Life Links 4-3-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- An Idaho man has been sentenced to 15 years in jail after getting a 12-year-old pregnant and forcing her to have an abortion:
Kenneth Lamb of Wilder was sentenced Monday by 3rd District Judge Molly J. Huskey to 15 to 30 years in prison on felony convictions of lewd conduct with a minor child and conspiracy to escape from jail. He pleaded guilty in January.
- Forbes has a piece by Ryan Holliday discussing Planned Parenthood’s decision not to accept a $500,000 donation from Tucker Max: It’s obvious they didn’t want the possibility of negative publicity.
Remember that Live Action previously recorded PP employees being willing to accept donations for racist reasons.
- In India, a woman is struggling to survive after being beaten by her husband and in-laws who were attempting to kill her unborn child because they thought the child was a girl. The woman had two previous abortions which were girls or assumed to be girls:
Police circle inspector Shaikh Usman said that the husband and in-laws of the victim, Munni, a resident of Balajipeta in Tenali town believed that she was pregnant with a girl child as a local Baba had predicted that only the 7th child in her womb will be a male. Husband hence allegedly beat up his wife that lead to miscarriage.This was victim’s sixth pregnancy and his husband and in-laws made her abort again and again because they didn’t want the girl child.
As no local doctor was willing to abort the child for the third time due to her health condition, the family decided to do it themselves. Husband Allabaksh, father-in-law Rahman and mother-in-law Fathima tied her to a pole and beat her on the stomach under the impression it would lead to abortion.
[Photo via]
Too ignorant and uneducated to’s the FATHER’S chromosome that determines if a baby is a girl or a boy.
I saw a similar situation on a television documentary once. A very young wife (she looked to be no older than 15) and her newborn were rejected by her husband and his family (they didn’t come to the hospital to visit, or celebrate the birth) because the baby was a GIRL….like that was THE MOTHER’S fault. But at least (I assume) this baby didn’t suffer the fate of so many baby girls in India. She wasn’t MURDERED.
Its the pro-abort mentality on display. A mother in the US decides to kill her child cause the baby is unwanted and a father in India decides to kill his child cause he wanted a boy. They are a lot alike.
Hey, tie the father to a pole an beat his…
Well, it makes about as much sense.
Will the arrest of the bombing of the Wisconsin Planned Parenthood be posted on this website? Word has it that the suspect participated in the 40 Days of Life protest.
As a pro-choice for mother’s to kill their babies in the womb; do you support a man or a woman’s right to kill their baby because the baby is a girl?
expecting crickets……..