Plus-size supermodel clarifies why she didn’t abort
If you really think that my sole consideration for whether I should bring a life into this world was based on how my body would look afterwards, then I am sorry for your lack of logical reasoning skills.
~ Plus-size supermodel Robyn Lawley, clarifying on Facebook her reasoning for carrying her surprise pregnancy to term. In a December 4 Cosmopolitan article, Lawley appeared to say she considered aborting out of concerns for her career and that her body wouldn’t “bounce back.”

well here are some exact quotes from the interview. She proabortion for sure and the tone of the interview does seem to suggest that she was afraid to tell her agency about the pregnancy but what stopped her from having the abortion was when she found out that abortion was not just a “simple medical procedure” and her concerns that she might never be able to have another baby. She also learned that her mother had an abortion years ago, making Robyn an abortion survivor.
What factors helped make your decision?
I talked to so many women for advice. I spoke to a lot of career women that I respect who chose their careers over babies and had abortions. Even my mom had an abortion in her early 20s that I didn’t [previously] know about….Another reason I kept the baby was because I was worried about possible fertility problems down the road. What if I aborted the baby now and in five years time, I wouldn’t be able to have one? That was my biggest fear.
I am pro-choice. I donate to NARAL every year. I always thought it was a very easy decision to make, to get an abortion. I thought if you need it, you can get it. I thought it’d be so easy! I’d just walk in there,and it’d be done so quickly, but then I called them and heard the process and thought this is a serious, full-on thing. I decided then that I wanted to keep the baby.
Congrats on her “logical reasoning skills.” She insisted on being fully informed, which is something that we agree that all women are entitled to — even when they would rather not know. No one should undergo any surgery without understanding all of the facts and risks.
However, Robyn still lacks “ethical reasoning skills.” We hope that she will learn these before her next interview.
Yes Robyn. It is a “serious, full-on thing.”
We call it murder. Of your own child.