22Weeks wins Angel Award
Congratulations to Ángel Soto, writer and director of 22weeks, which just won its first award, a Silver Angel, “for excellence in production on a film with social impact,” on the 2009 Angel Awards!
22Weeks tells the true story of a young woman locked in the bathroom of an abortion clinic after her aborted baby was born alive in April 2005.
The case was never prosecuted, despite passage 3 years earlier of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.
The film includes the reenactment of an actual 911 call.
Go to BornAliveTruth.org to view the trailer.

Congrats! How long does it take to receive your copy of the DVD?
Congratulations!! That is very exciting news!!
How does one go about getting a copy of this film?
Mike I think if you give a donation to BornAliveTruth.org (of something like $50?) you can get a copy of the DVD.
Now that we have a few more in stock, your order can be processed the next day. Previously there was a delay, as we were waitng for them to be shipped to B.A.T.
Hey Angele!!! (((Hugs)))
What does the donation help with?
*just wondering, but I’m stilling going to be making this donation**
I bought my copy here for 10 dollars last week… It just arrived today.
Dear Angele, Please allow me to entroduce myself. My name is RJ Sandefur, and I myself am not supose to be writing this messege to you, infact, I’m not even suposed to even be alive! I was born on May 30, 1979, in Orlando Florida, and when I was born, I waid One Pound and five ounces, and I was eleven inches long! (The smallest Baby in the United States at that time) The Doctors didn’t hold out much hope for me. They only gave me a two percent chance of sirviving, and they told my parents to pull the plug, but my mother told the doctor, “No doctor… We are not pulling the plug, because God has a plan for RJ!” Well, I turn 30, years old this comming may, and I’m presently starting to persue my Doctor of Ministry, through Andersonville theological Seminary. However, I must digress, and mention, that I was born Blind, due to my being born five months premature. Angele, I hope I havn’t overloaded your brain… Smile, but I see you as one of my heros, because you are out their telling the truth about the horer of abortion, and to the rest of You, I ask, That you keep me in your prayers, as I begain my studies, and Congrads on 22 weeks! Pro-life and proud of it! RJ Sandefur