Last MS abortion mill can’t follow safety law; wants to stay open
Inside Jackson Women’s Health Organization, there’s growing uncertainty over how much longer the doors will be open. Dr. Willie Parker flies in from Chicago to perform abortions at the clinic, one of two physicians who come to Mississippi to provide abortion care.
Parker is a plaintiff in the lawsuit challenging Mississippi’s law. He’s a board-certified OB-GYN but has not been able to get admitting privileges at any of the 13 regional hospitals he applied to.
“Some we received no response from, but the ones that we did, they made reference to the fact that because the care we provide is related to abortion, they felt it might be disruptive to the internal politics, as well as the external politics, for the hospital,” Parker says.
Parker says it is part of a strategy to gut the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion by abusing the regulatory authority of the states and making access to abortion “so cumbersome as to be impractical even when it remains legal.”
Bebe Anderson is with the Center for Reproductive Rights, which is representing Parker….
“Under the Supreme Court’s rulings, this law would definitely constitute what’s called an ‘undue burden’ because it would really block women’s access to safe, legal abortion throughout the state of Mississippi,” Anderson says. “Therefore it’s unconstitutional.”
Terri Herring, director of the Pro Life America Network, helped craft Mississippi’s legislation and is hopeful it will withstand legal scrutiny.
“I think it’s going to be hard for the court to decide that because Mississippi has one abortion clinic that it should be allowed to be unsafe,” Herring says.
~ Debbie Elliott,, April 28

No self-respecting hospital wants to be embroiled in controversy, picketed, or dragged down to a lower standard of care. The lawsuit filed on behalf of Tonya Reaves not only named Planned Parenthood but the hospital to which she was taken. Hospitals take that stuff seriously. If they extend privileges to a fly-in abortionist, what does that tell all the other physicians credentialed there?
Smoking cigarettes is a lifestyle choice that is still legal in America.
However, many cities and states have banned the practice of smoking in pubs and restaurants, workplaces, apartment buildings, and even outdoors at many parks, public monuments and college campuses.
This has been tolerated in much of America because smoking is dangerous to smokers and those around them, and the Tobacco Industry has been severely punished for selling a dangerous product.
The Abortion Industry also sells a product that is dangerous to its client/choosers and to those around them. While abortion remains legal, it deserves to be severely restricted. Similar to cigarette packaging, there should be large warning labels covering one-fifth of the available window space and visible to all who enter there.
Center for reproductive rights, my patootie. I’m so tired of abortion euphemisms.
Close the slum pit!
One by one they will fall.
Buh Bye Pink Pit of Death.
“abortion care”
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This is the biggest oxymoron ever.
I’d be wary about getting waxed in a pink building let alone have a surgical procedure in one. What a bunch of loons. Hope that wretched place is closed down.
Good for the hospitals!
I mean, honestly, whatever happened to safe, legal, rare? Where’s the safe part? Why do abortionists rally around places like this and insist regular, medical regulations for WOMEN’s SAFETY is somehow unfair and these places shouldn’t be upheld to basic medical standards?
Oh, right. It’s because babies must be killed. It’s because the nature of abortion is not safe, clean, or really medical. It’s evil. There’s no “healthcare” about it, guys, sorry.
But the streets will run with blood and and and there will be wire hangers EVERYWHERE as women try desperately to liberate themselves from the patriarchy!!
Gee, Carla! Such compassion towards women really is the hallmark of the “prolife” movement!
Women are ALREADY going into Mexico to obtain abortions (and abortion medications) and we all know you guys don’t give a rat’s arse about these people. You don’t care if they die from complications because the “doctor” performing the procedure isn’t trained. You don’t care if they die from complications from medication because they weren’t instructed by a professional on how to take it. You guys simply don’t care about the realities and experiences of the pregnant people who would risk their lives to not be pregnant.
Rich women will always have access to abortion. These laws hurt the already marginalized minorities that the Republican Party despises.
You guys care about embryos. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so sad.
Does the name Kermit Gosnell ring a bell?
Oh yes rich women. Here we go. I suppose wealthy women and celebrities utilize this Mississippi pink pit? Do they go to Carhart’s rathole in Nebraska? How many sat in Kermit Gosnell’s waiting room? Hey, they were good enough for poor and/or minority women, why not the rich? Isn’t legal abortion the great equalizer??
News flash Liz, rich women continued to do what they have always done, have their abortions privately and discreetly done by the best money can buy. Poor and/or minority women….well, Carhart, Gosnell….
“Marginalized minorities”. Your patronizing and infantilizing of minority citizens is so typical of you “enlightened” liberals.
BTW Liz, try a history lesson if you are so concerned about “marginalized minorities”. The KKK was the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party. Jim Crow laws and segregation were Democrat Party policies and the Voting and Civil Rights Acts were passed because of Republicans.
Your comparison between smoking and abortion is fundamentally invalid Del.
“I think it’s going to be hard for the court to decide that because Mississippi has one abortion clinic that it should be allowed to be unsafe,” translation – ‘we’ll do everything we can to make sure it’s unsafe so that it can’t operate’.
TRAP Law 101.
Safe, legal and none of your business.
Wow…”Liz” managed to hit on just about every little “sound bite” liberals can spew out about Pro-lifers!
Oh..she forgot “Right-Wing, Bible- Thumping woman-haters” ….
BTW, “Liz” – Carla was using SARCASM. Look it up in the dictionary.
Trolling Pro-Life blogs is what’s SAD.
BAM BÀM BAM!!! I love it!!
Liz didn’t get it. Sigh. :)
Liz, honey, please.
Carla was using sarcasm.
First of all, do you have any stats/proof that women are going to Mexico?
And even if they are, how on earth does that change or affect the fact that abortion clinics here are so deadly?? Why did you bring up Mexico?
We *do* care that women die from complications!!
Oh, and now you’re trotting out the Republican Party line. Alrighty first of all, we’re not all Republicans here, second of all many of the commenters here ARE MINORITIES that are Pro-Life (say wha? Yes. It is true).
And no, we don’t only care about the embryos. We care about all human beings and we don’t want tiny human beings to be killed. That’s it. Surely it’s something we can agree on?
While I am sure that you’re just a drive-by, I just want it to be known that we don’t hate women and we aren’t only concerned with the “embryos” (which are people, fyi).
Did somebody say PATRIARCHY?
Courtnay, um they said Republican so that covered it lol
Well, I can’t speak for all women of color but I can take care of myself just fine, thank you.
Abortion fans don’t give a rat’s tail about women’s safety. Ironically, if abortionists were held to a higher standard, we’d have a harder time fighting them. Ultimately, we want to end abortion not only because it is unsafe, but because we recognize that we were all embryos in the first stage of our lives. Embryos grow into babies grow into toddlers grow into teens grow up to be adults. That’s the human condition.
I meant to say, if abortionists were held to a higher standard BY ABORTION ADVOCATES, we’d have a harder time. Gosnell was given the opportunity to hurt, maim, and even kill women BECAUSE abortion advocates turned a blind eye, and even worse, some abortion facilities actually referred women to him for late term abortions they themselves were too squeamish to commit. Look down at your own hands, Liz and others: the blood of Gosnell’s victims stains you.
Poor women will always receive substandard care as long as health care is determined by the amount of money you can pay.
Abortion IS health care. I live in a country where abortion is covered under our single payer insurance. There have never been any cases like Gosnell in my country. Why? Because abortion is accessible, free* and it isn’t stigmatized like it is in the states.
As for the “history lesson”, Mary: The days of white people telling black people what to do with their bodies is LONG over.
I did understand that your comment was facetious but the fact of the matter is that I don’t find the preventable deaths of women to be humorous. You clearly do and that’s unfortunate.
Excuse me Liz,
One of the arguments to legalize abortion was that poor women could access “safe,legal” abortion care that rich women always had access to. However poor women sit in the waiting rooms of the Gosnells and Carharts while rich women continue to have their abortions discreetly done by the best doctors.
So it was a lie then Liz, right? Legal abortion wasn’t the great equalizer after all. Also, do rich women visit the abortion clinics in your country frequented by poor women? Do you have freestanding abortion clinics or is abortion more strictly regulated in your country than ours? In your country, can any dirtball off the street open up a “clinic” like they can here?
“As for the “history lesson”, Mary: The days of white people telling black people what to do with their bodies is LONG over.”
Uh Liz, another history lesson. This happened when slavery was abolished. Also prepare to swallow a lot of bile. Its Republicans to thank for this. Abe Lincoln, I assume you know who he was, was a Republican. Republicans fought post Civil War for the rights of freed blacks against the Democrats who were determined to keep them in their “place”. The problem was Lincoln’s successor, a Democrat, was an avowed racist who was determined to send freed slaves back to the plantation.
Like I said Liz, crack open a history book before you again put your ignorance on display.
“Poor women will always receive substandard care as long as health care is determined by the amount of money you can pay.”
Liz honey, baby!!! Is that the reason PP charges these women about $600 an abortion???? Would that amount not ensure a safe procedure in a facility that is up-to-code and is staffed with as well equipped adequately???
See the problem is these poor women are not aborting at PP on a sliding scale by any stretch of your imagination. So your summation is non-sequitur.
My advise, next time proof-read your response before you hit the “add comment” button.
Oh good. A new troll.
I do not find preventable deaths of women humorous.
Especially the mothers that have died at the hands of quack abortionists that kill for profit.
Send another troll with some new material please.