Weekend question
On September 17, ABC Good Morning America’s Diane Sawyer picked up with Cindy McCain where Katie Couric left off last week.
Both were trying to get a clear answer from Cindy on her position on Roe v. Wade.
As the video shows, Cindy did not clarify her stance and went further to say abortion is not actually important in the 2008 election:
Diane Sawyer: But Mrs. McCain, do you oppose the repeal of Roe vs. Wade? Was that report correct?
Cindy McCain: … This is not the major issue on people’s minds right now…. A difference in how we stand on abortion or things like that are not what’s foremost in the voters’ minds right now – at all.
Do you agree or disagree with Cindy McCain?

well, of course it’s the foremost of our minds, but I don’t know how it really plays out with the rest of the country. I know the PUMA’s are holding their noses and pulling the lever for McCain in spite of his stance on abortion, so I guess Cindy may be right. I guess we’ll see.
I disagree. If Obama is elected, we get the most pro-abort president ever who wants to sign FOCA into law and who voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act … we get laws against partial birth abortion repealed, and laws about parental consent repealed and the continuation of millions of innocent lives lost to abortion … or if McCain gets to be President and gets to put in new Supreme Court justices we can see Roe vs Wade losing its impact to ruin so many lives. This is the biggest thing in our country with so many innocent lives at stake in this election.
It should be the most important issue.
Until Sarah Palin, I was voting for McCain as a means to vote against Obama because of the abortion issue.
Though McCain isn’t prolife enough for me, he won’t sign FOCA or repeal DOMA, as Obama as promised to do both.
And McCain may be fiesty enough to not put up with the Senate blocking any of his would be federal judges.
Cindy’s pro-choice. Big deal. My husband is pro-choice (for now…I’ll get him one of these days), but that doesn’t take away from me being pro-life. I wish Cindy would quit dancing around the issue and fess up. It just makes her look bad when she doesn’t. I’m not voting for Cindy. Why does everyone think that you and your spose MUST AGREE 100% ON EVERYTHING in politics. I actually like to see a man appreciate a woman who has her own ideas.
Agreed, X.
I really don’t give a crap what Cindy McCain’s opinions on abortion are, unless she’s going to start nominating some Supreme Court justices.
It’s 7:00 am in Phoenix. I just woke up after having a dream. It’s not often that I have dreams so when I do have them I don’t think it an accident. I believe the Lord gave me this dream for a reason, so, I’ll just tell it now:
I was in front of a hospital. It was not the type of hospital that I typically find out here in Phoenx, i.e., with a modern storefront with your typical, sterile type of entrance that loook more like an entrance to a store. The entrance was that of a an older type of hospital with cut granite steps and large stone spheres at the top of the stairs near the entrance doors. This was more like a hospital I was used to when I was a kid back east,
I don’t know why I was near ot at this hospital, near these stairs, but that is where the dream started. In the bushes near these steps, I found an infant’s head. Thee was a clean cut at the neck, not a lot of blood. To my amazement the baby was still alive, but obvioulsy is distress. Not crying, kind of groggy, not kowing where it was or unaware of its state, but alive. I too was bewildered, At first I couldn’t understand why the baby was still alive and then my bewilderment turned to anger as to who could do something like this to the baby.
I started to weep, with the baby’s head in my hands, I was in a state of shock that this baby could still be living. The baby and I had not yet made a connection. Carrying the baby’s head, I started to walk around the hospital grouds and the people that I ran into, could care less, I was just looking for someone to care about this baby with me. No repsonse.
And then, I said to myself, I will videtape this baby and show this the world, then someone will care. As is did this, the baby then had a body but, it’s legs and feet had been cut off at the shins. The baby and I then started to make a connection, as it began to comes out of its stupor and even began to express emotion. It then dawned on me that it was I who then had to take care of this baby. I said to my self, I’ll call my wife and she if it’s OK to adopt. I hesitated and then realized even I wasn’t fully committed to the cause. I then woke up.
I left my bed and went into anoterh bedroom and layed down and thought that I really need to pray about this to see what God was trying to tell me. The impression I received was to just go tell the dream on Jill’s blog and to ask this:
Do we really care enough to give the least of these a voice?
Interesting, HisMan.
Indeed X, well said.
I just don’t get why people won’t answer questions. You read what the question and Cindy’s answer, and it is CLEARLY not an answer to the question that was posed to her. Why do people dodge issues? What ever happened to being “pro-choice and proud”? This and the stuff on Obama yesterday makes me so disgusted in politics right now.
“Do we really care enough to give the least of these a voice?”
Some of us do. Some have devoted their entire lives to giving these babies a voice. Some strive daily in any way they can to give these babies a voice.
This is a spritiual battle too, we’re not fighting against flesh and blood, but against satan and hell itself.
Sadly, hell is loudest at the moment. But, we need to press on in anyway we can.
Agree with X.
I am looking forward to the interview with Obama where Michelle gets grilled on abortion!!! :)
I had a dream the other night that I was hearing the shrieking and screaming of minions. Constant screeching that kept getting louder and louder the more the truth was proclaimed about abortion. I was standing alone and my voice was almost drown out by their screaming. Almost. :)
Had a good long prayer to God after that too.
Thanks for sharing that.
Do you think this ‘Cindyspeak’ is some sort of strategy to woo disaffected Hillary supporters and feminists in general to vote for McCain? If it is I doubt it’s efficacy.
Cindy does not always engage her mind before she opens her mouth.
Cindy McCain: … This is not the major issue on [MOST] people’s minds right now…. A difference in how we stand on abortion or things like that are not what’s foremost in [MOST of] the of voters’ minds right now – at all.
This is an now an accurate statement.
The same could have been said about slavery in the 100 years leading up to and after the ‘Civil War’.
This does minimize the importance of the two issues. Just shows how shallow most peoples thinking is.
His Man,
In 1981 I asked GOD how he viewed abortion. It was just a passing question. Kind of like the questions Tavia asked in Fiddler On The Roof.
I mean I had an ‘opinion’, but it was not a conclusion.
Just a few days later I saw the movie Gandhi. There is one scene where a Brittish officer is on trial for ordering his soldiers to open fire on a crowd of unarmed children, women and men.
The judge asked the officer if he offered assistance to any of the wounded.
[I paraphrase]
The officer replied, ‘I offered assistance to any who made a proper application for aid.’
The judge then asks the officer, ‘How does a child who has been shot through with an royal enfield rifle make proper application for aid?!?
Then the Lord said to me, ‘How does a unborn child that is about to be ‘MURDERED’ make proper application for aid?’
It was not a rhetorical question. HE, GOD, the LORD of creation, wanted an answer. From me. Not just words, but deeds. I have tried to both.
For some reason I cannot view the video this morning – it’s just a large white box.
Having said that, to answer the question above, I agree with Cindy that the majority of registered voters are not thinking about the repeal of Roe v. Wade. The sanctity of human life, and the repeal of Roe v. Wade, are high priorities for those who have a godly view of all life, including the unborn or those who survive a failed abortion.
For me, the non-negotiables are a born-again Christian who can both speak and listen to God, a prolifer, the election of godly judges, and protection of our country. All of them are equally important to me.
HisMan, Carla,
I, too, had a very vivid dream/nightmare the night before last, although it was not of the graphic type that you had, HisMan. I simply dreamed of election night and the day after, and that Obama was elected. I looked around at the people in the streets celebrating, but their eyes looked empty. They were completely unaware of what had just happened. They were literally incapable of seeing the truth, and I cried and cried, and woke up with tears on my cheeks.
She’s right, of course.
if you mean that I’m right that the election of Obama means the beginning of the end of humanity, then yes, I agree with you.
See. You and I CAN agree on something!
Don’t get me wrong, dearie. I honestly believe that McCain/Palin will win by a comfortable margin. My dream was simply a function of my subconscious and God making it abundantly clear to me that we must do whatever is in our power to make sure Obama is not elected. Exposing him for the fraudulent shill that he is is just one of the means to that end.
I also agree with you reality.
She’s right that she had a nightmare.
Cindy is a nice lady but she is unaware how important pro-life is to John McCain’s base.
On the other hand, these phoney reporters are only concerned about abortion if Roe is threatened, otherwise they don’t care, that is why you never see Obama asked the tough questions. The MSM is full of pro-aborts.
We can’t even get Bill O’Reilly to ask Obama about his awful, despicable stance. Screw you Bill.
What ever happened to being “pro-choice and proud”?
Just want to repeat this excellent question of yours. It’s worth pondering.
Why in the world does it matter what Cindy McCain’s stance on abortion is? You’re not voting for her. She will be the First Lady, not the President. The last time I checked, she will not veto any bills, nominate any Justices or anything that deals with the President’s duties.
Spouses do not have to agree 100% on everything (and yes, this includes politics). My parents agree on pretty much everything, but the one thing they’ve always butted heads over (and probably always will) is the Vietnam War. My father was Army Special Forces and served over there while my mother was at home being a “hippie” that protested the war.
Do they agree with what the other one did during that time period? No, not really. But they respect each other and the other person’s opinion.
So the point of this story is this: Her opinion is her own, not John McCain’s. Just back off her already.
If Senator McCain were to take the Pro-Life plank off the back burner, make it a talking point in public, and be proactive about the sanctity of life then moves the election further away from the grasp of Senator Obama.
Barbara Bush, wife of Bush Sr. (former President) is Pro-Choice and it wasn’t that big a deal either.
I agree with X and also Bobby. She probably should just come clean about it. Her stance seems to be that she’s not strongly pro-Wade. McCain came across as compassionate and real in this interview. Cindy came across as plastic and too made up for me. But if I were American, I’d vote for McCain!
Agree with X. I am looking forward to the interview with Obama where Michelle gets grilled on abortion!!! :)
Posted by: Carla at September 20, 2008 9:42 AM
Will this EVER happen? NO And it’s not likely to be a grilling either because all the MSM is proabort. Instead it will be a feast of proaborts once again pushing their love of “choice” down viewers throats without ever having to explain what that choice entails – the killing of a baby.
A girl can dream, Patricia. :) I would love to see Obama and Michelle under the same kind of scrutiny.
I thought the media was supposed to be fair and objective and honestly get at the facts! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
@Carla: in your dreams! Media – fair???? Not since the 1960’s……
I agree with Cindy. I think things like the economy, the war (and other international issues), oil, and health care are higher up on a lot of people’s lists. I mean, I would probably vote for someone anti-choice if I agreed with their stances on the things I listed above.
Just checkin’
argh, she’s just trying to please everybody… typical sort of vague, non-committal comment from someone in the political scene.
You don’t to realize JKeller that being pro-abortion is utter rebellion toward the Creator.
If this country is to be healed it must repent of this horrific evil.
Therefore, abortion towers over other issues in terms of importance.
If our country became pro-life, God would shower us with prosperity, protection and blessing. He alone holds the fate of our nation in His hands. We make a mistake to think that any one man or Party or idea can save us.
How much worse do things need to get before we realize this?
Carla: you might find this story of interest:
I consider it fair turnabout for not protesting when I’m repeatedly called a “pro-abort”.
You could theoretically say that God will start treating us better when we start treating all people better (the working poor, children who have already been born, battered women, foreigners, the wrongfully accused, our enemies (Love your enemies, its in the bible), etc).
You could also theoretically say that God has no qualms with ending lives and causing suffering, so why should we be held to a higher standard?
It is crystal clear that John and Cindy McCain are pro-life: It is not enough to talk about being pro-life, our actions must follow our words. Are we clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, procaliming the Godpel, helaing the sick? Cindy McCain life is a testament to doing this.
I have to admit after spending many, many hours on the phones calling people around the state of AZ, the No. 1 issue on people’s minds, as a whole country, is the economy. That is a fact.
If the Liberal Left media wants to turn this election using every trick they can conjure up, John and Cindy will simply not fall for it.
Keep in mind that only 14% of this country goes to church every Sunday. We pro-lifers have a secret weapon though that pro-aborts don’t have, it’s called fasting and prayer. We can literally turn the heart of God if we turn our hearts to Him.
It fasting and prayer that must be done with the proper mindset and attitude, however. We alone, as believers in Jesus Christ, have the power to turn this country around. God and you are a majority. Repent, pray, humble yourselves, turn from your wicked ways, and seek His face and He will heal our land. Serve others and God will serve you.
Pleae read this:
“Isaiah 58
True Fasting
1 “Shout it aloud, do not hold back.
Raise your voice like a trumpet.
Declare to my people their rebellion
and to the house of Jacob their sins.
2 For day after day they seek me out;
they seem eager to know my ways,
as if they were a nation that does what is right and has not forsaken the commands of its God. They ask me for just decisions and seem eager for God to come near them.
3 ‘Why have we fasted,’ they say,
‘and you have not seen it?
Why have we humbled ourselves,
and you have not noticed?’
“Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please and exploit all your workers.
4 Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife, and in striking each other with wicked fists.
You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high.
5 Is this the kind of fast I have chosen,
only a day for a man to humble himself? Is it only for bowing one’s head like a reed and for lying on sackcloth and ashes? Is that what you call a fast, a day acceptable to the LORD ?
6 “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?
7 Is it not to share your food with the hungry
and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—
when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
8 Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousness [a] will go before you,
and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.
9 Then you will call, and the LORD will answer;
you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.
“If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk, 10 and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.
11 The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.
12 Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins
and will raise up the age-old foundations;
you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,
Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.
13 “If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the LORD’s holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words,
14 then you will find your joy in the LORD,
and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob.” The mouth of the LORD has spoken.”
John and Cindy McCain are doing everything humanly possible to embody what is being said. I suggest the church follow their lead and example.
“You could also theoretically say that God has no qualms with ending lives and causing suffering, so why should we be held to a higher standard?
Posted by: JKeller at September 20, 2008 9:19 PM”
JKeller, your words stir up a mixture of anger and utter amazement at their base level, and their demonstration of supreme arrogance and ignorance.
First, God is soveriegn.
Second, Christ came to give us life and that more abundantly. He was beat to a bloody pulp, hung from a cross, took our sins on Himself and to hear you say those words, well, there are no words that can describe how I feel at hearing them.
Third, satan comes to lie, steal and destroy and he has so cunningly caused you to believe that God causes all this junk.
Fourth, by blaspheming God calling Him and His works evi, due to your ignorance of who He is, you disqualify yourself from fellowship with Him.
Wake up from you stupor, realize who God is, the God of love and life and realize that you are hopeless and naked and destitute without Him and ask for forgiveness. Perhaps, if you repent with all your heart, He may forgive you and save you from the utter destruction that would be wrought by your own hand.
I have never called you a pro-abort. I don’t even like it. You may call me pro-life. Or Carla. :)
The article makes me sad. My heart is heavy.
Praying with you.
If I am disqualified for thinking out loud, then isn’t there no hope for forgiveness for me? So why the diatribe?
Also what I totally don’t get is the fact that you could be the most ruthless serial killer that ever lived, “find God” 15 minutes before your lethal injection, and then enjoy your free trip to heaven. But people who examine religion to closely and critically, even if they are some of the kindest people that have ever lived, have a one way ticket to eternal damnation. I think this is what deters people the most from religion. That and the crazies beating you over the head with the bible.
You could also theoretically say that God has no qualms with ending lives and causing suffering, so why should we be held to a higher standard?
Posted by: JKeller at September 20, 2008 9:19 PM
first of all, God doesn’t necessarily end lives and cause suffering.
Suffering and death were brought into this world by man who chose to disobey God.
Sin is part of our world and therefore so is sickness and death.
We were not made for this world but the next. It’s important to keep this in mind….
The suffering of this world will pass.
Yeah, it was pretty sad story wasn’t it Carla. Bethan was quite cavalier about her abortion in some respects. I left a comment on the website, so I’ll have to check back later. People really took her to task.
Will do. :-)
I will NEVER call you a pro-abort. That is a promise.
Thank you. I will never call you anti-choice.
Thank you.
I do agree that what women are doing with their own bodies is not an important issue with all else we need to reform in this country. They should just make a law where a woman cannot get an abortion after 8 weeks and partial birth abortion should be banned. That should be middle ground for everyone. Birth control should be mandatory. But again, abortion should really not over cloud the really important issues we face, like terrorists and going into a depression.
Birth control should be mandatory.
What? Like we should FORCE people to take birth control? Good luck with that one. I’m not really sure if that’s what you meant, but if you did, WOW is all I have to say to that.
For the true pro-lifers who are mourning every day for the thousands of unborn babies who die in the womb, abortion is the most important issue. I don’t understand why Cindy McCain can be so moderate about abortion after she has worked with Mother Theresa and adopted a baby from India.
Mother Theresa has said (even in cases of rape and incest) that she begs the mother who wants to abort her baby to give that baby to her and she will care for that baby.
Sarah Palin said it right. There are options that will give a good future for a baby. Killing the innocent child will just make life worse for victims of rape and incest.
Uh hello?
Contraceptives are abortifacients.
An abortifacient is a substance that induces abortion. Hello???
On top of the 40 million babies that have been murdered in the womb since Roe v. Wade, think about the millions, may be even billions of unborn babies decimated by artificial contraceptives. America will not survive God’s justice. Flowing in the streets of this country is the innocent blood of the unborn.
Thanks be to God I’m a Traditional Roman Catholic!
Call me crazy but I think over a million dead babies a year is a pretty important issue. It speaks volumes about the conscience of our nation and the path we are on toward dismissing the inherent value of human life in general. The economy means absolutely nothing if we do not first and foremost have a right to life.
This is not about telling women what to do with their bodies, it is about not allowing the killing of innocent children, who just happen to be the result of the irresponsible “choices” women have made with their bodies. This country and our entire culture has got to get over this “do over” mentality and start taking some responsibilit in all areas of life.
“woman cannot get an abortion after 8 weeks”
I heard that 8 weeks is usually when most women realize they are pregnant. I don’t remember where I heard it or how true it is.
Backup on this ladies??
“Birth control should be mandatory. ”
What do you mean mandatory? As in like Brave New World kind of mandatory?
Posted by: HisMan at September 20, 2008 9:23 AM
The interpretation of your dream seems really obvious HisMan. Especially since you posted on the blog where John McCain is recommending adoption. That dream is your subconsios pointing you towards some contemplation and prayer about the possibility of adopting a baby.
I fat-fingered the word “subconscious” in above post.
I must correct Mrs. McCain and let her know there are hoards of us who care very deeply about this subject, many of us even to the point of losing sleep over it… hence the time stamp on this post.
If this nation cannot stop the heinous practice of infanticide, then God help us all because then who’s next? Who ultimately decides who lives or dies in the 21st century?
I heard that 8 weeks is usually when most women realize they are pregnant. I don’t remember where I heard it or how true it is.
Certainly some, but I wouldn’t say most, though I don’t know statistics on it. Four weeks pregnant is when you miss your first period, so a lot of women test around five weeks or so, after giving it a week for denial. Most women I know tested at five or six weeks, unless they were trying to conceive in which case they tested as soon as they could. Eight weeks is when you miss the second period in a row. Some women don’t miss the first period, and if they don’t feel sick or anything then they might not think to test until then.
I know that personally I was so freaking sick by eight weeks that the only way I wouldn’t have known I was pregnant was if I had the bubonic plague instead. Even as early as five weeks it felt like someone had poured bags of sand into my bloodstream. I might not be the average for that though because my doctor suggested I read up on hyperemesis should I ever get pregnant again.
I also, almost immediately, started having dreams that I was pregnant, or that I had a baby — I’m not one to remember my dreams at all, much less attach importance to them, but they were really vivid dreams that stayed with me after I’d woken up, several every night. That was actually what first made me consider I might be pregnant. I remember thinking, “Okay, I will buy a test when I’m actually late.” There wasn’t any ‘if’ in my mind about it. I just…knew.
Certainly that’s not a reliable method for detecting pregnancy, but some of the women I have spoken to on the subject reported similar experiences. Things like, suddenly you keep thinking about being pregnant, when it was never something you thought of ever before, etc. I always think it’s cool to see how well your body knows itself, and how well it communicates with your mind.
This was today’s Gospel. I think it addresses your “why does he get in at the last minute, but I don’t when I’ve been a “nice” person? question”…
Mt 20:1-16a
Jesus told his disciples this parable:
“The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner
who went out at dawn to hire laborers for his vineyard.
After agreeing with them for the usual daily wage,
he sent them into his vineyard.
Going out about nine o’clock,
the landowner saw others standing idle in the marketplace,
and he said to them, ‘You too go into my vineyard,
and I will give you what is just.’
So they went off.
And he went out again around noon,
and around three o’clock, and did likewise.
Going out about five o’clock,
the landowner found others standing around, and said to them,
‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’
They answered, ‘Because no one has hired us.’
He said to them, ‘You too go into my vineyard.’
When it was evening the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman,
‘Summon the laborers and give them their pay,
beginning with the last and ending with the first.’
When those who had started about five o’clock came,
each received the usual daily wage.
So when the first came, they thought that they would receive more,
but each of them also got the usual wage.
And on receiving it they grumbled against the landowner, saying,
‘These last ones worked only one hour,
and you have made them equal to us,
who bore the day’s burden and the heat.’
He said to one of them in reply,
‘My friend, I am not cheating you.
Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?
Take what is yours and go.
What if I wish to give this last one the same as you?
Or am I not free to do as I wish with my own money?
Are you envious because I am generous?’
Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last.”
And here is the first reading:
Is 55:6-9
Seek the LORD while he may be found,
call him while he is near.
Let the scoundrel forsake his way,
and the wicked his thoughts;
let him turn to the LORD for mercy;
to our God, who is generous in forgiving.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD.
As high as the heavens are above the earth,
so high are my ways above your ways
and my thoughts above your thoughts.
JKeller, to Carla: Thank you. I will never call you anti-choice.
But Carla does look hot with her hair up.
PIP: I heard that 8 weeks is usually when most women realize they are pregnant. I don’t remember where I heard it or how true it is.
“When does a woman know she’s pregnant? During the very early stages of pregnancy, a woman usually doesn’t know if conception has already occurred. Some may not even know until there is a clear physical evidence of the enlarging abdomen. One common clue is the missing of a regular menstrual period. But even so, this is not an accurate evidence of conception. There are a lot of other factors that contribute to a delayed or missing regular menstruation. These include serious illness, excessive emotional strain or endocrinal disturbances.”
“Another common evidence of early pregnancy is morning sickness. A lot of pregnant women suffer from nausea and vomiting soon after conception. During the third month, this symptom usually disappears.”
“The hormone that is responsible for pregnancy elicits the gland tissue of the breast making it tender and start to enlarge. This is because the breasts should be developed and prepared to produce milk after the child is born. This is the reason why pregnant women will feel their breasts getting tender and larger.”
I like wearing The Palin. :)
Why do I find it so hilarious that you are telling us about the beginning stages of pregnancy??
I had implantation bleeding with my pregnancies. When the baby travels down the fallopian tube and implants in the uterine lining. I found out the day after I missed. 5 weeks. Threw up from weeks 8-15. Like clockwork.
I knew I was pregnant at about 4 weeks Pip. But that’s cause I had the implantation bleeding, and my periods were like clockwork from the time I was 12, so I knew something was up at about 4 weeks. Took about 20 tests that all said YEP. lol
Great post with today’s Gospel and OT reading as an answer for JKeller’s question.
All I can say is that every time I hear these readings my heart is gladdened. Being late to the vineyard myself, it promises a hope that I had not known in my early life. How glorious that God’s ways are not my petty, selfish, relativistic and fallen ways! How wonderful that he loves us so very deeply that he is willing to forgive our greatest transgressions, even when our repentance takes place at the very last minute!
Because I try (yes, I fall short) to conform my will to God’s, I accept that he desires every one of his children to live with him in eternity. Those children include Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot, but they also include me, a poor and retched sinner in my own right. Do I hope to see a slew of deathbed confessors in heaven? You betcha! It is Gods desire, and so it has become my fervent prayer.
Praise God that his love is big enough to fill in the places where we, as fallen creatures, fail! Praise God that his mercy is beyond anything we can imagine! Praise God that He (and not we!) is God!
Doug, Why do I find it so hilarious that you are telling us about the beginning stages of pregnancy??
I do too! This must be a different Doug. Dr. Doug, are you new here?
Doug, maybe women who aren’t trying to get pregnant take that long…I know I tested like a million times between the week before I was supposed to get my period until I actually started when I was having trouble conceiving.
ok obviously, oliver at 1:54 was me….
:: laughing :: Lauren, I was gonna say something to Oliver about that… ; )
Carla: Doug, Why do I find it so hilarious that you are telling us about the beginning stages of pregnancy??
Janet: I do too! This must be a different Doug. Dr. Doug, are you new here?
No – same old, same old, but PIP asked, “Backup on this ladies??” so of course I felt devilishly compelled to post.
lauren, I love when you post about pregnancy and then sign off as “Oliver”. Make’s for very interesting blogging! Lol!
Janet, 3:14 p.m.
That always makes me laugh too!
When does a woman know she’s pregnant? During the very early stages of pregnancy, a woman usually doesn’t know if conception has already occurred.
This is an interesting question. When I got pregnant with my first child I knew immediately the night he was conceived. Now you might think that this is very strange and flaky but it was exactly as my mom described her experiences of becoming pregnant: “like a light went on inside of me”. I simply knew. And then for the next 3 weeks prior to my period and the week after when my period was late I gained about 2 to 3 lbs each week. So I knew something was definitely happening.
I also had this experience with my second and fourth pregnancies although it was strongest with my first. It was literally like someone flipped a switch.
BTW, my friend had her 9th child this week – his name Ignatius Dominic!!
Not flaky at all. I also knew right away with my pregnancies. Weird, but very, very cool.
When birth control fails, women turn to abortion. Birth control is no solution but actually destroys human life, women’s health, and marriages.
Try abstinence, chastity, and for couples who need to postpone pregnancy, try NFP.
Congratulations to your friend’s new baby! God bless baby Ignatius Dominic!
Try abstinence, chastity, and for couples who need to postpone pregnancy, try NFP.
Amen to that! Unfortunately too many reject that message. It requires too much self examination, self control, discipline, communication, responsibility and just plain spoils their fun.
God bless Ignatius and his family! Wow.
I completely disagree with Cindy McCain’s view that abortion isn’t an important issue. INJUSTICE ANYWHERE IS A THREAT TO JUSTICE EVERYWHERE; one of the first responsibilities of a legitimate government is to protect the life of it’s citizens, and everyone’s life begins at fertilization.
However, this is, in my view, par for the course; her husband is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, an organization that was created and exists solely for the purpose of advancing the New World Order. One of the NWO’s stated goals is to reduce the world’s population to some 50 million people they deem physically, mentally, socioeconomically and, last but by no means least, ideologically fit. One way they do this is through abortion; so it is naive to expect any CFR member/ally (this category includes both McCain and Obama) to do anything substantial to replace the government-authorized death apparatus with statutes which promote a culture of life, regardless of their rhetoric.
The CFR effectively controls both the Democrat (openly socialist and nihilist) and Republican
parties. Dr. Ron Paul, who is not a CFR member or ally, is the only Republican hopeful in the primaries this year who has not since backed McCain. He (Paul) was banned from the RNC for his independence of thought (e.g., dissension).
For more on this, see http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/gary_allen_rocker/
also attestantofthetruth.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/none-dare-call-it-conspiracy.pdf –
A 2006 CFR membership roster can be read at http://www.stopthenorthamericanunion.com/CFRMembers.html; however, a number of CFR members have been both instructed and known to keep their affiliation secret for strategic purposes, particularly during a national election…
For an alternative, see Balwin2008.com
Dee: Patricia, not flaky at all. I also knew right away with my pregnancies. Weird, but very, very cool.
Yeah, same for me – I’ve never been pregnant and I always knew it right at the time.