they did not want to add children to their marriage.
It seemed for a long while that people quoted a figure of a million and a half abortions per year in the United States. I read that last year there were 1.2 million abortions. That’s quite a drop from 1.5 million. Is there good news?
hi denise. yes mae west had an abortion that left her quite ill for an entire year. she did become sterile as a result. on a funny note west commented “marriage is a great institution but im not ready for an institution.” lol
Heather, has abortion declined from 1.5 million per year to 1.2 million per year?
If so, why?
This would appear to be good news.
@ denise i had not heard the stats on that. any abortion drop is good but thats still far too many abortions.
heather says:
January 2, 2012 at 9:13 am
@ denise i had not heard the stats on that. any abortion drop is good but thats still far too many abortions.
(Denise) If they are dropping, WHY are they dropping?
You shouldn’t demonize Cindy Crawford for believing abortion should be legal. I’ve often asked posters if they believe there is a way to ensure that the only females being impregnated are those prepared to carry to term. The general reply is that it is not possible. This indicates that conceptions are often doomed.
how about this denise? i really just dont care for crawford. its safe to say shes just not one of my favorite models. i like heidi klum and christy brinkley.
add janice dickenson to the dont like list. both women just act too stuck on themselves and dickenson has no class.
Heather, OK. You can like who you wish to like and dislike who you wish to dislike. It’s personal preference.
And Jayne Mansfield’s anti-abortion stance is one reason I’m fascinated by her so I’ve hardly got a right to complain.