“Sexual rights” trump all other rights, including free speech
Abortion’s now-sacred status is symptomatic of something far more sinister: the sweeping success of the Sexual Revolution. So-called “sexual rights” are now considered to be the most important “rights” our society has, and take precedence over all other rights, regardless of how fundamental they are….
Freedom of speech? This is now a quaint concept that does not apply, for example, to any sort of pro-life activism, especially and ironically on university campuses. Nothing has the ability to irritate me quite as much as the mewling first-year feminist fascists of the Womyn’s Studies Department scurrying to submit their campus editorial on the “limits of free speech” the second pro-lifers show up on campus to engage university students in a discussion on a serious topic.
Pornography, nude demonstrations, and virtually any form of sex-related activism is welcome — unless you happen to be opposing something, in which case it is not. When I was in university, for example, our “Cemetery of the Innocents” display was trampled and destroyed by a student politician who then took to the campus paper to call us the Hitler Youth. On campus after campus across North America, so-called feminists respond to pro-life activism the same way: Shut down the debate.
~ Jonathon Van Maren, Life Site News, December 2
[Photo via secularprolife.org]
“No uterus, no opinion”
Does that mean women who’ve undergone complete hysterectomies are lumped together with men? :p
In modern culture, sex is an addiction.
An addict will give up anything in order to secure a fix for his addiction.
Abortion means killing a child in order to continue having unrestrained sex. Since murder is already an option to feed the addiction, giving up one’s rights to free expression and the freedom to build a just culture…. are small prices to pay.
“No uterus? No opinion”…
Really ?
I guess the MALE Supreme Court Justices -who were the MAJORITY to pass Roe v. Wade should have just kept their “opinion” to themselves then, hmmm?
And the abortionists -predominately MALE – what about THEIR opinion ?
Pre-born baby girls HAVE a uterus…but you don’t CARE about THEIR opinion, either.
Hypocrites, much ?
But they will welcome men to the debate, as long as they agree with them.
Funny how I just read an article by a pro-choicer PLEADING with men (“bro-choicers”) to get involved in speaking out for “choice,” because “abortion isn’t just a women’s issue.”
Can’t have it both ways, ladies. What you’re basically saying is, you have to agree with us, or you aren’t allowed to have freedom of speech. Or freedom of religion.
You dig a little deeper, and their faux-losophy crumbles. Which is why they don’t want debate.
Oh, but Kel, the bro-choicers speak loud and clear when they say “get rid of it” or “it’s not mine” or “I’m outta here” or any other variation thereof.
And yes, they can’t debate. They can’t debate biology or the many cheerful ultrasounds on sites like facebook. And as pre-natal assessment technology gets better (imagine the imaging we’ll be able to use in the next 10 years!), their shrill arguments will become the stuff of history.
They just cover their eyes and ears and scream louder.
Facts don’t matter.
Overhearing family members discussing the rioting in Ferguson and wondering why this was going on and why doesn’t anyone listen to the grand jury evidence…
And I simply said, “You guys are looking at this all wrong. Facts don’t matter.”
They just stared. I then said that I see this all the time, because I read comments from pro-choicers ALL the time. What matters is the emotion. What is felt. Whether it lines up with coroner’s evidence or not.
Facts do not matter. The actual meaning of terms… they don’t matter. Biological development… nope. Ultrasounds… well, that’s just forced propaganda (and has even been equated with rape)!!
Facts don’t matter if those facts interfere with what we want. Hey, if I don’t want babies, then sex doesn’t and shouldn’t make babies, and if it DID make a baby, then I will fix it so I get what I want… which is sex without babies. And so we try to change facts and reality to line up with what we feel reality should be.
The more I see it, the less hope I have for the critical thinking skills of future generations.
Have another glass of kool-aid, kids.
What about the women born without a uterus which is also called a womb? Drudge Report just had a story about 2, 1 whose mother’s womb was transplanted to her daughter. Daughter then became pregnant and delivered a baby. The other received the womb donate by a 61-year-old friend.
So the receivers now have a uterus and can speak-up while the donators have to shut-up? Oh my … oh my!
What about Bro-choice? How about Bill Clinton? The gurrrrrls think that even sex abuse and rape is OK as long as the perp supports abortion.
So, would these pro-choice folks be so keen on suppressing free speech if abortion were a capital crime and challenging that status was also considered a crime?
Hi Pamela,
Maybe these ranting wannabe feminist schoolgirls should actually stop and think about what they are saying. NO opinion means NO opinion ladies. You must be as adamant about silencing men who support abortion.
BTW, do your rich daddies pay your tuition?