Feminist reporter: Abortion is gruesome, but hey, so is childbirth
The murder conviction of quack abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell for scissoring viable fetuses to death propelled a new effort to demonize abortion generally.
Even moderates like the Times’ [sic] Ross Douthat used the event to remind people how violent and gruesome late-term abortions are when performed by competent doctors, failing to note that childbirth itself is a violent and gruesome event too.
~ Former Time reporter Nina Burleigh (pictured right), as quoted by Newsbusters, January 6
Note: Burleigh has had her share of quotables, including this one about Bill Clinton, showing just how much she hearts abortion:
“I’d be happy to give him [oral sex] just to thank him for keeping abortion legal.”
[HT: Susie Allen; photo via digplanet.com]
“failing to note that childbirth itself is a violent and gruesome event too.”
Can one even begin to point out the problem with that comparison to someone who doesn’t readily see the difference? (Or does she see it?)
Does anyone else ever think that they could take a photo array and identify who is a pro-life activist and who is a pro-abortion activist? I feel like I would have at least 90% accuracy.
What’s next? Saying abortion is OK because Jessica McClure came out of the well dirty, bloody, and slightly traumatized? (I’ve seen her on tv saying she’s had dreams about being stuck in small spaces, though she also said that she was proud of her scars because they reminded her of what she had survived)
Evil…and twisted
Going to the bathroom in the morning can be a violent and gruesome event for some. Therefore, we should be able to tear the arms and legs off of babies. Interesting logic there, no?
“I’d be happy to give him [oral sex] just to thank him [slick willy billy boy clinton] for keeping abortion legal.”
I doubt that ‘gratitude for more dead babies had little if anything to do with Burleigh’s expressed desire to polish billy clinton’s apple.
It probably had more to do with this liberal feminista’s fawning psycophantic desire to noticed by of a male democRAT whom she viewed as ‘powerful’
it was one of those unpredictable and uncontroleable ’bimbo eruptions’ that Hillary Rodham Clinton was so concerned about
as that liberal feminisat Eleanor Clift said to excuse democRAT males skirt chasing propensities, ‘great liberals have great libidos’.
progressives demand a steady supply of camp follwers, cortisans and concubines to satisfy the democRATs insatiable desire to comply with their biological imperative to pollute the gene pool.
The liberals legacy, like a case of the clap, is the gift that keeps on giving.
“Going to the bathroom in the morning can be a violent and gruesome event for some.”
Or as I describe the experience, ‘giving birth to another boRAT’. [hee hee hee, hoo hoo hoo]
But the true satisfaction comes from flushing the toilet and hearing the stisfying sound of the kuh-wischhhh and knowing the little boRAT will soon be circling the drain.
hasta la vista, bebe!
My apologies to all the dead gold fish and the unfortunate turds.
Wow. What a horrible comparison. She’s awful.
I can’t believe Burleigh is actually married. That Erik Freeland must truly despise himself as a man to have married this woman.
I have tried and tried to look up any legitimate references to her “career” but all I find are just one liners and nothing in terms of any professional accomplishments. It may be surmised all she accomplished is bashing others for not supporting abortion and writing three books going for cheap on Amazon (they must not be very popular). In addition, she has not found a permanent home since parting company with Time, that is very telling (every story I find refers to her as a ’former Time reporter,’ funny).
Can we say ’quack reporter wannabe.’
She has two children!! Obviously when work is slow you get attention by saying outrageous things.
And let’s talk about the end result of both shall we???
Cognitive Dissonance
Let’s be clear: Many things are “violent and gruesome” and yet life-affirming. Childbirth, for example, and just about any sort of life-saving surgery. They are difficult and messy to watch. But the end result is joy and life.
Other things are “violent and gruesome” — and just plain murder. Abortion (early, late, surgical, medical, legal, and illegal) is always gruesome murder. Genocide by mobs with machetes. Genocide by military round-ups and concentration camps. The end result is misery and regret.
Mrs. Burleigh is confused, because she cannot tell good from evil. She is willing to accept a whole world of violence and death in order to enjoy the sorts of gruesome killing that she prefers.
And she’ll fellate Bill Clinton for allowing her to do so. What a sad existence she has, full of hate and devoid of self-respect.
LifeJoy says:
January 9, 2014 at 1:27 am
Does anyone else ever think that they could take a photo array and identify who is a pro-life activist and who is a pro-abortion activist? I feel like I would have at least 90% accuracy.
I was thinking the same thing! So attractive, with her head cocked jauntily and her cute little smirk…. but there’s something about her eyes that scares. Even before reading a word, it is apparent that just below the surface lies a coiled beast, and with just a little scratch it will snarl and strike.
If gruesome is defined as “causing repulsion or horror, grisly” I don’t think normal childbirth really fits that well, some people seem to find it rather scary but “repulsion and horror”? I think only people with severe phobias find it that horrifying. Not that I think “gruesome” is a good reason for opposing abortion. It could be pretty as a field of wildflowers and it would still kill babies.
Something like abortion, that ends in a pile of fetal body parts, is obviously on quite a different level of “gruesome” than childbirth. Pity she can’t see that. But she seems to love Bill “I haven’t met a woman that I can’t objectify” Clinton, so I think her perspective might be a bit… off.
I didn’t think the birth of either of my children was “violent”. Sure it was a little gruesome I’m sure (my husband almost fainted) but violent? no way. It was powerful but not violent. And those births are 2 of the most empowering experiences of my life.
Oh and giving a guy oral sex for keeping abortion legal? How far you’ve come little lady.*eyeroll*
“Oh and giving a guy oral sex for keeping abortion legal? How far you’ve come little lady.*eyeroll* ”
I think the old school second wave feminists are rolling in their graves from that one. I’m pretty sure that offering men sexual favors for political favors (however exaggerated or flippant) is like, the antithesis of feminism.
“So attractive, with her head cocked jauntily and her cute little smirk…. but there’s something about her eyes that scares.”
Black Widow?
The fact that she ever worked for time makes me seriously question their hiring practices. The fact that she no longer works for time gives me confidence in their firing practices.
“I was thinking the same thing! So attractive, with her head cocked jauntily and her cute little smirk…. but there’s something about her eyes that scares. ”
Yes, Del, it’s in her eyes. No sparkle or warmth.
Violent and gruesome? I’ve watched hundreds and hundreds of childbirth videos, haven’t seen even ONE that was gruesome and violent… NOT ONE! They always make me smile and cry with joy, even the c-sections and assisted deliveries. They are BEAUTIFUL!
I’m sorry, comparing that with tearing a little human being limb from limb just doesn’t compute in my head.
I do find c-sections a bit gruesome, when my daughter was born it was an emergency c-section and I wasn’t allowed in the room (they had to get her out fast), but my ex had a lot of trouble healing from it (she got a staph infection in her c-section scar, it was pretty bad). But c-sections are nowhere near on the level of gruesome that abortion is. Live newborn versus tiny body parts, not even a contest.
I’m pretty sure that offering men sexual favors for political favors (however exaggerated or flippant) is like, the antithesis of feminism.
Thanks for a statement for my Quote of the Day book!
Want a newborn from a woman who wants to abort? Here’s your chance to EARN ONE:
What would that have to do with abortion? Most anti-abortion women have their own working uterus, no womb transplants required. The only way this is relevant is if they pulled off a successful transfer of a fetus from one woman’s uterus to another’s. Or if they transplanted wombs into men. As it stands this is just another reproduction technology for infertile people, not much to do with the abortion debate.
Ah, but it has everything to do with it. Those who advocate that women wanting to abort should give their newborns to infertile couples might be able to make a better case if there is a womb transplant.
You’re missing the point. Putting a working womb into an infertile woman does nothing for the abortion debate. They still have to get pregnant through IVF or some such thing. The “womb transplant” thing only makes a difference if you can remove a fetus from a woman who wants an abortion and put it into an anti-abortion woman (whether or not she has her own uterus or if she gets a working one transplanted).
So, when they are able to do fetal transplants, or put wombs into males and make them work to carry a baby, then we can talk. Otherwise this is just irrelevant.
Hi Merit do you know if they do brain transplants :)
More women die every year during childbirth than during abortions, most of which are performed prior to eight weeks gestation.
There’s really no “violent” at that point. 80% of women in America who choose to have an abortion do so before eight weeks of pregnancy, and the procedure takes under five minutes. The size of the “life” that’s extracted is smaller than a grape. The pain involved is minimal, and there’s no recovery time involved. Women can go back to their normal daily routine– sex, work, exercise, swimming, bathing, etc etc, whenever they choose to.
Childbirth is a whole different bundle of pain and “gruesome violence,” however.
Many women die during childbirth, bear permanent physical scars afterward, and are traumatized by childbirth. Many women are forced into financial duress by having to take time off to take care of a baby that *if they did not want to have in the first place* they should not be forced to bear. Many women suffer from post partum depression so severe that that become alienated from friends and family that could be resources for help.
Most women say after an abortion that they feel relieved it’s behind them the they’re grateful to have had the option to not continue an unwanted pregnancy.
Most women say after childbirth that they’re exhausted and in pain but excited about their new role as mom.
How would you see this changing if women who did not wish to be pregnant were forced to continue pregnancies regardless of whether they desired to do so? Do you think it would benefit women to become forced wombs? Parents against their will? Why or why not?
“Do you think it would benefit women to become forced wombs? Parents against their will? Why or why not?”
And yet another excuse for irresponsible intercourse Amy. I see you passed Pro-abort Logic 101 with an “A.”
I truly hope that whomever gave you a “like” is not a pro-lifer.