Democrat platform committee warned: Soften abortion stance or lose
There were lots of interesting tidbits in Melinda Henneberger’s August 7 Washington Post piece, “Democratic abortion foes push for change in platform.”
Democratic dissenters on the issue of abortion have made their case to the platform committee, arguing that the party should change its language enough to allow for some diversity of opinion on the matter and return to the “big tent” approach of the Clinton years.
[Democrats for Life president] Janet Robert, who founded Minnesota’s progressive talk radio station AM 950… was given seven minutes… to argue that the party simply cannot win back Congress without Democrats who differ from the ’08 platform on this one issue. She cited a slew of stats, including a Gallup poll from last year in which 44% of Democrats said abortion should only be legal “in a few circumstances.”
But with NARAL president Nancy Keenan on the platform committee, it ain’t gonna happen. Plus, the abortion lobby has more power than ever with ally Barack Obama at the helm.
Kicking the dogs
At any rate, Democrat leadership is apparently not interested in running socially conservative Blue Dogs, according to Henneberger:
There’s no question that Democrats won the House in ’06 by running more moderate candidates in districts the party would otherwise have lost to Republicans….
[But] Democrats no longer see outreach to social moderates – the Blue Dogs, many of whom were turned out of office in ’10 – as the path to regaining a House majority.
This year, the face of Democratic diversity is a pro-trade, pro-business fiscal conservative running to take back the suburbs.
Too big to buck
I give Henneberger’s piece a B+ for fairness. But she could have earned an A, had she made an observation she came thisclose to here:
But the abortion rights lobby writes big checks and wields such unlimited power that I’ve long thought abortion rights have become to the Democrats what the Second Amendment is to Republicans – who are so terrified of the “slippery slope” that even the most common-sense gun restrictions are out of the question. Nobody wants to buck the lobby with bucks.
On that point Ken Shepherd at noted:
Henneberger’s pro-gun control beliefs aside, it is a fascinating contrast, particularly given how every four years in the convention season the media insist on pushing Republicans to become more liberal on social issues like abortion but fail to question the Democrats’ unwavering dedication to abortion-on-demand.
If the media want to insist that the GOP are captive to special-interest, single-issue lobbies like the right-to-life movement and gun-rights groups like the NRA, fairness and balance dictates that journalists would similarly worry that the Democratic Party is too beholden to special-interest groups on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Population crisis
But there is a major difference between abortion proponents and pro-life and pro-Second Amendment proponents that shows the Democrat Party’s fusion to its pro-choice lobby even more fraught with trouble.
And the difference is that pro-lifers and pro-2Aers don’t kill over a million of their future supporters every year.
Gun lobbyists beget little gun lobbyists, and pro-lifers beget little pro-lifers.
But pro-choicers don’t beget – or if they do they don’t beget at replacement level.
Back to Nancy Keenan, I have a feeling she knows what’s really up, that her movement is in decline if for no other reason than attrition.
But she’s apparently so used to leading people to slaughter she can’t stop herself from carrying on.
Of course the Democrat leadership won’t run Blue Dogs. They were tolerated for only one reason, to pass Obamacare. When they served their purpose, they were sent to the pound.
Princess Pelosi and Obama were well aware the Blue Dogs would vote the Democrat line on Obamacare. Democrats are first and foremost Democrats. Sure the BDs would make some noise of protest, but they could be tossed a bone or two and that would shut them up. Like the dog who is given a steak by a burgler so he can ransack the house undetected, the BDs would betray their masters(constituents). Just ask Bart Stupak.
Great post Mary and right on the mark.
Yes, “just ask Bart Stupid (oops I meant Stupak)”.
I say keep going full-blown pro-choice AND adopt the pro-gay-marriage platform. That way, they can really lose numbers.
Did any of us really expect them to back off of abortion? I’m just impressed they actually heard DFL out, to be honest.
I’ve already worked out the solution to this problem a long time ago. It’s something that most people I’ve talked to find quite agreeable, on both sides.
Abolished government-recognized marriage. Replace that legal concept with civil unions that anyone can get (gay or straight). Union couples can then take their documents to any religious institution they wish (or none at all) to have their marriage recognized with a ceremony or wedding celebration. Any religious institution may reserve the right to refuse any couple they like on any basis they like. Couples are welcome to keep trying churches until they find one who will do it for them.
Problem solved.
If our pro-life position means we have fetus fetishes, does that mean the DNC is into guro?
You are sooooo right! It is sheer fantasy to think of a single, serious pro-life initiative ever coming out of the Democrat Party again. The Blue Dog dems of yesteryear are an example of the lengths to which Pelosi and the other democrat leaders will go to advance their disgusting agenda.
The success of the tea party in 2010 was a dramatic repudiation of the extremism introduced into the national scene by the democrats. There is no indication the dems learned anything except that they must distort things even more to have a chance to win…hence the laughable talk of softening on abortion.
Xalisae — What does that solve?
Our goal is to build a culture of life and families. We need to teach and warn against the evils that attack life and families — pre-marital sex, adultery, divorce, porn, contraception, abortion, government interference, and forced-indoctrination of children. All of these attack and destroy the family.
Add to this list: Pretending that society can get along without strong marriages, and pretending that marriage is “anything you want it to be.”
If we want to hand a strong and healthy culture for our children and grandchildren, then we need to teach and defend the natural definition of human marriage: Marriage is one man and one woman, united together for one lifetime, and open to receiving new life.
Our culture is already poisoned with contraception, abortion, and easy divorce. We must not make it any harder for future generations to survive and thrive.
The Democratic platform is always such a patchwork piece of special interest junk. Let them fall through under the weight of their own arrogance.
Our goal is to build a culture of life and families. We need to teach and warn against the evils that attack life and families — pre-marital sex, adultery, divorce, porn, contraception, abortion, government interference, and forced-indoctrination of children. All of these attack and destroy the family.
Umm…my goal is to make abortion illegal. Just that. I honestly don’t care about any of that other stuff.
Well…I kinda do…I mean…it shouldn’t have taken me over a year and over 1,000 dollars I didn’t have to divorce my abusive rapist ex-husband.
So…as a previously divorced woman with her tubes tied who thinks adultery is the best thing I did with my life in the last 7 years and who thinks government has no business telling anyone anything about marriage at all, I disagree with you on a good many of the things you just listed.
Hi PLL, 6:19PM
Thank you for the kind words. Yes poor Bart Stupid, eh, Stupak. I actually respected the man at one time, as did most people. You can see what concern Princess Pelosi and King Barack have shown for him and the other BDs that were forced to “retire” or not seek reelection. All I can say to those BDs is: Did he at least kiss you first and respect you in the morning?
Hi X, 11:06PM
I understand marriages were just that throughout the centuries, civil unions and not religious affairs. One just went to the local magistrate. Marriages were arranged for expediency, political purposes, etc. Wealthy and not so wealthy men…and women… had their playthings on the side, and still do. There’s a reason prostitution is the world’s oldest profession. Prince Charles and Princess Diana are an example of such an arranged marriage that had tragic consequences for all involved.
Hi Jerry 11:10PM
Always so good to see you here! Thank you for the kind words. Did you ever see that Dick Morris “scorched earth” video?
Blue Dogs led their constituents into thinking they truly stood for, at very least, more moderate values. I think they had good intentions as well. However the power of Pelosi, Obama, and loyalty to the Democrat Party overwhelmed them. They would be thanked by being hung out to dry.
Sadly Jerry it seems the Catholic leadership, unlike the BDs, hasn’t learned there is a price to pay for sitting at the devil’s table.
Softening on abortion? With sad puppy dog eyes and frowny faces? Oh how sad and tragic it is yet we will continue to applaud, encourage, support and promote it!!!!
I am with you Carder!! BE LOUD AN PROUD PROABORTS!!
If our pro-life position means we have fetus fetishes, does that mean the DNC is into guro?
Oh, I am keeping this. I am going to use this. And I am going to drop this on people every chance I get. :D
Hi Mary:
Yes, I did view the scorched earth video and it is a very real concern. Here in Illinois the lame duck session bought enough defeated legislator’s votes with job appointments to pass tax increases and even more government spending.
Believe me, Cardinal Dolan is getting more than an earful from Catholics and pro-lifers upset about the upcoming Al Smith dinner. We have not heard the last of this, and hopefully the Cardinal will act in some affirmative way to answer our concerns.
Thanks for spreading it around. I’m thinking about doing a philosoraptor pic with the text. :P
Instructions for constructing the Democrat platform:
“Stick finger in mouth, wet said finger, stick said finger in air to determine direction of wind”.
Our goal is to build a culture of life and families. We need to teach and warn against the evils that attack life and families — pre-marital sex, adultery, divorce, porn, contraception, abortion, government interference, and forced-indoctrination of children. All of these attack and destroy the family.
Del, I agree with your point. Unfortunately some people let their personal experiences override their better judgment about whether these evils are indeed evil.
For example, I am sure the victims of adultery (Ms.Elizabeth Edwards comes to mind, God save her soul) would agree quite readily with your point and be able to see the destruction that adultery has on the family. Children who experience the trauma of divorce understand the impact that divorce has on families and family life (isn’t every pro-lifer educated on the difficulties of single-parenting?).
The fact that most of these evils are now commonplace in Western society does not mean that they are any less destructive for the family.