Life Links 3-15-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- UK abortion clinics aren’t used to large protests:
The spokeswoman, who requested anonymity because she said she had received hate mail, said the protests were bigger than many other anti-abortion protests.
“We’ve always had sporadic outbursts down the years, but I think we are seeing something, seeing protest on a scale we haven’t seen before,” she said.
- The office of Governor Rick Perry responds to the Obama Administration announcement that the federal government will defund the Woman’s Health Program because Planned Parenthood wouldn’t get any of its funding:
The fact that the Obama Administration would announce its decision to deny care for more than 100,000 low income women during a press event before giving official notice to the state is a clear demonstration of the political motivation behind this decision. This tactic is an affront to the more than 100,000 women served by this program. We await official word from the Administration on this matter and in the meantime, at Gov. Perry’s direction, the state continues to move forward to ensure low-income women will not lose access to this preventative care. Gov. Perry will continue to fight this egregious federal overreach and defend life, our state’s laws and the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution….
• There are more than 2,500 qualified providers in the WHP that operate more than 4,600 locations across the state.
• Planned Parenthood represents less than two percent of providers in the WHP.
• Planned Parenthood’s cost per client is 43 percent higher than most other providers, according to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
- Sometimes, I wonder if abortion clinic workers at the Abortioneers blog ever notice how ridiculous they sound:
So, here is my struggle… I want factory farms to be exposed for their cruelty (not only to animals, but also workers) more than anyone. I know deep down that undercover investigations in factory farms are NOT the same as anti-woman creeps like Lila Rose (and yes I feel bad giving any of her sites web traffic, but google her if you must). The footage and audio that people like Lila Rose obtain from abortion clinics is manipulated and taken out of context and at the end of the day just a downright lie. When it comes to undercover footage from factory farms there is little manipulation going on. I have seen enough of that footage to know that animal cruelty is commonplace in factory farms and no amount of photoshopping or editing can create the horrors I have seen.
Manipulated? Taken out of context? Downright lie? Umm… do you mean the full, uncut tapes?
Do these abortion clinic workers really believe the uncut videos are downright lies or does their overwhelming preference for pro-abortion policies and their hate for pro-life organizations prevent them from doing any actual research?
- Spanish doctors announced they carried out the world’s first lung surgery on a preborn child in 2010:
During the 30-minute procedure performed in late 2010, doctors introduced an endoscopy through the fetus’ mouth to repair the defected bronchi.
“It is an extremely delicate operation since it is carried out near the heart on tissues as thin as cigarette paper. But without this fetal therapy, the baby would not have survived,” [director of maternal-fetal medicine] Dr. [Eduard] Gratacos told reporters.
The baby named Alaitz was born at eight months and is in very good health condition 16 months after birth, said the doctors who unveiled their landmark work on Tuesday.
[Photo via]
Re: Abortioneers – apparently they don’t realize how ridiculous they are. How many times have we made the point that abortion is the tool of misogyinists who only want to use women for sex? Apparently the abortioneers agree with us. And that’s okay with them.
Sometimes I swing by their blog just for a laugh. Surely they can’t be taking themselves seriously? It’s all some weird social experiment on how far you can push Poe’s Law before it snaps on you, right?
I have started this post a few times. Each time a fail.
I don’t know where to start.
The pigs??
I was always an animal lover as a child. After the abortion I had, my love of little critters actually became problematic for me, hard to reconcile. For about 15 years I was vegetarian and though I didn’t like Peta, I did read all kinds of books on the subject, some about factory farming and vivisection. I also notice some of my post-abortive friends also have a “thing” about animals. One post-abortive friend is a bona fide pet hoarder. Others have weird dietary restrictions, fear of germs and doctors, etc. But as the years went by, the incongruity became harder to bear. Why was I saving animals? Did all the chickens I didn’t eat add up to the one child I owed back to God?
Eventually, I went back to a normal, omnivorous diet. Within a year of that, I attended a big family gathering and not only was my belly full, but my soul was nourished by sharing our favorite foods (which included some meat). I felt whole again. I still believe that we need to treat our food animals with as much humanity as we can. A cow can lead a more pleasant life before we eat him. However, make no mistake: A cow does not equal a human.
If I had my chance to save the life of a calf or a baby, I tell you this: that baby would call out to my heart, to the very depths of my humanity. And I would forfeit the calf.
Still, I look around and think that the popularity of small dogs and/or vegetarianism among my post-abortive friends is no coincidence. Do any of you see it?
Tweet a little, and check out the uploaded pics of the abortion supporters/post-abortive women. CATS, CATS EVERYWHERE! Tons are vegans. Holy screwed-up priorities, Batman!
I’ve actually been told that I have no right to finish my education to become a vet by them because even though I love animals very much, I think that human beings have an inherent worth and dignity far greater than any other animal.
Haven’t eaten meat since I was like twelve. I believe animals deserve love and care and treatment about equal to humans. But if there was a baby and a dog drowning and I could only save one, I would choose the baby. Speciest priorities and all.
I remember a phase I went through (as a teenager, I’m embarrassed to say) when I wouldn’t eat eggs, thinking about the poor little chicks. I was as confused as our “friends” on the other side about fertilized vs. unfertilized!
Jack, what about our poor friends in the plant world? ;) You know, you can’t really escape the fact that it takes life to further life - in more ways than one.
Let the rabbits wear glasses.
This. Is. Necessary. This. Is. Necessary. Life. Feeds on life. Feeds on life. Feeds on. THIS. IS. NECESSARY.
And it tastes good.
It’s a TOOL song, Hans. ;)
Oh. Never mind. :)
Rick Perry is going to take alot of grief for his stand. There cannot be any question about the true intent of the Obama admin. They are so in the pocket of PP and the abortion agenda that they would actually deny funding to poor people in need of medical care. But what else are we to expect from Obama–who as a state senator in Illinois vociferously opposed legislative efforts to save the lives of babies born alive during an attempted abortion?