Wendy Davis: “I’m pro-life”
The battle over reproductive rights and women’s health care that was waged on June 25 was not a battle I chose. When I believe women’s health is in danger, I’m going to stand and fight to protect that….
This isn’t about protecting abortion. It’s about protecting women. It’s about trusting women to make good decisions for themselves and empowering them with the tools to do that….
I am pro-life. I care about the life of every child: every child that goes to bed hungry, every child that goes to bed without a proper education, every child that goes to bed without being able to be a part of the Texas dream, every woman and man who worry about their children’s future and their ability to provide for that future. I care about life and I have a record of fighting for people above all else.
~ Pro-abortion Democrat state senator and gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis, speaking in Brownsville, Texas, on November 5, as quoted by the Valley Morning Star, November 6.
Davis infamously conducted an 11-hour filibuster on June 25 to try to stop an omnibus pro-life bill that included a ban against abortions past 20 weeks.
So in addition to her many other flaws, Wendy Davis has problems knowing what words mean.
She’s only pro-“some” life.
I’m a native American. I am a native of America.
Do we really have to explain to her that the terms pro-life and pro-choice have technical meanings, and that not every phrase in the English language means what the words literally say? Is she 3years old?
Okay, Wendy, let me make this simple for you. If you are pro-choice, you are NOT pro-life. It’s a simple matter of definitions. If you can’t figure out basic things like this, you are not qualified to be governor.
Ahh, the Velveteen Rabbit. I love that story.
When the rabbit is finally truly loved, it becomes a living thing.
I think she actually meant – I am pro-life until the day I win. She is pulling a fast one here. Texans are not falling for it I am sure….
This is going to become a problem for us.
The abortion industry has figured out that the “pro-choice” brand is not selling well. Their marketing is smart. They are not ashamed to use the tactics that worked well for the Nazis. And they have many shills in the media and in politics.
So look for more of this. Pro-abortion forces will proclaim that they are pro-life. They will announce that they are pro-family and pro-children. They will announce that they respect conscience rights and religious freedom.
We need to push back just as hard with the truth. We need to attend every liar’s rally with large signs like: “WENDY DAVIS IS NOT PRO-LIFE” & “PROTECT WOMEN & CHILDREN FROM GROSS ABORTION.”
(But if I visit Texas, I still get to hold the glitter-sign with big-hair Wendy in her big pink shoes labeled “ABORTION BARBIE!”)
Hopefully, their pro-life opponents will take up the rally call. They will not win if hide behind us and act like they are ashamed of Life.
Wendy, if you support the right of women to pay a doctor to tear the arms and legs from their unborn baby’s body you do NOT “care about the life of EVERY child.” Good grief woman…are you stupid? Babies don’t magically appear in vulvas at birth. Children don’t hitch rides with storks. They grow in the womb for 9 months before birth! If you value EVERY child you won’t be filibustering for 12 hours to protect the right to kill them.
Hmmm, it looks like she is trying to back down from her 100 percent abortion stance. And I thought abortion was such a “winning” issue. I don’t think anyone is going to buy it. You don’t mess with Texas!
Curioser and curioser….
This reminds me of the people who say “Abortion IS pro life.” And it seems to be said without talking about the baby’s life or the physical health of the mother so its probably meant more like “Abortion is pro-lifeSTYLE.” And by “lifestyle,” I mean a lifestyle that apparently shouldn’t be changed even temporarily for the length of a pregnancy until the birth and adoption of the child by another family. (IMO its fine if she chooses to raise the child too, but that would of course cause a permanent change in lifestyle.)
Weak attempt at a twist on the argument. It’s been played, and it doesn’t work. Treating the general public like we’re too stupid to tell the difference between pro-life and pro-choice isn’t a winning strategy. Let her try it. We’ll be there to show people what pro-life is about.
I care about the life of every child: every child that goes to bed hungry
Dead children don’t get hungry.
every child that goes to bed without a proper education,
Dead children don’t need a bed nor an education.
every child that goes to bed without being able to be a part of the Texas dream,
Dead children have no dreams.
every woman and man who worry about their children’s future and their ability to provide for that future.
Dead children have no future.
The woman is delusional.
Delusional? She’s EVIL.
You stand in your pink sneakers, arguing for the unobstructed, unregulated, wholesale slaughter of pre-born children capable of feeling pain using the most inhumane murder techniques ever invented to destroy human beings.. and you have the nerve to use yourself and pro-life in a sentence? Evil? Kramer, please. Evil just called and said he’s insulted by the comparison.
….How the heck can anybody take this woman seriously?
Newsflash, Wendy: You’re not pro-life if you advocate for the killing of innocent children. No, not even if you try to dress it up as “reproductive rights” or “women’s health care”.
Drive the message home, prolifers!
If Davis wants to use the term prolife, use the opportunity to point out that killing the poor and sick is NOT the same as caring for the poor and sick. Violence is not the compassionate answer to poverty and illness.
What this type of proabortion logic distortion claims is GROSSLY OFFENSIVE to the poor and sick among us. Proaborts like Davis are making the claim that people are better off DEAD than poor or sick.
Uh… no. Real problems need real, compassionate solutions.
Evil just called and said he’s insulted by the comparison.
Thanks for my quote of the day 9ek.
This chick is living proof of how peroxide causes severe dimetia.
Well looky there.
If it aint little missy wIndy…pimpin for the dead babies r us mob.
All decked out in high heels and pink thong bikini, struttin her stuff and auditioning for head madam of the best lilttle whore house in Texas.
Looks like we have identified Cecile Richards heiress apparent, ms congenitalia, wIndy davis.
For the talent portion of her competition missy wIndy will use both sides of her lying lips to inflate enough multi colored condoms to assemble a life size replica of the former governess of the great state of Texas, the dearly departed, Ann ‘wrinkles’ Richards.
She caint hep it. It’s in her jeans.
Praxedes, I have to give credit to David Spade who used to make those “blank called and wants his blank” jokes on SNL. I also stole “Kramer, please” from Weekend Update. Yep. I’m a thieving joke-stealing pro-lifer. Don’t judge me!
She’s advocating for the care of the poor and the sick Mary Ann. In no way does she refer or allude to the killing of the poor and the sick or that they’d be better off dead.
Uh… no. Real problems need real, compassionate solutions. – as she says.
‘Evil’ has a gender now? Why is it male?
All decked out in high heels and pink thong bikini, struttin her stuff and auditioning for head madam of the best lilttle whore house in Texas. – oh yes, and just how exactly did you find all that out mr. kentheburper? I think you might need to keep well away from her jeans.
This approach is going to backfire on her (and it appears from her recent tanking polls, people despise the 2-faced stance), but it should be grabbed by pro-lifers as an educational opportunity to show a 5 month gestational child and explain what being pro-life really means.
Reality please don’t move to France, Italy, or Spain. I’m sure the gendered nouns would put you into a dizzy tizzy!
Laurie Anderson fans out there, tell us, which IS more macho? Lightbulb or schoolbus???
That’s a possibility 9ek, although the bit of french I did at school wasn’t too much of a struggle. And I coped quite well when in france.
Even if I did struggle with gendered nouns, the word ‘evil’ wouldn’t be on the list.
Wanna try answering my question again? :-)
Evil is a male word in Spanish. Misandry!
Great comments, everyone! I agree with you all 100%. How dare she use “Pro-life” in her speech–she is anti-life!
I am from Texas and I consider this woman a lyin fool. In Texas, we don’t put up with that crap. See Governor Rick Perry and how he stopped the filibuster.
Her latest campaign poster had Davis dressed in red, white and blue, surrounded by 5-6 multicultural 7 year olds. How ironic and disgusting—to use children as advertisement, when her stance is anti-children.
We are speaking english here Jack, where it is not a noun. So I don’t see how it can have a gender assigned to it.
Is it a noun in spanish?
to use children as advertisement, when her stance is anti-children. – her stance is not anti-children.
Lol I was just messing around, usually the gender comes from the noun in the sentence, not the word “evil”. If you said “Abortion is the great evil” you could say “Aborto es el gran mal” (even though you’d probably not say it like that even though it’s technically correct), and the gender comes from the word “evil” in that sentence. As a side note it’s difficult to explain a language you speak but rarely write in or think about.
But ninek was really, obviously personifying evil, and therefor it would be appropriate to refer to it as having a gender I suppose. Haven’t you ever read Pilgrim’s Progress or whatever? Did the personifications bother you there?
Come to think of it “good” is a masculine word in Spanish as well. Misogyny?
I just don’t see that ‘evil’ should be expressed as a noun Jack. But if one does, why should it be gendered at all, in particular as a male.
No, I have not read Pilgrim’s Progress.
So you think it should be female? Misogyny! :)
No I don’t Jack. I don’t believe in this vast concept of ‘evil’ to begin with. It isn’t used as a noun unless it’s being twisted beyond sense. Nor does it have a gender. Maybe for misanthropes… ;-)
9ek says:
November 7, 2013 at 5:07 pm
Evil just called and said he’s insulted by the comparison.
Let’s settle this….. Faith-dealing feminists insist that God should be referred to as “She.” Thus, it is suitable to assume that they would also prefer that Satan should be “she.”
So, in deference to the feminists (who care most about this sort of thing): Evil Personified is a She.
And probably looks gorgeous, like Cecile Richards and Wendy Davis.
And probably looks gorgeous, like Cecile Richards and Wendy Davis. – ah Del, you saucy imp :-)
Reality, are you the type of feminist who (doesn’t speak Spanish, Italian, or French but apparently owns the languages) tells me that Romance language speakers should like invent a definite article that’s non-gendered?
“No I don’t Jack. I don’t believe in this vast concept of ‘evil’ to begin with. It isn’t used as a noun unless it’s being twisted beyond sense. Nor does it have a gender. Maybe for misanthropes… ”
People personify things that aren’t persons or nouns for various reasons, for jokes like ninek did, or whatever. I don’t get why it’s such a big deal to you. Strangest conversation ever.
but apparently owns the languages – why do you say that? I did some research and I asked you a question about it. Did ya miss that bit?
I don’t regard them as ‘romance’ languages either, latin maybe.
I was more interested in why 9ek made it male rather than the personifying part.
Lol I didn’t mean YOU thought you owned the languages. I was referring to the weird offshoot of feminists who decide things are sexist when they don’t actually understand it at all. They really go off on Spanish (there is a lot of sexism in a lot of Hispanic cultures, but it’s not the languages fault, and it’s pretty much impossible to get rid of gender in the language because it’s an integral part of its structure), and I’ve never talked to one who can actually speak it, lol.
“Romance languages” is a term for those languages, don’t ask me why. I’ve been told many think they sound sexy when spoken, maybe it comes from that.
She is probably a horrid misandrist, that’s why 9ek made evil male! ;)
Aw, does that mean I’m not a feminist?
Yes, they seem romantic or sexy to those whose own languages differ significantly. The exotic brings a touch of the erotic maybe?
Nah, 9ek (why the ‘e’? Doesn’t ninek become 9k?) has never struck me as misandrist.
The ones I am talking about are not typical, I don’t think. Ha. They also enjoy telling me about how my life must have been automatically easy because I’m a white passing male, you can imagine how annoying I find THAT.
I think sometimes when personifying random things that aren’t generally gendered, people just pick a random gender. I called my car before I sold it she and my computer he (I only talk to my computer when it’s being stupid).
But anyway why do you keep on about it? Are you derailing this thread because you don’t want to talk about Wendy Davis?
I think they develop that attitude because they get sick of rich, privileged males dictating their world. They’re always on guard.
I know what you mean Jack. But for some unknown reason I stopped assigning gender terms to my cars and bikes quite some years back. My computer is just a genderless, inanimate object that I abuse in a non-gender specific way when it plays up.
9ek started it not me. And if you look you’ll notice I have continued to respond to comments others make about Davis.
Hardy har, most of the people who spout the kind of nonsense I’m talking about are white, upper/middle class ladies fresh from their Gender Studies class. So, so oppressed by the evil rich cishet males. I particularly like it when they tell black guys about their privilege for being male, it’s amusing. I honestly wouldn’t have a problem with them if they acknowledged the very statistically backed fact that race and class have just as much (and in my opinion, a lot more) effect on how poorly you’ll do in life rather than gender. Half of them seem to completely disregard those factors, never heard of intersectionality apparently, especially class (probably because most of them ARE middle/upper class and blind to how much easier that makes life).
Speaking of Wendy Davis, do you think she knows that most European nations have a much earlier abortion limit than we do, better social programs, and surprise surprise women aren’t dying in the streets because abortion is banned after 12 weeks. Most of those countries have a lower abortion rate than we do too. Do you think those countries are horrible despotic regimes infringing on women’s rights and health?
JDC says: November 7, 2013 at 11:58 am
“Okay, Wendy, let me make this simple for you. If you are pro-choice, you are NOT pro-life. It’s a simple matter of definitions. If you can’t figure out basic things like this, you are not qualified to be governor.”
If one makes a ‘choice’ for ‘birth’ rather than ‘prenatal homicide’, then does that define one as a ‘birther’.
The purportred Ex-RINO dubbed me ‘kenthebirther’ so I freely accepted what she intended as a term of derision and made the doble entendre my handle
Reality says: November 7, 2013 at 10:29 pm
“I just don’t see that ‘evil’ should be expressed as a noun Jack. But if one does, why should it be gendered at all, in particular as a male.”
haters hate and liars lie and robbbers rob and murderers murder.
evilers evil and in their eviling they evil all the above.
evil has no gender and does not perfer one gender over the other, but instead prefers to confuse and eradicate any gender distintions.
evil has found a comfortable abode in the democRAT party.
evil would boo at the mere mention of acknowleding GOD.
[I wonder if there would have been any less protestation if the question were about acknowledging a goddess.]
Being Catholic, I accept the beautiful personification of Wisdom in the Bible as a female. In a language such as English, if you want to personify an idea, such as wisdom or evil, one must pick a gender. If not, one must say, for example, “evil called and it’s got an opinion.” See, the “it” just negated the literary grace of personification. “It” is impersonal, and not what we use to refer to people. Now, isn’t IT (Don’t say the word to the Knights Who Say Nee!) the word abortion advocates often use for human beings that they want to dispose of? Used in a sentence “It is only a fetus, not a person”?
Is IT any surprise that an abortion advocate would spend so many comments wishing to de-personify an idea that was a simply a literary tool? Is personification so very repulsive to an abortion advocate?
“Resplendent and unfading is Wisdom.” If you seek her, you will not fail to find her.
I’m so sorry I just left a dangling participle in the comments above! Put a cushion under it in case it falls and send my regards to my 8th grade English teacher.
Quite a few of the “rich, privileged males dictating our world.” are also known as politicians reperesenting the Democratic Party.
I find it interesting that she links the hungry and the uneducated with “prolife”… Making the connection that anyone who is thinking about aborting and doesn’t will end up having a hungry, uneducated child!! Also, define “hungry” and “uneducated”… If you look at great people in American history, many of them experienced real poverty, hunger and lack of education, but they didn’t become thieves or otherwise break the law. I am reading Little House books to my kids right now, and there were many seasons where Laura and her family had to live on potatoes, beans, and brown bread. Were they poor and hungry? Yes, but what exactly are you trying to say about it? They would drink water when no milk was available. They had only a few years of “education” and no “degrees” from a college or even high school… Were they “uneducated” ? I think that is laughable to call Laura Ingalls Wilder “uneducated” in spite of her minimal formal education. It sounds like she is saying, in essence, that it would be better for many of these children to be dead than have a chance at life that doesn’t fit her idea of a quality life… How elitist of her :P