A Planned Parenthood visit: Selling slaughter with a smile
[M]y partner and I began to discuss various scenarios. Adoption sounded good. After all, we barely knew each other’s family.
When we arrived at Planned Parenthood for our appointment, we were quickly sized up. “Adoption would not be a good course of action because more often than not, the girl becomes too attached to the baby by the time she’s given birth,” the counselor advised. She continued to remind us we hardly knew one another.
My partner then inquired if their clinic performed any “termination” procedures. In our heated debates, my partner revealed to me that he once took a friend to have an abortion, and she seemed to have no problems with it.
“Well, yes!” the counselor responded enthusiastically. “We can certainly do that for you, and in your situation it is probably best for the both of you,” she said with a grin.
I find it interesting that on Planned Parenthood’s website under “pregnancy options” it reads: “If you are pregnant, you have three options to think about — abortion, adoption, and parenting.”
Why is parenting last, I wonder?…
I look back and remember that we did not receive additional information that would support us in our adoption endeavor. The counselor went on to claim that the fetus doesn’t feel anything during an abortion procedure and not to feel ashamed or worried while stating, “We do this kind of thing all the time.”
… “You know,” she continued, ”You are getting really far along in the pregnancy, and we often don’t do abortions past eight weeks, but if we were to schedule something today we can take care of this quickly for you and you’ll be so glad you did it.” She said all this with a smile….
With one swipe of a credit card, about $400 would take care of it. And what if I changed my mind and decided to opt out?
I was told by a Planned Parenthood representative that regardless of whether or not I showed up for the appointment, the payment would be kept in full.
~ Anne Taylor (pictured), Live Action News, August 19
You can read Anne Taylor’s testimony at Live Action News, in a four-part series:
Part Four (coming soon)
Who is Anne Taylor?
Planned Parenthood doesn’t promote life. To even feign that they do is farther fetched then the progressive theorem of gender equality.
PLANNING to place for adoption IS a good way to prevent an abortion. It is true that, after giving birth, the woman might change her mind and keep the baby because carrying to term and giving birth forms a strong attachment.
Why is parenting last, I wonder?…
Because the options are listed in alphabetical order.
Killing for cash flow.
Sounds like a Democratic business plan.
Anne Taylor is a friend of mine!!
God bless you Anne for speaking out!!
Parenting? What does PP offer to help parents parent? hmmmmmmm Oh that’s right. They offer parents the door.
The only “choice” they coerce is abortion.
They are trained to “close the sale.”
They have an abortion quota to meet.
“Will that be Visa or Mastercard today?”
“In my early 20’s, I was four months into a relationship and found myself pregnant. I was raised with sound values from family and church…”
What would Rush Limbaugh say about this? Not sure how S Fluke started her testimony out…but that start to the article caught my eye.
So proud of my cyber friend Anne Taylor. I met her in 2011 and her story was so compelling and I posted it on my blog. She is so brave to share this story with us. Her heart is huge. Wait til you hear more. So proud of you Anne
“Why is parenting last, I wonder?…
Because the options are listed in alphabetical order.”
Yes, you wouldn’t want the different options to feel bad, so this is the fairest way really.
“What would Rush Limbaugh say about this? Not sure how S Fluke started her testimony out…but that start to the article caught my eye.”
I doubt Anne Taylor is advocating for this behavior.
God have mercy on the souls of those counselors!
Rush Limbaugh would say please don’t rip the arms and legs off of your baby.
Ex-Gop, not all prolifers like Rush, Hannity, Coulter, etc. I can’t stand any of them. And yes, prolife women (and men) make mistakes. I was married in May of 1988 and my daughter was born in October of 1988, so do the math. Today she is a lovely young woman who works as a Teacher for Teach for America, serving underprivileged children in ATL. She also was recently married:
So sometimes “accidents” do have happy endings!
I was married in May of 1988 and my daughter was born in October of 1988, so do the math.
I was married in October of 1993 and my son was born in July of 1990. Advanced math ! (:
So sometimes “accidents” do have happy endings!
Hear! Hear! Receiving a gift when you least expect one is a great thing!
Blessings to the adorable bride and groom!
“Reality” in the words of Hilary “what difference does it make?” who Anne Taylor is. She exposed PP for the hypocritical and baby-murdering organization it is. That is all that matters to me and others here I am sure. Whomever gave you a “like” must also be hung up on identity rather than effect.
The reality is that PP is an abortion factory and nothing more.
I find it interesting that on Planned Parenthood’s website under “pregnancy options” it reads: “If you are pregnant, you have three options to think about — abortion, adoption, and parenting.”
(Denise) During a pregnancy, there are TWO options: carrying to term and having a baby or having an abortion.
AFTER a baby is born, there are also TWO options: parenting or placing for adoption.
Placing for adoption may be “thought about” during the pregnancy but no decision may be made until after a pregnancy is completed. Some women will have babies and feel unequipped or unwilling to raise them in which case adoption is a choice.
What would Rush Limbaugh say about this?
You read this story and all you can say is THIS?
Praxedes – thank you very much. The wedding was beautiful!
Here is another pic from the wedding of a nice-looking middle-aged woman who was there. Now I wonder who she could be? ;-)
Congrats to your daughter and her hubby, MST. They look like a really nice couple.
Well Thomas R., it is not surprising that you apply Clinton’s words in a misrepresentative manner. Also, you know as well as I do that the statement “PP is an abortion factory and nothing more” is highly inaccurate.
For an anti-choice advocate with so many claimed friends Anne Taylor appears to keep a low profile.
That’s awesome MST! I have a friend that was in Teach for America, and a babysitter we used for a while is in the program now. Very cool.
I just remember how much people were throwing around ‘slut’ back in those days – and found it a bit disheartening…”they’ll know we are Christians by are love!”
Props MST as well regarding not liking Ann C, Rush, etc!
I didn’t think it was a difficult question, or is it :-)
Also, you know as well as I do that the statement “PP is an abortion factory and nothing more” is highly inaccurate.
Oh, I couldn’t agree more. I think the most accurate statement is:
PP is an internationally corrupt organization of abortion factories bent on the death of all and sundry people deemed by its foundress to be “human waste” and nothing more.
Hm, probably a bit wordy for a placard ninek. You might want to see if you can lose about two thirds of the words. A bit of truth wouldn’t go astray either.
Well, you do have a lot of experience with the truth going astray. Lol!
Yes indeed, the number of other peoples comments demonstrating such is seriously adding up ;-)
Saying, “Also, you know as well as I do that the statement “PP is an abortion factory and nothing more” is highly inaccurate.”
makes as much sense as saying, “Also, you know as well as I do that the statement “Auschwitz is a killing factory and nothing more” is highly inaccurate.” We all know a lot of work got done at Auschwitz, right, Tmeister?
The smiles and winks are a nice addition to your messages of death, Tmeister. Supporters of the killing at Auschwitz behaved the same way. Some looked the other way, denying what was happening. Some knew what was happening but were helpless to do anything. Then there were those that knew exactly what was going on, and smiled and winked, because they looooooved the blood of humans being shed.
You come here because you believe killing humans is the answer. What do you contribute to keep the killing machine going? Money? Time? Talent?
What do you do to help women that want to keep their baby?
I am gaining more and more appreciation for You Ninek and You Praxedes!!!! But our arguments fall on deaf years as “reality” is too far gone to the dark side.
And “reality” how is it that I apply Hilary’s words in a misrepresentative manner? Does a profile of a person matter? Not too me. If Ms. Taylor was not affiliated at all, I would still hold her in very high regard for exposing PP and sharing her story to warn others of the evil that this sorry organization is. Ms. Taylor is tops in my book as she chose life. And once and for all stop this crock about pro-choice. For someone who presents himself as such a resident-philosopher here you surely do not (or refuse to) understand that the term is only relevant to abortion (termination of preborn life) and nothing more.
Praxedes: I saw Auschwitz so I hear you and fully support this comparison you made. And also, I would not be surprised that “reality” is an arm-chair critic/pseudo-philosopher and nothing more. I seriously doubt he does anything constructive to alleviate this dilemma.
Thanks Jack and GOP, they are both great kids, very compassionate and caring. And Teach for America is a wonderful program. Sam and Rocky are so true soulmates and I hope and pray they live happily ever after!
“We all know a lot of work got done at Auschwitz, right, Tmeister?” – no, it was predominantly a killing factory.
Do you wish to deny that PP delivers a vast range and quantity of services apart from abortion? Do you claim that every PP premisies conducts abortions? Have you not complained about PP delivering sex education? Supply of contraceptives?
The statement “PP is an abortion factory and nothing more” is patently false.
One day you’ll either realise or admit that comparisons between the holocaust and abortion are fundamentally invalid and dishonest. Unless you wish to claim that there is a government policy to terminate each and every fetus on an ongoing basis?
That some group of direct government employees or agents, soldiers or whoever, are made to carry out the termination of each and every fetus? That this is to continue until there are no fetuses? You would have thought that by now at least one president would have called a halt to this central mandate to terminate each and every fetus, wouldn’t you? Bush maybe? Or Reagan?
“What do you contribute to support groups enabling womens reproductive freedoms? Money? Time? Talent?” – none of the above. They don’t need my assistance. The number of clients, and repeat clients, speaks for itself.
“What do you do to help women that want to keep their baby?” – when I had the capacity to do so I helped with money and a little time. Nowadays I help by providing useful goods that I no longer need, such as furniture. Also a little bit of food. A while back I gave a desk I no longer needed to a single parent family whose son was starting high school. You know, someone beyond diapers.
Thomas R., you would know that Clinton’s use of the phrase “what difference does it make” was in no way a reference to the people whose lives were lost. It was in response to some fool displaying more interest in the definition of the scenario than the people killed.
You appear to be running out of things to say Thomas.
“I seriously doubt he does anything constructive to alleviate this dilemma.” – which particular dilemma?
Oh look, parts 2 and 3. The enigmatic Anne Taylor. ‘Digital friend’ indeed.
“We all know a lot of work got done at Auschwitz, right, Tmeister?” – no, it was predominantly a killing factory.
If a smaller percentage of folks were killed at Auschwitz and a larger percentage of work got done, you would not refer to Auschwitz as a killing factory? Does the killing have to be less than half of what is accomplished before you call it a killing factory?
One day you’ll either realise or admit that comparisons between the holocaust and abortion are fundamentally invalid and dishonest.
Not gonna happen. You can’t control everything, Tmeister.
In the words of Hilary “what difference does it make?” FYI, “reality,” this phrase can be used to describe everything and anything and it is not confined to only whatever Hilary “meant.”
I hate to say this but although I despise sympathy, I am starting to feel sorry for “reality.” Picking apart statements that can be applied to any circumstance is just pathetic.
OMG “reality” – is Ms. Anne Taylor cramping your style? You are way too upset it appears. If this is the case, she has done her job well.
Too bad you lack this enigma you so aptly attribute to Anne Taylor.
Dear Thomas,
Those that regret their abortions and have been physically, emotionally or spiritually harmed by them do not fit with the narrative of a HAPPILY EVER AFTER ABORTION.
The thousands of us that are Silent No More upset the proabort apple cart.
And I am good with that. :)
Who is Tmeister?
Dear Carla: And upset them you should. I say you, meaning women, as I as a man can only provide the requisite background noise. Here’s hoping my lungs will not fail me in this regard.
Tmeister has been aptly dubbed by Praxedes. Consider it the new moniker for “reality.” After reading his “commentary” I am certain you will be able to determine that the new moniker fits him better than “reality.”
After all “reality”/tmeister is very skilled in promoting the culture of death.
Congrats, MST! :) All the best to your daughter. And I don’t see why pro-aborts get so up in arms about pro-lifers who make mistakes and still choose life. Oh, right, like Carla said, it upsets their narrative… :)
Kinda sad when their narrative gets all upset by stories of hope and redemption, eh?
T is short for Troll, Carla. I don’t want to call anyone names so I took the roll out of troll. I added the meister because Reality reminds me of Burgermeister Meisterburger.
I think factors other than just the numbers are relevant Praxedes. Are criminal prisons which carry out the death penalty ‘killing factories’? What about wartime prison camps or civilian prisons which don’t kill people, are they still ‘killing factories’?
Like I said, not all PP clinics conduct abortions so the claim that PP is a killing factory and nothing more is still patently false.
One day you’ll either realise or admit that comparisons between the holocaust and abortion are fundamentally invalid and dishonest.
“Not gonna happen. You can’t control everything, Tmeister.” – I’m well aware that I cannot control everything. Pity more people don’t have that awareness. You either already do realise the truth or you will come to. But I’m confident you’ll never admit it.
Thomas R., if you think that ‘Anne Taylor’ is cramping my style or upsetting me then you are a worse judge of character than I thought. I have not critiqued the actual ‘articles’ attributed to ‘Anne Taylor’. What will part four contain, a breast cancer scare followed by meeting a new man who loves her despite what she has done?
‘aptly attribute’ – how interesting.
And the millions of women who have happily gone on with their lives following abortions don’t fit your narrative either Carla. Whose apple cart is being upset?
I’m ok with you using the term you have coined in full Praxedes. Put it on one of your placards if it makes you feel good.
You either already do realise the truth or you will come to. But I’m confident you’ll never admit it.
Because the Tmeister knows all.
The number of clients, and repeat clients, speaks for itself.
Looks like some of the clients are speaking out loud and clear about Planned Parenthood. Not a real woman-friendly place. We need to stop the War on Women!
Thank God heroes like Anne are speaking out!
No, I don’t know all. But I know that what matters is that you know.
‘clients’ eh?
‘We need to stop the War on Women’ – so you’ll cease trying to restrict womens rights and freedoms?
Who is ‘Anne Taylor’?
Tmeister: you are intent on continuing to ask who Anne Taylor is although I have answered this question above. I want to know, however, who the …. are you? Well, you are not that significant. In fact, you don’t contribute to solving the dilemma at all, and yet you provide your unsolicited opinions here. So stop asking who Ms. Taylor is, roll up your sleeves and do something useful for the legions of women who are misguided. As it is you are only enabling women to mutilate themselves.
In other words, take Anne Taylor as an exemplar that actions speak louder than words.
No Thomas R., you haven’t answered the question. No one has.
Who am I? Someone who lives in the real world, with real people, who has observed what real people do and why they do it. I’m not someone who lives some fantasy dream that the world and the people in it will bend to their personal vision of utopia based on irrational and false premises.
No, I’m not significant. Who really is?
“In fact, you don’t contribute to solving the dilemma at all, and yet you provide your unsolicited opinions here.” – this is a contradictory statement. Do you get paid to comment here?
“So stop asking who Ms. Taylor is” – no.
“roll up your sleeves and do something useful for the legions of women who are misguided” – well I’m not sure that ‘legions’ is the right term, but I’m doing what I can.
“As it is you are only enabling women to mutilate themselves” – now that simply isn’t true.
“In other words, take Anne Taylor as an exemplar that actions speak louder than words” – well like I said, I do what I can. Shall I offer up some creative writing under a pseudonym?
Part four’s a little slower in coming than the first three parts.
It’s right here, Reality.
Thanks Navi. I clicked on the ‘Part Three’ link above but when it takes me there it still says ‘to be continued’ at the base of the article.
I must say I found the whole thing a bit ‘overwritten’ for want of a better term. Kind of like the first novel from someone who will probably become a reasonably successful writer with more time.
I personally think that a woman in this situation should research both parenting AND adoption, so she will know what the pros and cons of each situation could be for her before she decides.