Bruce Jenner wanted ex-wife to abort daughter
Bruce Jenner wanted his first wife to get an abortion when she found out she was pregnant during the middle of their divorce in the late 1970s, his daughter said.
In the same interview where Jenner made his debut as “Caitlyn,” Casey Jenner (pictured) told Vanity Fair the story of her birth.
Jenner married Chrystie Crownover in 1972, and the two had a son, Burt. They found out she was pregnant with Casey halfway through their divorce, and Casey said her mom told her that Bruce first suggested getting an abortion but “rejected it after 30 seconds.”…
But Chrystie once said the plan for the abortion went a lot further than just “30 seconds.” In a 1981 interview with People magazine, she said she came close to going through with the abortion simply because Bruce wanted it, even going as far as to pay for it.
~ The Daily Caller, June 2

We are all Kardashians now… ugh.
It is unfair to say that Bruce “wanted his first wife to get an abortion.”
In the following paragraph, we discover that Bruce barely considered the idea during a moment of initial panic… but within half-a-minute, he refused the idea of killing his child. There was never a time when he did not want this child to live… But there was a moment when his fear spoke before his truth.
I wonder how many women say, “Honey, I am pregnant”…. and the first thing they hear from the father is, “You should get of it.” What a scar that leaves.
“What a scar that leaves.”
No doubt. That might be a big part of why Bruce likes to wear women’s clothing and always fights for center stage.
It would have been easier, less expensive and freeing for him to just ask his ex and his daughter for forgiveness.
Bruce Jenner once considered abortion decades ago.
At first I thought, “Hey wait a minute…. I know he’s going trans-gender now, but it really doesn’t work that way…”
“But, now, Jenner is reportedly seeking to make amends and to make up for lost time with his daughter.”
Yeah right. Maybe they could go dress, heels, purse, and undergarment shopping together. Just what every little girl dreams of doing with the dad she grew up without.
I hope his children don’t get sucked in by his empty promises until he gets help that doesn’t include glamour shots. Some people you need to love from a safe distance.
I cannot imagine anyone more removed from falling into the “we are all Kardashians now” category than Del. With a number of other folk here not far behind him. Groups such as the Kardashians lower the national IQ.
Groups such as the Kardashians lower the national IQ.
Ha! Indeed, Reality.
You want to know what I really think of the Kardahians? Heh – can’t say it here…. : P
I think that Jenner wanting his child aborted years ago has little to no bearing on her transition or identification as a woman now. I certainly think it’s ridiculous to speculate that she transitioned as some type of reparation.
I’m glad she is talking about making amends with her children now. Hopefully she gave her children’s mother a heartfelt and sincere apology too.
And I agree with you Del, your comment was very nice. I think a lot of abortion comes from fear and I’m very happy that this child was spared that. Good on Chrystie for saving Casey’s life.
“Good on Chrystie for saving Casey’s life.”
Chrystie might have gone through with the abortion if a friend had not stepped in and woke her up:
“But one night I was out to dinner and my friend asked me why I wanted an abortion. I told him, “I don’t want the abortion.” He said, “Why are you having it?” And I said, “Because Bruce wants it.” He said, “You are having the abortion because the man that you are not going to be living with wants you to have it?” I thought, what an idiot I am. I wanted the child very, very much. But I was conditioned to make decisions that were best for him.”,,20078381,00.html
“I certainly think it’s ridiculous to speculate that she transitioned as some type of reparation.”
That’s why I said, “That might be a big part…” but not the only part. I hope Bruce will get the help I believe he needs.
The Kardashians are proof that white trash with millions of dollars…are just white trash with millions of dollars.
Hi Del and DLPL,
I remember this incident with Bruce and his pregnant soon to be ex wife and in fact Bruce was romantically involved with another woman at the time, Linda Thompson. That might be why he was less than thrilled that Christy was pregnant. It certainly complicated things.