“The Exorcist” author on abortion: “That’s demonic”
The last straw, he says, was Georgetown’s invitation of Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, to be a commencement speaker in May of last year. Sebelius has a record of supporting abortion rights, and abortion is the issue that really sets Blatty’s nerves on fire.
He describes, his voice trembling, a particular abortion procedure in graphic detail.
He pauses. His voice is nearly a whisper.
“That’s demonic.”
~ William Peter Blatty, author of The Exorcist, describing his dismay with his alma mater, Georgetown University, over the invitation of pro-abortion Kathleen Sebelius, in an interview with the Washington Post, October 30
[HT: Greg Forman]
Evil is evil. And those that call good evil and evil good will be held to account for their deeds.
Abortion is demonic.
From Georgetown’s “Identity” web page:
“Students are challenged to engage in the world and become men and women in the service of others, especially the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members of the community.”
I guess they just ignore that last part when considering the most vulnerable of God’s children, those living in the womb.
If wealthy prolife alumni stop withholding donations, Georgetown wil change their tune very, very quickly.
So a protestor who shouts “you’re a murderer” is escorted off campus. So much for freedom of thought and expression there Georgetown!
But on the bright side, Georgetown must be so very proud almost a year and a half later to see Sebelius so capable to lead the ACA implementation…
I can think of nothing more evil or demonic than tearing unborn children from their mother’s womb. It is beyond me that society hasn’t made it illegal yet. There must be a lot of insane people.
The truth of abortion makes The Exorcist look like a child’s comedy.
Good for Blatty!!