Carhart’s emergency abortion number same as his horse business number
Photo and caption via CNN, October 7, 2009. Click all images to enlarge…
One thing to say about late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart, he is an entrepreneur.
Eight days ago came the tragic news that one of Carhart’s patients had succumbed following a late-term abortion at the Germantown, Maryland, clinic where Carhart operates.
On February 7, 29-yr-old Jennifer Morbelli died at a hospital near Carhart’s mill following Carhart’s abortion of her 33-wk-old baby, Madison Leigh.
A few days later came the revelation that among illegally dumped biohazardous waste, syringes, meds, and private patient information gleaned by pro-lifers from Carhart’s trash between August 2011 and May 2012 were Carhart’s instruction to patients not to go to the emergency room if experiencing complications but instead to call one of three staff numbers:
It turns out the number to “Mary,” Carhart’s wife, is the same number as the 24-hour hotline number to Carhart’s horse equipment business:
About Horse Shows by Marilee, from the website:
For all your horse show needs. — Formed in 1980 by Mary and Lee Carhart, Horse Shows by MARILEE was developed to provide a single source for all your horse show needs. In 2004 we upgraded and replaced all of our rental inventories and now offer all items for rental, lease and purchase.
The level of unprofessionalism and medical impropriety displayed by the abortion industry never fails to astound me, even though it shouldn’t. What other doctor in any other specialty would use the same phone number for both medical emergencies and a horse equipment sales hotline?
Then again, Carhart’s Bellevue, Nebraska, abortion clinic is surely dumpier than a horse barn…
… although in 1992 Carhart had horses and dogs confiscated by the Humane Society for neglect.
So Carhart apparently treats both animals and humans with equal disregard. has many action items for pro-lifers to take in our effort to shut down this menace.
[HT: Chris from Virginia]
While you’re dying from a botched abortion you can be put on hold behind someone buying new horse breeches.
See? He trusts women!
Which is worse, the prospect that his clients are treated as well as his horses, or that his horses are treated as badly as his clients? Somehow I think his life would be much happier if he stuck to the horse business and gave up the stress of tearing limbs off infants or injecting poison into their hearts.
I would be willing to bet Carhart has much higher standards for the care of his horses than he does for the women he “treats”. Their stalls certainly couldn’t look any worse than the above pictured “clinic”.
The Carhart saga just keeps on getting more and more disturbing. Seriously dude, just retire, it’s the best thing you can do for your patients.
I would like to see him retired to prison.
“I would like to see him retired to prison.”
Me too, but anything other then continuing to practice is an improvement.
Twenty bucks says that people in general were more angry about the horse and dog abuse than the human abuse and the mommy sent to the morgue.
No doubt Tony.
How DARE he treat defenseless animals that way???!!!
I want justice. Justice for all of the babies and the mothers who died at his hands. Their blood cries out.
But yes. He can be done now.
And he just looks dead in that photo.
Spiritually dead.
I understand what you’re saying, Carla. I want to make it clear that I was never implying that Carhart should not be punished.
Nothing surprises us about Carhart anymore. If only the mainstream media would report a tenth of what the rest of you do, we might actually crack the facade of “safe, legal abortion.”
Dude, I would not trust this monster with horses – or any animals. Based on the way he treats humans…. ugh. He apparently kept moldy hay just out of reach of his starving animals. that’s torture. If he treats horses this way, how does he treat his patients?
Oh yeah… He sends them to the morgue.
How repulsive. Unsurprising in a man who slaughters fully developed babies for a living.
33 weeks?! That baby could have survived outside the womb. She had 6 weeks to go. :(
No worries at all JDC.
There are post abortive mothers who long for justice. This side of heaven.
How would you answer when someone called that number, I wonder? ‘Cause someone who called with a medical emergency would probably hang up if the person answered with the name of the tack-and-bridle company.
Good grief, what a sleezeball.
I just called.
Someone answered.
Good afternoon. This is ____(couldn’t catch the name)how may I help you?
Had to hang up cause my kids are walking in the door from school. :)
Will they call back, I wonder?
Scenario: Woman has medical emergency, calls number, gets cut off for some reason. Frets about going to ER because Carhart has told her not to. Does not get call back from “emergency hotline.”
And then what? Ugh, this guy is so irresponsible. I shouldn’t be surprised what with the whole killing-children thing he’s got going on, but that’s just so horrible.
“33 weeks?! That baby could have survived outside the womb.”
I was born at roughly 33 weeks in 1966 and survived through a lot of medical care and a lot of prayers. You’re absolutely right LibertyBelle, this baby would have survived.
Would it seriously be that difficult for him to have a separate cell phone for his medical emergencies? Just to ensure that if someone was in a terrible state they could get hold of him right quick and no be ignored in favor of some horse show crap? This is seriously disturbing and seems pretty unprofessional. My kid’s pediatrician has two cell phones, his personal cell phone and one he has reserved for work calls and emergencies from patients. Is that not a standard thing?
IF this ever gets investigated I can’t wait to hear what flimsy excuse(s) he comes up with for not returning the “emergency call” as this poor woman was dying.
Then again, I’m sure he got paid in full UP FRONT before he did his “work”. That’s all he was concerned about: The $$$
Colateral damage and all that………ya win some. ya lose some.
So if someone called that line, would Mr Ed answer?
Hi Janet Baker,
More like Francis The Talking Mule, and I don’t mean to put mules in the same category as Carhart.
Why for heaven’s sake would you call the doctor’s spouse in the event of an emergency or if you just have a question or concern? You have to wonder what responses Jennifer’s family got when they frantically called for help. Were they ”Horseshows by Marilee”?
So horse farming is a different kind of stress than abortions. I’m sure it is, Carhart no doubt is very dedicated to his horses.
I thought Carhart had already hopped to his next kill mill when the calls were made and Jennifer was dying?
Lee Carhart is a mass murderer. His wife is in full agreement and enthusiastically supports his obsession with killing; she travels with him as he goes on his death rounds. Not to minimize the horrible significance of early-term abortion – at all – but Lee Carhart seems to delight in killing viable children. He is a serial killer who uses the legality of abortion to the day of delivery as a vehicle to feed his blood lust – which is why he moved to MD when NE put the clamps on him. He is no different than Kermit Gosnell, and really his clinic in Bellevue was a complete dump; the pictures do not even do it justice. One time his power was off and he hauled in a generator and powered up so he could keep killing, which I think is shown in this pic at I am sickened by the fact that these four child killers are being lionized, glorified and immortalized by a film. I hope it backfires in a major way and people become aware of this atrocity and are sickened by it, as they should be.
There was a Far Side that went something to the effect “like most vet students, Marvin breezed through the chapter on equestrian medicine.” The drawing showed a list of ailments, all with the same treatment: broken leg – shoot, hypertension – shoot, etc. That’s where I go with the connection between his two businesses … Relationship problems – kill baby, “imperfect” baby – kill baby, not financially stable – kill baby.
Shawn Carney of 40 Days for Life actually sat in between Carhart and his wife on a plane. It is in their new book, chapter 36. He prayed for them. The good Lord would have to clamp his hand over my mouth to keep me from voicing my opinion of his filthy business.
Where is all the outrage from our trolls? Still waiting….
Hi Courtnay, 11:35am
I hope you’re not standing on one leg.
This case was particularly disturbing to me on a personal level, because my daughter was born- HEALTHY at 33 weeks.
*That’s seven weeks early, not six. A ‘full-term’ pregnancy is 40 weeks, although a baby at 37-38 weeks is still considered “full-term” *
“… although in 1992 Carhart had 11 horses and two dogs confiscated by the Humane Society for neglect.”
I was expecting Jill’s article to mention how the horses are treated much better than the abortion patients. Apparently not any living thing is safe around this man.
“Hello, this is the Germantown Clinic emergency line, what do you neeiighd?” ;)
I mentioned in my class there was a long impassioned conversation about that young woman who died in Ireland after (allegedly) being denied an abortion. However, NO ONE has said anything about this case, NO ONE, Gosnell’s House of Horrors was located within walking distance of campus, and once again, the silence about this monster is deafening . . .
I am fairly positive that the “Lee” referenced on the blue paper is Carhart actually, as that is how he refers to himself. Soooo… we have his cell phone number?
I thought Lee was busted for animal abuse. good grief his clinic looks. like a horse stable ….pray for this depraved serial killing monster
Sorry folks,
didn’t know exactly where to stick this information. The technique is quite old (pre-Internet) but it does seem to be a ‘lost’ medical intervention.
When a young lad, every Saturday morning CBC-radio had a science show. On that morning was discussed the work of a research-neurosurgeon from Chicago University. He had transplanted adult-bone-marrow into a child in her fetal-stage, because this child had developed a rare syndrome. In the whole world not-one-child-with-this-disease lived past 2 years; in the USA fatality most-often-meant-1-yr-MAX.
He was celebrating her 5th-BIRTHDAY party, at which time he called her ‘cured’.
He thought such a technique, because ‘the older-implanted-cells ‘taught’ the proper system to the fast-developing cells, could be widely applied. Hopefully, it still might !