hillThe decision to have her first child was one of the major change’s in 24-year-old [Lauryn] Hill’s life. Many in the music industry advised her to have an abortion, but Hill resisted the pressure. It was a choice she never regretted, and a quandary she details in the song To Zion (video below).

“That song,” she says, “is about the revelation that my son [Zion] was to me. I had always made decisions for other people, making everybody else happy, and once I had him that was really the first decision that was unpopular for me. It was one that was based on my happiness and not what other people wanted for me or for themselves.

And it was the best decision that I could have ever made, because I’m the happiest and healthiest that I have ever been. It also revealed to me which relationships were right, which ones were sincere, and which ones were based on exploiting and hurting me.

It was a godsend all the way round – 360 degrees of that whole situation were nothing but a blessing. And I’m so happy that I made the choice that I did.”

~ Simon Witter, The Guardian, August 21


[HT: Andy Moore; photo via Flickr]

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