Eleventh 40 Days for Life launches today
Today the 11th 40 Days for Life campaign kicks off.
I mention it because IMO 40 Days is one of the best things the pro-life movement has going.
At abortion clinics where 40 Days prayer warriors have maintained a presence, 6,749 documented lives have been saved, 76 abortion workers have left the industry, and 28 abortion clinics have closed (including one just 1-1/2 weeks ago) – all since 2004.
40 Days is at 261 abortion clinic locations in the U.S. and around the world. Find the one nearest you, and make a point to join in between now and March 24. Of course, pray wherever you are about this God-touched effort.
Also, as Susie mentioned yesterday, there is a Facebook effort in conjunction with 40 Days to enlist pro-lifers to display the same avatar on their FB page for all 40 days to show support. I’ve joined in on my FB group page, as have 31,354 other pro-lifers at last count.
40 Days for Life hurts the abortion business. Imagine union protesters standing outside nonunion shops, known as “rats,” for 40 days in a row twice a year. It sends a message.
Hi. CORRECTION: this is actually the 12th nationally coordinated 40 Days for Life prayer campaign outside US abortuaries. First one was in Fall 2007. Rock on.
40 Days for life is awesome!! It is very different to actually pray AT an abortion clinic… And very sad.