Live Action Films, led by UCLA pro-life spitfire Lila Rose, has put together a fabulous map spotlighting Planned Parenthood’s criminal activity around the country. Click on the map, right, to go to the link.
Live Action Films issued a press release yesterday stating it “has provided the full, unedited footage from a recent investigation of a Tucson PP clinic to the offices of the AZ Attorney General and the Pima County Attorney. The tapes show PP covering up a reported case of sexual abuse of a 15-year-old girl, and were made public last week. Read my blog post and view the video here….
LAF added, “Even while promising an ‘internal review,’ PP of AZ has offered no public apology nor acknowledged any wrongdoing.”
Lila recently shared with me her vision of using new media excellently to advance the pro-life cause. If you view LAF’s videos and map, you’ll know Lila is advancing her vision. She has sent me this note:
If you ever want to put a call-out on your blog that we are a growing team of young people from across the country, looking for the most talented and dedicated to give their time to this new media work, please do! They can email me lilarose@liveaction.org. We are building a special coalition!
I’m happy to help spread the word!

If only Mark Crutcher had put a young, cute, female employee forward with his calls to NAF and PP years ago, these places might have been closed.
I mean, all kudos to Lila and her friends, but why did nobody listen when a pudgy, balding, middle-aged man was providing evidence of the same crimes?
Christina, I don’t know. I’ve actually thought the same thing. I think because it’s easy to dismiss a white man as the typical anti-choice creep, and a bit harder when it’s a young woman.
Plus, Lila capitalized on the popularity of youtube which got her message out directly to young people.
Christina, it’s exactly what you’ve suggested. If these truths come from a middle-aged or old man, they will simply dismiss him as an evil religious fascist. But when they come from a young, cute female, the argument which the pro-abortion side has used as a crutch for 30 years cannot be used.
And, might I add, that is exactly why the pro-aborts hate, HATE, H-A-T-E Sarah Palin. A beautiful woman with five kids, one of them disabled? They can’t use their arguments against her. All they could do was attack her personally.
I think video made the difference. Mark’s caller portrayed herself as a 13-year-old. Had she done video instead of audio, she might have gotten more play. She could have also been the spokesperson, not Mark.
I also agree Lila and LAF have gotten really good at YouTube.
Finally, Mark was the first person to really expose PP. PP had a sterling national reputation at that time. It shouldn’t be hard to remember that not that long ago everyone trusted PP. It has taken awhile to break down PP’s PR wall. I think the public has become more ready to believe PP aids in child rape cover-up.
And yes, I think it helps that Lila is young, pretty, and an engaging interviewee. I’ve been with her at interviews, and she’s superior. She wowed me when we did GG Liddy in DC a few weeks ago.
Apparently, the rule of law no longer has any meaning in this country. PP admits their legal obligation to report sexual abuse, but says they do not do so. And no one in Washington bats an eye. If one group or person can be above the law, then why should anyone obey it?
Let’s just consider Mark as the step in the right direction.
Apparently, the rule of law no longer has any meaning in this country. PP admits their legal obligation to report sexual abuse, but says they do not do so. And no one in Washington bats an eye. If one group or person can be above the law, then why should anyone obey it?
Posted by: Doyle Chadwick at February 13, 2009 5:57 AM
I think the mindset is: anything involving abortion is exempt from prosecution or critical review.
This is why women can die on the abortionist table and the abortionist rarely loses his/her licence.
This is why the abortionist can strangle, burn, toss, chop or suffocate a baby aborted live without being charged.
This is why an abortionist can stuff baby remains in garbage bins.
This is why an abortionist can molest or sexually abuse his patient without being disciplined.
This is why the abortionist doesn’t have to tell the woman what abortion is, the risks nor tell her about her baby’s degree of development.
When you have designed a society so that the so-called emancipation of an entire group of people (read women) is based on the right to exterminate another group of people (read unborn babies) you have an unjust society. And no law will ever fix that.
And, might I add, that is exactly why the pro-aborts hate, HATE, H-A-T-E Sarah Palin. A beautiful woman with five kids, one of them disabled? They can’t use their arguments against her. All they could do was attack her personally.
Posted by: John Lewandowski at February 12, 2009 7:17 PM
Wrong again, old friend. Please don’t speak for us or try to explain our motivations. We have lots of other reasons to prefer Palin not be VP or President. No one cares she has kids.
Hal, for those who merely view the world differently and say, “Governor Palin does not represent my view of where this country should go and therefore I choose not to vote for that ticket”, I say, no problem, that’s what the process is all about.
Unfortunately, the “buzz” surrounding Governor Palin has gone far, far beyond this acceptable level. On many websites the comments section on any article pro or con Governor Palin reads like a manifesto of hate… comments about her son and how she should have aborted him, comments about her family that have no bearing on her views and ability or lack thereof for the job in question.
Many on the left had a knee-jerk reaction and reacted crassly and crudely towards this woman and her family… just as the poor 12 year old girl had to have comments disabled on her YouTube posting… agree with her or not… think she’s old enough to understand what she is saying or not… the level of degradation and filth that is resorted to in the name of choice is appalling.