Elton John: Lady Gaga a “great role model” and godmother
She’s a great role model…She’s been a great godmother to Zachary. She came to bathe him in Las Vegas. She was already dressed to go to the show, and she was sitting there and she bathed him, and she was like dressed like Audrey Hepburn… and she fed him….
We’re all bonkers in this business, but we’re human beings at the same time.
~ Singer Elton John describing Lady Gaga’s role as godmother to his sons Zachary and Elijah, as featured in People’s “Hollywood’s Surprise Godparents”, October 7

“She’s a great role model……..”
Yes Elton, you just proved that you ARE bonkers. (Not that I ever doubted it.)
“Hope means hoping when all is hopeless, or else it is no virtue at all.” — GK Chesterton
Ronin Farrow seems to have grown up to be normal and happy. Chastity Bono did not fare so well. Let’s hope that Zachary and Elijah are not harmed or twisted by their environment.
Just thought this story would interest people here. A woman finds herself widowed young and, after a year of grief and downward spiraling, is contacted by the daughter she gave up for adoption as a teenager: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/13/fashion/a-husband-lost-a-daughter-found.html?pagewanted=1&_r=0&ref=style&adxnnlx=1381506992-7sZ0n3ulnDR08XC9SiJ7Mw
You don’t hear of too many women, particularly apparently middle- or upper-middle class college-bound women, choosing adoption even in 1993, when this woman did. I doubt she ever imagined her daughter becoming a source of comfort, family, and hope nearly twenty years later, just when she would need it most.
To be a godmother don’t you have to follow God?
Sydney – to be married, don’t you have to be a man and a woman? It may be obvious to us. But to an unfortunately large number of people, it is not.
No she isnt
Cannot stand her or vile sir elton john…yak!
I wonder what she has to offer this child? Will she teach him to carry a tune, will she shower him with gifts/money, will she be at his side at all major life milestones, will she lead him to God? Have you noticed that this kid is missing from the photo? Interesting.
We’re all bonkers in this business, but we’re human beings at the same time.
What is this even supposed to mean??? Is he trying to imply that this baby is going to have a childhood remotely short of insane? Or is he pointing out that Lady Gaga bethed his baby in a tub rather than licking him clean?
Seriously, I don’t get what being human has to do with Lady Gaga coming to give your son a bath in your cush Vegas apartment on her way to do some crazy set….
I saw elton j in concert many years ago. He put on a great concert but in person hes out of control once shouting over and over again that someone was a rude vile pig…cant remember who but he had fire shooting out of his eyes and smoke coming out of his ears..lol not literally. I believe hes a snob and a jerk!
Most of these celebrities believe they are super human and in all reality they are a bunch of spoiled brats!!
It was also lady gaga who encouraged Anderson Cooper to come out of the closet and reveal he was gay. I like AC but why was this such a huge deal to her?
to be married, don’t you have to be a man and a woman? – of course not.
Reality says:
October 11, 2013 at 7:20 pm
”to be married, don’t you have to be a man and a woman? – of course not.”
Human marriage is a matter of simple biology, just like human life (another reality that has confused you).
Marriage requires a man and a woman, who vow to join together for a lifetime, and who are open to accepting new life into this union.
Divorce-&-remarriage, contraception, and same-sex partnerships cannot be marriage. To be sure, courts can legislate and cultures can pretend (even unto its own death). But the reality does not change, just because we are mistaken about it.
Human marriage is a matter of simple biology – that simply isn’t true.
Marriage requires a man and a woman, who vow to join together for a lifetime, and who are open to accepting new life into this union. – nor is this.
What you are stating is simply your opinion.
Divorce-&-remarriage, contraception, and same-sex partnerships cannot be marriage. – that is self-evidently not true.
To be sure, courts can legislate and cultures can pretend (even unto its own death). – marriage is defined by law and the cultures upon which they are based.
But the reality does not change, just because we are mistaken about it. – the mistake is in thinking that your idea of what constitutes marriage is reality.
Divorce-&-remarriage, contraception, and same-sex partnerships cannot be marriage.
Huh, my husband and I haven’t actually been married for 26 years. Well, you learn something new every day, I guess. Maybe we should contact the military and have me stricken from the dependents roll, as well. And make us pay back all the medical care I’ve stolen from “real” married people.
Well we can always look to heterosexual married couples like Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love for inspiration. How many times had litte Frances Bean been removed from the custody of her mother, who’s bizarre behavior and drug addiction is very well publicized, not to mention her drug addicted father shooting himself. Some great role models there.
Sorry, but bonkers and bizarre and total unfitness as parents isn’t limited to gay or unmarried celebrities.
It is simple biology “reality.” We have males and females on this planet for a reason. If it were not the reason, we would only have one sex in every species. Read up on Darwin. I would discuss religion with you but that would be lost on your comprehension level…
Hi Del 11:38am,
The same Ronin Farrow who may be the product of an adulterous relationship. I definitely see a resemblence to Frank Sinatra, thankfully for Ronin he doesn’t look anything like Woody Allen. BTW, didn’t Mia allege that Woody molested one of their daughters?
Speaking of odd celebs….was reading on facebook today that actress ( Misery ) Kathy Bates was sorry that her mother gave birth to her at age 41 and never lived to see her success as an actress. The actress goes on to say she wished her mother would have aborted her so that she could have had good times in her life. …okay now that is beyond strange!!
Concerning marriage, it is not necessarily religiously based, and wasn’t for a long time. For centuries people just went to their magistrates, and not their churches, to get married.
Marriages were arranged and used to cement political ties and treaties.
Reality has a point, marriage is defined by the law and culture of which they are based. In our country, marriage laws vary, or did, depending on which state of the union you lived in.
Hi Sarah 11:32PM
I’m shocked to discover that my late, very proper great aunts, as well as my grandmother, were never legally married to the men they lived with for years and had children with. Those dear ladies would be rolling over in their graves. As for my grandma, she’d just say the s—- it, who cares!
Mary says:
October 12, 2013 at 11:44 am
Hi Del 11:38am,The same Ronan Farrow who may be the product of an adulterous relationship. I definitely see a resemblence to Frank Sinatra, thankfully for Ronin he doesn’t look anything like Woody Allen. BTW, didn’t Mia allege that Woody molested one of their daughters?
Yes. Ronan grew up in a disturbingly bonkers sort of Hollywood home. But a few days ago, he was featured here with a very pro-life quote. He appreciated growing up with his many adopted brothers and sisters. Several had handicaps, and he expressed deep appreciation for his opportunity to experience the worth and dignity of those who live with cerebral palsy or blindness.
He is 25, and a bit of a prodigy. He seems to have absorbed the good while avoiding the bad parts of a dysfunctional Hollywood home life.
He currently works for the Obama Administration. However, it is not too much a stretch to hope that he is secretly pro-life.
Thanks for the link, Alexandra! It was a very interesting read.
Loved Audrey Hepburn. No one can compare to the old stars like Audrey Hepburn, Natalie, etc. .
When she was older she worked for childrens charities. Did you know that she grew up during the Nazi occupation of Holland, and nearly starved to death? She was always very thin. Maybe that’s why she felt so strongly about helping the less fortunate.
Sarah says:
October 11, 2013 at 11:32 pm
“Divorce-&-remarriage, contraception, and same-sex partnerships cannot be marriage.”
“Huh, my husband and I haven’t actually been married for 26 years.”
I am sorry, Sarah. A lot of good people, and a lot of good Christians, have accepted the zeitgeist about marriage and family. Even so, we do not urge our children to do the same thing.
I am guilty, too. I brought contraception into our marriage when we were young. It was too late when I realized how contraception had poisoned our marriage. And now I see how truly poor I am, by refusing the children that God wanted to give us. I try to atone for this, by urging young couples not to make my mistake.
We all make mistakes. There are posters here who have had abortions. There is healing and forgiveness after abortion. But that does not make abortion right, or prevent it from being murder.
Likewise, a person can marry poorly and divorce. That person may come to know Christ, choose well and re-marry, and live a long and happy life together. But this does not change what Christ said about marriage and divorce and adultery.
Our government accommodates our divorce culture, but that doesn’t make it real. Our government used to oppose the culture of divorce. Reality doesn’t change with government policy.
The moral problems of divorce and contraception are just like the moral problem of same-sex relations: God makes the plan, and either we follow it or we don’t.
Government can make divorce easy and “same-sex marriage” legal, but government cannot make these things real.
Hi Del,
While I may not share her political views, I admire Mia and her devotion to those children. Also, Ronan seems to be a very fine man. I just wanted to point out that we can find a lot of good people come from the most dysfunctional of situations and visa versa.
Hi Mary – I understand that marriage is a more of a cultural institution and always has been. My point is from the perspective of biology Del is one hundred percent correct – it is devised to be between a man and a woman. That is an inescapable fact. Next I am going to read someone’s claim that homosexual unions occur in other species…
Homosexual unions occur in other species…
or in the case of some dogs, on my legs.
Why do people give these celebrity screw-ups any attention? So what? Who cares? If they stop getting attention for all that crap maybe being “bonkers in this business” would go away.
Hi Thomas R,
Point taken.
However in some cultures it could be between several men and one woman, or several women and one man, or a child and a man. Marrying girls entering puberty to older men was done because they were in a position to support a wife and family and childbearing had to start early as most of the children were not expected to survive, or the woman either for that matter. She would likely die young from childbirth or disease.
Lady GagGag is a goddessfather. How appropriate.
Marriage predates religion and politics.
If ‘marriage’ is not a union between a male and a female human, then there would be no human left on the planet.
There is hope for Zachary.
GOD can hit a straight drive with a crooked stick.
My five children are living proof.
My wife and I did it without a godparent or a turkey baster, but GOD was actively involved in all our lives.
Jesus reminds us that, “Straight is the way.”
It is simple biology “reality.” We have males and females on this planet for a reason. – we do! But that is not the be-all end end-all of marriage. Marriage is an administrative institution created and implemented by society. Procreation isn’t. Nor is sexuality.
I would discuss religion with you but that would be lost on your comprehension level… – why? What’s religion got to do with it?
And Praxedes is correct, homosexual unions do occur in other species. Read up on something a little more current than Darwin.
If ‘marriage’ is not a union between a male and a female human, then there would be no human left on the planet. – a sentence so full of wrong!
“If ‘marriage’ is not a union between a male and a female human, then there would be no human left on the planet. – a sentence so full of wrong!”
No kidding, regardless of your opinions on the morality of homosexuality and the legitimacy of same sex marriage, I hope anyone can see how fallacious this is. I wonder if some people think that straight dudes will all of a sudden stop being attracted to women (and vice versa) if same sex marriage was completely legal. It’s seriously ridiculous.
I do find it amusing that there are those who are so, so against homosexual behavior get offended when others feel the same way about divorce and remarriage (barring infidelity, which I believe is a legit reason for divorce according to the Bible), and using contraception. What, do you think your sins get a free pass while you pick on other people? The Bible is extremely clear on what a no-no divorce is, just as much as it is against homosexuality. People just wanna pick and choose.
Though about the divorce and remarriage thing, I think it’s different in Catholicism, from what I’ve been told and what I’ve read there are specific steps that a marriage can be annulled legitimately in the Catholic Church, if it wasn’t sacramental in the first place, but I’m not too clear on the details. My amusement is mostly reserved for “Bible-only” Protestants, who don’t have the dispensations granted to Catholics in some circumstances for annulments. In most Protestant denominations it’s pretty simple, divorce is wrong barring infidelity by one partner, any remarriage is infidelity. Every time, and whining about gay people while you’re on your second spouse while you’re a Protestant is a fine example of hypocrisy.
Some people seem to get rather confused about ‘permitted’ and ‘mandatory’ Jack :-)
Some even seem to think homosexuality is contagious!
Some interesting facts about homosexual unions in this video:
This video hits on other controversial topics and should keep your conversations going for about a month here. (:
Um, I say very little about homosexuality in that video, except that there was one study that suggested that homosexual behavior might be more common in populations that have many females who are contracepting (which I don’t disregard, because it makes sense, sex drives do exist among other things for procreation, and it’s long been known that heterosexual attraction can change based on the fertility of the female). One study doesn’t prove anything though, even if it’s an interesting piece of information. I’ve never thought that homosexuality is solely a genetic or immutable thing, sexuality is quite a fluid thing and can have a variety of contributing factors, including genetics, biology, environment, and other things. But I know that for me, homosexual attraction started around puberty, and I know from conversations with other gay or bisexual men that it was much the same thing for them.
I don’t really understand this push to blame homosexuality on external factors though. It doesn’t change it’s immorality, does it? Whether people are born that way, or other biological factors, or environment, or choice, it’s still just as wrong. People tell me that God wouldn’t make anyone born gay, and that doesn’t make any sense to me, people are born with birth defects that are not fixable all the time, I don’t know why homosexuality would be a special case that would never be immutable.
Maybe people can explain to me why they are so wedded to the idea that homosexuality is not an inborn trait. It doesn’t change the immorality and many people feel as though they were born that way. Why isn’t “I have always been like this” an acceptable answer? I just read a book by a gay Christian who is practicing celibacy who says that he has always been gay, he had no sexual abuse or trauma, he grew up in a conservative Christian household and has never been involved in crazy sexual situations or anything like that. He’s still gay, though, and says he always will be even though he chooses to never express his homosexuality by action. If God allows things like alcoholism to be genetically influenced and such, I don’t see why it would be different for something like homosexuality and bisexuality.
Good grief! I sat through thirteen and a half minutes of the most appallingly distorted, misleading, manipulated and selective propaganda where the only bit that seemed at all honest was the last five or six minutes focussed on ‘don’t do because god.’
Interesting stats on homosexual behavior, marital infidelity and teen sex rates – but compared to what? When? What are they trying to prove?
I cannot immagine any mainstream, peer reviewed study on the loss of products of conception due to contraception including the words “Infant homicides”.
“Pregnancy is not a risk”?
I agree with many of the things you said Jack. There are probably a variety of factors involved in same-sex attraction and LGBT. While I believe it is immoral to act out homosexual behaviors (yes adultery, premarital sex etc. are immoral as well) having an attraction to homosexuality, adultery, or premarital sex is different than “letting the bird build a nest in your head”. “There but for the grace of God go I” so I believe most of us given the right circumstances, a condusive environment without barriers or boundaries, the open promotion of decadence, and with enough encouragement through peer pressure, media pressure, etc. or sometimes even driven by the pain of brokenness, loneliness, abuse, and spiritual pain we could probably engage in just about any sexual behavior imaginable. There is a saying that “the dog that you feed is the one that grows bigger and stronger, the one you starve is the one who becomes smaller and weaker” Those (especially Christians) who think they are spiritually invincible are fooling themselves if they say ”I would never engage this or that (fill in the blank with pretty much anything promiscuity, premarital sex, homosexuality, adultery, bi-sexuality, etc). That is a very dangerous mindset to have because we are all weak sinful human beings capable of pretty much anything and the enemy of our souls would love for us be cocky enough to put ourselves in a tempting situation, fall flat and then laugh at us after we make a fool of yourself. I heard a minister say once that “Satan is the one who abuses his children not God because he gets you to do what he says, then laughs at you after you do it, tells you how stupid you are and how God will never forgive you which is a total lie. That is why he is the “father of lies”. The Bible says we are to “shun the very appearance of evil” because ”the heart is desperately wicked” when we are unregenerate or even if we have experienced the new birth in Christ but if we are not daily walking in the transforming power of Christ’s redeeming love and grace we will get burned when we play with fire.
I have talked to teens and adults who sat in intimate, secluded places (apartments, houses, dorm rooms, cars, etc.) thinking they just needed to talk to someone and then later exclaimed “I didn’t mean for this to happen”, ”I didn’t think this could ever happen to me”, “I didn’t intend to cheat on my husband”, “I only had sex once and got pregnant or got a STD”. The physiology, along with the emotional and spiritual bonding of sex is powerful stuff and is NOT a game the potential consequences can be life altering and even life-producing (for heterosexuals).
I heard a person give their testimony of how they came out of the homosexual lifestyle years ago say I told God “I think I was born this way so I cannot come to you God” and they heard him answer in their heart “That doesn’t matter whether you think you were born this way. You can be born again and be transformed, I’ll renew your mind. and make you a new creation”.
I agree that whining about homosexuals when you are on your second or third heterosexual marriage is hypocrisy by some “Christians” Jack .
When others who post here say that homosexual marriage will not affect anyone but the partners involved that is not true. The demand for every organization, business, ministry, public school, institution, the military and profession to bow to the altar of political correctness is already relegating every person who disagrees on moral or religious grounds to be labeled as a hater and a homophobic bigot to be shut up or castigated. Master Sgt. Philip Monk is being disciplined and railroaded out of military service after almost 20 years of exemplary service because he refused to label another service person under his command as “a homophobic, discriminatory bigot” that should be disciplined because this person would not endorse same-sex marriage. It’s only tolerance if it goes in one direction, there is no tolerance for those who disagree with homosexual marriage just persecution.
And Praxedes is correct, homosexual unions do occur in other species. Read up on something a little more current than Darwin.
In case you did not catch what Praxedes was conveying “reality” allow me to translate it for you: HAHAHA…
According to the book Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity by a renown biologist Bruce Bagemihl: “Although homosexual behavior is very common in the animal world, it seems to be very uncommon that individual animals have a long-lasting predisposition to engage in such behavior to the exclusion of heterosexual activities. Thus, a homosexual orientation, if one can speak of such thing in animals, seems to be a rarity.”
Did I read up on something more current than Darwin “reality” or what? Read that statement very carefully resident-philosopher Sir.
HAHAHA indeed Thomas R.
You quote one passage from one book from 1999.
And you forgot about the rams.
Approximately 8% of rams exhibit sexual preferences [that is, even when given a choice] for male partners (male-oriented rams) in contrast to most rams, which prefer female partners (female-oriented rams).
The sexual behavior of non-human animals takes many different forms, even within the same species, though homosexual behavior is best known from social species. The motivations for and implications of these behaviors have yet to be fully understood, since most species have yet to be fully studied.
The Bremerhaven Zoo in Germany attempted to encourage reproduction of endangered Humbolt penguins by importing females from Sweden and separating three male pairs, but this was unsuccessful. The zoo’s director said that the relationships were “too strong” between the homosexual pairs.
Not all species have been studied adequately. Some haven’t been studied at all. Some we are unable to study at this stage (deep sea species etc).
Or what.
No philosophy involved.
So since you searched on goggle and found rare instances of animals who have displayed same-sex behavior ((of course animals can never be ”HOMOSEXUAL PAIRS” because “homo means “man” referring to the human species and “sexual refers to men who engage in homosexual acts) so now we have solid justification for human beings (which are supposed to be the most intelligent, highest functioning being on the planet earth) to act like a small percentage of penguins and rams who have displayed this confused non-reproductive behavior. Makes perfect sense. (Eye roll) . Don’t worry mods I will move on.
The justification Prolifer L. is that same-sex attracted humans are born that way.
There’s no ‘now’ about the solid justification, it’s always been there.
Apparently same-sex attraction also occurs in other species (and not so rarely evidently).
You know, like sight, smell, mobility etc.
And since possessing those attributes isn’t simply a case of acting like animals, neither is homosexuality.
Nothing ‘confused’ about it.
It’s called nature.
Don’t you just like how “reality” minimizes the human species to the animal world far down the food chain?! HAHAHA. You can argue about the Rams but it does nothing in terms of somehow justifying homosexuality in our species. It is much more complex simply because we are the highest life form on this planet. And as far as nature, I would argue that this is simply an unexplained phenomenon that does not move us forward as a species and does not even explain the Darwinian concept of environmental adaptation at all.
The only question that remains is how does homosexuality assist our species in its survival? I would truly LOVE someone to answer this question affirmatively????
“Minimizes”? Just because you don’t like the fact that the only thing that distinguishes our species from others is the capacity of our brain doesn’t mean you can moan at me because many features and attributes are still shared.
Some animals kill humans. Sharks eat humans, where do we sit on the food chain there?
Homosexuality in our species doesn’t need justifying, any more than blue eyes or left-handedness.
How does some people being born without the capacity to procreate help our species? Because not everyone is the same. There’s your answer.