Pro-life blog buzz 8-5-14
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
- Bound4Life writes about Planned Parenthood’s lawsuit against the state of Arizona in which they are seeking to prevent the enforcement of legislation that would require them to prescribe the chemical abortion pill RU-486 according FDA safety guidelines. So much for caring about women’s safety.
- ProLifeBlogs links to a story from Soconvivium about an Ohio Planned Parenthood abortion clinic that was fined $25K for “shocking” health violations. These stories are becoming more and more common – and less and less shocking:
These stories are no longer all that shocking because freestanding abortion facilities often slum it in terms of adhering to medical regulations. As the Kermit Gosnell story illustrates, state regulators often ignore abortion mill violations. - At First Things, Michael J. New says there are reasons for optimism, despite a judge’s recent ruling striking down Alabama’s admitting privileges law:
The 11th circuit may look to the 5th circuit for guidance, as they have recently considered the constitutionality of two similar laws. They upheld a Texas law requiring admitting privileges for abortion doctors, but struck down a similar law in Mississippi. However, the fact that the Mississippi law would have likely resulted in the closing of the lone abortion center in the state weighed heavily on the judges. However, since there are abortion doctors with admitting privileges in Alabama, this law would not close every clinic in the state. Furthermore, in their ruling on the Texas law, the 5th circuit did not find that increasing the travel distance to obtain an abortion posed an undue burden. Time will tell. - Kansans for Life notes that a recently closed abortion facility blames the state law requiring informed consent – that medically accurate information must be given to women and girls considering abortion. However, on their website, the facility went so far as to insult Republicans (“They are stupid. Let’s vote them out of office.”) in the introductory paragraph before posting the required information. They also posted screed that would make Amanda Marcotte proud:
Aid for Women so hated having to post the statement, “The abortion will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being” on their website’s consent form, that they added this ‘commentary’:
So much for expecting an abortion facility to provide medically accurate information.This [statement] is untruthful because the fetus is quite dependent upon, not separate from, the maternal placental oxygen and nutrient acquisition and kidney’s waste disposal. The word “whole” implies “complete” but the fetus is not truly completed until birth. Also, cancer is unique, human and living, yet not deserving of life.
- Clinic Quotes shares a 2004 statement from former Planned Parenthood President, Gloria Feldt, who refused to participate in a TV interview discussing the murder of abortionist Bernard Slepian after the program host asked a National Right to Life representative to join the discussion:
But by air time, the host had found a representative from the National Right to Life committee to oppose me. “To be fair,” she explained… Fairness, my eye. Would you have gay bashers on to “debate” the murder of Matthew Shepard? Give Al Qaeda operatives airtime to present their views in defense of the bombing of the World Trade Center? Sociopaths don’t deserve this kind of attention.
- At Live Action, Becky Yeh says Planned Parenthood should be turning 50 shades of pink over their promotion of abuse – romanticized in the novel 50 Shades of Grey – to teens as sex education:
Like Christian Grey, Planned Parenthood whisks away naive, inexperienced young girls like Anastasia Steele through charisma and curiosity. Though Steele is punished and abused through the BDSM relationship, Grey has no intention of loving her. Teens are tricked to hand over their virginity, like Steele, in order to be subjected to torture and abuse in the name of pleasure. The crux of 50 Shades affirms that.Consider how Planned Parenthood caters its sex education materials to young people. Under guise of safety, the organization’s promotion of abortion-inducing drugs, BDSM and other controversial sexual practices, is anything but safe. The organization continues to push the normalcy of dangerous sexual practices through its printed materials, education and through a panel of sexperts who encourage teens in dangerous 50 Shades type relationships. Not only does the organization have an ironclad grip on children at a local level, Planned Parenthood’s pen pals in the White House and state legislatures continue to enforce the institution’s pro-abortion ideology through legislation and funding. In fact, Planned Parenthood was a key sponsor of a seminar for educators of teenagers titled “50 Shades of Safe,” which promotes BDSM relationships as safe and normal.
Live Action‘s latest SEXED investigations further expose Planned Parenthood’s dangerous sex advice for kids. The series under covers Planned Parenthood counselors teaching teens how to whip and torture their partner, visit local adult sex shops and view pornography secretly. Teens are counseled to use handcuffs, watch “educational pornos,” tie their partner to a bed or tree, and even defecate on each other for sexual pleasure….
[Photos via and]
Speaking of Live Action News, could sure use some rational pro-life reinforcements & logic at the following article comment thread.
The pro-choicers have called in their reinforcements (from RHRC, none-the-less) & so shall I.
819 comments there, Ladybug…. Nice. :)
We’ve even got pro-choicer trolls there talking about stockpiling misopristol, performing MVAs, & teaching women how to self-abort, health risks be damned, & then figuratively patting each other on the back to boot, all in the name of protecting abortion rights. Sheesh!
Edit: I know Doug, I’m a part of & contributing to the conversation as time allows. Last I checked yesterday, it was at 500-and-something. I think it’s going to break the record here for the most comments in a thread. Anyone remember how many that was & on what thread?
to prescribe the chemical abortion pill RU-486 according FDA safety guidelines.
As I have said before, the FDA guidelines are not safety guidelines. They are guidelines for how the drug can be marketed. It is sad to see a self-styled “journalist” willfully misinforming her readers.
So much for caring about women’s safety.
Yes, the anti-abortion movement’s insistence that medical standards of care be ignored in prescribing RU-486 do indeed conclusively put the lie to the claim that pro-lifers care about women’s health.
Ladybug, I looked down the list of today’ Pro-Life Blogs and also noticed a heated debate going on at CNS News in response to Dr. Ben Carson’s comparison of human sacrifices by ancient civilizations to our own abortion society. I took out some time to read many of the comments on the CNS News site and gave a positive vote to a number of the pro-life responders. Among the pro-life responders was one who signed as Ladybug and I supposed that it might be you? Anyway, I gave this Ladybug positive votes on several of her posts.
Pro lifers do care about womens health. Like the abortion breast cancer link. Ik 2 women who have been dead for over 20 years from breast cancer. Both had abortions in their 20s…Also I met a 26 year old who had a botch job and almost bled to death post abortion. Her bf called 911 and she was given a hysterectomy. Also the death of 22 year old Lakisha Wilson who died inside of Preterm the abortion clinic in Cleveland. She was healthy and 22 weeks pregnant. The coroner ruled COD heart attack brought about by an elective abortion.
Women’s health..hmmmm does that count the little baby women who have their arms and legs ripped off and their heads crushed? Remember the story of the quack abortionist who was showing the mortified girl as he pulled out baby parts? He said ” Look heres a little arm. ” “Heres a little leg and hand.” The girl screamed in terror. Yeah sounds like your basic health care:)
RU486 is NOT health care! You dont NEED an abortion! You need to have your appendix removed if youre having problems or you could die! You need emergency surgery if you are shot or you could DIE! You need CPR if you are in cardiac arrest or you will DIE! You do NOT need an abortion. You have an abortion because you have the inability to abstain from sex when thats all it takes. You were reckless and irresponsible so now you want a quack to clean up your friggin mess because you cant cope. BUT you do not NEED an abortion! Sheesh Lisa C. Why cant you understand that?
And Lisa C you seem to pride yourself on being oh so intelligent after you took that cheap shot at me. So im just now getting back to you. Refute me…go ahead!!
Last I checked yesterday, it was at 500-and-something. I think it’s going to break the record here for the most comments in a thread. Anyone remember how many that was & on what thread?
Ladybug, not sure what you’re referring to. If you mean the most posts on a thread here at Jill’s site, I don’t know and haven’t been here continuously. Perhaps the Moderators can “see” a list…?
The first Jackson, MS thread, July 18, got 218 posts, and that’s relatively large. I think some have gone over 300..
Cor Blimey… it takes forever to load all the comments at the liveactionnews site….
“Like the abortion breast cancer link.” – clearly and repeatedly refuted.
“You dont NEED an abortion!” – you don’t NEED to have children either but many choose to.
The pro-choicers have called in their reinforcements (from RHRC, none-the-less) & so shall I.
Duke it out with the Goldfish Poop Gang? No thank you. Just don’t send them here.
BUT you do not NEED an abortion!
And you think that women should therefore be forbidden to take RU-486 in accordance with current best medical practices?
after you took that cheap shot at me. So im just now getting back to you.
I corrected a factual error you made once. Your life must be filled with bitterness if you nurse a grudge against everyone who has ever pointed out one of your mistakes.
Okay, Lisa and Heather; cage match. (Mudpit?)