Racist (“ugly black babies”) abortionist arrested for rape
A Charlotte abortion doctor, who made headlines for a racist rant caught on video in 2012, has been arrested and charged with raping a woman….
Ashutosh Ron Virmani was arrested early Thursday morning after he’s [sic] accused of raping a 49-year-old woman.
Virmani was booked… for second degree rape and two counts of second degree sexual offense.
[A] woman told police that she was raped inside a home along the 4600 block of Charlestowne Manor Drive on Wednesday afternoon….
Virmani also made headlines in 2012 after he was confronted at his home by a conservative Christian organization.
At the time Virmani was a licensed gynecologist with A Preferred Women’s Health Clinic in Charlotte. The clinic would not confirm on Thursday if Virmani was still practicing at the clinic “due to the nature of their business.”
A video posted in 2012 shows Virmani standing in the doorway of his home. He can be overheard in the video saying… “Go ahead and pay for them. Let me see you adopt one of those ugly black babies,” he yelled back at them.
That phrase has sparked anger across the country.
~ wbtv.com, which also lists an extensive rap sheet for Virmani, May 8
[HT: Kelsey of SecularProLife.org]

The crazy thing about this is that it doesn’t surprise me at all.
Horrible person.
After the news about how Gosnell abused and harmed the black women who came to him for abortions (while giving better care to white women), I am not really surprised that this guy would also have contempt for women and black people. I genuinely wish that some of the progressive organizations out there that believe in social justice would address the great injustice in how abortion clinics exploit disadvantaged women and minorities.
Looking at the abortion rate for black women vs. white women, are we really supposed to believe that black women just don’t want to be mothers at such a much higher rate than white women? The reality is that there are many black women out there who are hurting from an abortion because society doesn’t want black people around.
I wish that the progressives out there who hate big business would realize that when they fight for abortion they are complicit with the “big business” of the abortion industry. They have been tricked into shilling for a huge, well funded industry.
Oh my that hurts my heart so bad.
So hes a rapist? Yeah thats a real shocker. As Ive said in another post most abortionists are sexual deviants and you know what? I think over time they really do hate women. Look up Brian Finkle…former Arizona abortionist. He will spend the rest of his life in prison for raping women and GSI…80 counts. Finkle would try to kiss and fondle his patients pre op on the procedure table.
Poor little souls…no baby is ugly!!!
To all of the African American borts…You especially should be outraged! Please stop supporting abortion and please stop aborting. You are padding the pockets of people who think like this. Too disgusting for words. He seriously sickens me.
To all of the African American borts…You especially should be outraged.
Well, they aren’t. I don’t think I heard a peep from the so-called “black leadership” about this racist creep. But let some idiot Republican say something like this and its on the news for WEEKS.
Many Indians look down on black people, especially Hindus (the Christisns and Muslims seem a little more tolerant). I once knew a woman who worked at an abortion clinic. She said that Indian women used to come in that were having affairs with black men. They would admit that they were aborting because they didn’t want to have a half-black baby and the thing is, some Indians are very dark themselves!
Once I put an ad in the personal section of cCraigslist (yeah, I know, bad idea)! All these Indian men responded wanting to have sex with me — not a relationship, ju8st sex. One said that black women are “built for sex;” aparently some of them think we are whores. Uh, no. I’ve never been a booty call for anyone and I am certainly not starting now!
Praying he is put away. His “business” SHUT DOWN and no young mother EVER walks through that mill door again.
God have mercy.
WOW. If he wants to see ugly, all he has to do is look in the mirror. Mean. Cruel. Hateful. Cold. I’ve never been able to understand how anybody could purposely kill an innocent and helpless little baby. No wonder he looks like that.
Wow. How disgusting. But completely not surprising. But obviously he doesn’t value life or people at all.
And how creepy is it that he’s a gynecologist?? Ew.
“And how creepy is it that he’s a gynecologist?? Ew.”
AMEN, LibertyBelle. There is NO WAY I would be his patient.
When I was pregnant with one of my children, having moved to a new area and looking for an ob/gyn, I learned that an abortionist was in practice with a doctor who would not perform abortions.
The abortionist’s wife is a lawyer and owns a big abortuary in a large metro area. When I learned of this, I was determined he would never lay a hand on any baby of mine. Thank God, he hasn’t!
Unbelievable, that we hav alot of ppl like him..