When last we left Planned Parenthood of Arizona , Lila Rose and LiveActionFilms.org had released a 2nd video of employees at a 2nd and 3rd PP in the Grand Canyon state showing a willingness to cover-up underage rape.

The 1st video showing the 1st cover-up, released February 3, resulted in a whole bunch of nothing happening.

This likely had to do with the fact that AZ Attorney General Terry Goddard was coincidentally scheduled to give the keynote address at a PP event that night, obviously in the bag for the US’s largest chain of chop shops.

The 2nd video released resulted in an interesting denial by Goddard to the Arizona Republic that his office was investigating PP despite a letter from the Pima Co. attorney to the contrary (click to enlarge)…
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Goddard must have decided not to worry because, as AR reported, PP AZ has conducted an investigation of itself, and things amiss are now fine…

The organization initially released a statement about the videos.

PP AZ said it “takes allegations of this nature very seriously.”

“We are conducting an internal review and will come to a conclusion that is fact based and not based on edited propaganda video,” the agency said.

cynde cerf small.jpgAfter the review, Cynde Cerf [left], director of communication and marketing for PP AZ, said that, at the first facility, the young women were talking to a front-desk worker and not a medical professional.

At the second meeting, the women, still posing as 15-year-old girls, met not with a counselor but a clinician, who may have been more practiced at providing medical care than counseling.

“I think she was clumsy in explaining how the practice works,” Cerf said. “At the same time, she was still following the procedures that were set up at the time.”

The worker in the tape from the second facility no longer works for PP. She left of her own accord months before PP knew about the recordings.

Procedures have changed since the video was recorded last July. The changes were put into place before Live Action started posting their videos. Now, clinicians are trained in how to talk to all patients.

Also, young women or girls who appear to possibly be victims of a crime are told upfront that PP has a legal obligation to share any suspicions to law-enforcement authorities.

These clinicians are also responsible for the reporting of any suspicions. Previously, that was likely to be a counselor’s role.

Cerf said that, from Feb. 1 to March 20, PP AZ reported 24 cases of suspicions of abuse.

Those reports came from the organization’s 20 facilities in the state.

Nevertheless, one US Congressman, Trent Franks, is not taking PP’s word that things are a-ok. As Fox News reported March 26, Franks is the 1st AZ public official to call for an investigation:
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… Franks lambasted the organization for its “flagrant violation of the law.”

“These video clips are the most recent in a series of recorded incidents in which PP clinics have blatantly disregarded the law and failed to protect children by refusing to report potential cases of statutory rape,” Franks said in a press release….

“It is a travesty that even though PP has been repeatedly shown to conceal the sexual abuse of children, state and federal officials have nevertheless refused to involve themselves in drawing attention to these crimes, seemingly because of their desire to avoid the abortion issue altogether,” Franks said.

He cited the allegations against PP as another reason for his support of the Title X Abortion Provider Act, which would prohibit the use of federal funds for family planning centers that adminster abortions.

Back to our PP friend Cynde Cerf, I found this interesting tweet on her Twitter page:
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Normally I would consider it bizarre to make mention of the plastic maccabre. But considering Cynde makes her living from an organization that rips real heads off of real babies’ torsos, I’m not surprised.

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