Hillary Clinton to receive Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger Award tonight
The Washington Post reported today:
Recently back from Mexico, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton… spends the day in TX…..
In the evening, Clinton attends a gala in Houston to receive the Margaret Sanger Award from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America for her advocacy of “women’s health and rights throughout her public service career.”
Added the National Journal:
HRC accepted the invite well before she became Sec/State, but her appearance is a stark reminder of the big role HRC has played in abortion-rights politics … and the bigger role women played in her ’08 campaign.
Can’t respond to this any better than Family Research Council did last night:
Of course, the question remains whether this award is even an honor. If “no one is pro-abortion,” as Barack Obama insists, then why agree to be celebrated by the number one supplier of abortion in America?…
It’s an organization whose founder embraced eugenics, targeted “the unfit” for “extinction,” and whose current staff is on record as accepting racially motivated donations in 7 different clinics nationwide. It’s an organization that fights to bar parents from the medical decisions of their 12-year-old daughters. According to videos in at least four states, PP has been involved in serial statutory rape cover-ups. Allegations in CA point to an estimated $180 million of fraud. In at least two states, PP petitioned for the construction of abortion clinics under false pretenses.
Really, is this an award that anyone – including Hillary Clinton – should covet? Its very name, the Margaret Sanger Award, is a tribute to a woman whose life’s mission was to “build a race of thoroughbreds.” PP’s long campaign to promote abortion on request, celebration of sexual libertinism, eugenics, and radical prejudice is the worst foreign policy message our nation could send – and tomorrow they crown their messenger.
[HT: reader Robyn]

I thought Obama was bringing change. What are the Clintons still hanging around for?
I’m not surprised….next year, it’s gonna be president abortion that’s gonna receive this “award”.
Please read this: The Black Woman’s Voice…”Several years ago, when 17,000 aborted babies were found in a dumpster outside a pathology lab in Los Angeles, California, some 12-15,000 were observed to be black. Wake up, black America, and relive Dr. Martin Luther King’s Dream! The way of abortion is the way back into bondage!”…..Erma Clardy Craven [deceased] Social worker and civil rights leader
I am a Christian and a fellow blogger (http://Beauty4Moms.blogspot.com). I was hoping that you would write a post about my recent pledge to raise money for Abort73. Abort73 is a great organization that educates people on the truth of abortion. http://apps.facebook.com/causes/fundraising_pledges/57006?m=b4367094 There is the link to help raise money. I’m only short $90. Thank you for your consideration.
Shame on Hillary. Gotta love the skits on SNL about the Clinton’s inability to just get lost from the limelight. Isn’t their 15 minutes up yet?
wow, the margaret sanger award..i would rather throw up.
How sad for the black race that they just can’t see it. They just wont see it. They think that we have “made it” because we now have a “black president” who is 1/2 white. Deception.
I work with a lot of black folks but I think they DON’T want to see it…any such mention of their false “idol” doing wrong is a sin in their eyes…
“wow, the margaret sanger award..i would rather throw up.”
Me too. She needs our prayers.
If this were the KKK handing out the same award there would be total outrage.
How sick and disgusting. Just one more reason I can’t stand HRC.
If Sanger herself was giving out the award, the first recipient would have been Hitler.
Sadly Michelle you are probably correct.
RSD, that’s so true!
So…what more depressing news can be reported today? First we have the Notre Dame issue, then more bashing of Sara Palin via scum bag Bill Maher, Tiller found not guilty, and now the queen of slime is getting the Margaret Sanger award.
Talk about wanting to vomit…
Sanger was known as Hitler in a skirt and Hitler as
Sanger with a mustache!
If I were ever informed that I would be receiving the Margaret Sanger Award I would wonder what I did wrong. But the Clintons can have Sanger; I will (albeit I must force myself, as sad as I am to say) pray for them and…be thankful that I am in no danger of receiving an award in the name of a bigot like Sanger.
How frightening is this: Look at the two photo’s and compare the two. Hilary looks like she could be related to Sanger…same facial structures etc.
Someone with good computer photo skills could have a field day with these two pictures.
Have at it, people !
Hitlary, thanks for accepting this wonderful award on behalf of all women’s reproductive “health”. I wonder if she loves abortion because Bill and Gennifer Flowers would have a living child right now were it not for this method of “healthcare.” I wonder if Hill has ever educated herself on the increase in breast cancer after this “healthcare” is administered. What a saint!
Two faces of evil……
Shame on Hillary.
Indeed. She accepts the award one day after leaving a bouquet at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico. Did her schedulers not see the obvious hypocrisy? Imagine if Sarah Palin had done this. Palin Derangement Syndromers would have had a feeding frenzy.
If Sanger herself was giving out the award, the first recipient would have been Hitler.
Posted by: Michelle at March 27, 2009 5:50 PM
Wasn’t she still alive for the first time it was awarded? Wasn’t it to Martin Luther King?
I think this is a great program!! Congratulations Hilary!
“Following Sanger’s death in 1966, Planned Parenthood felt so confident that it had safely buried her past that it began boasting about “the legacy of Margaret Sanger.” And it began handing out cutely named Maggie Awards to innocents who often had no inkling of her real views. The first recipient was Martin Luther King – who clearly had no idea that Sanger had inaugurated a project to set his people free from their progeny. “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the Minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members,” Sanger wrote Gamble. Had Dr. King known why he may have been chosen to receive the award, he would have recoiled in horror.”
Kel, I looked up your quote and I found this from NYU:
No one has to “demonize” Sanger. She did that all by herself in her many publications and in her support for eugenics.
And though you may say the source is “biased,” these are quotes from her publications and writings. I’m sure there are many that the “choice” movement agrees with, even today.
She did that all by herself in her many publications and in her support for eugenics
She sure did, Kel.
The Margaret Sanger Connection
The Negro Project
No one has to “demonize” Sanger. She did that all by herself in her many publications and in her support for eugenics.
Posted by: Kel at March 28, 2009 2:16 PM
Well, apparently taken out of context they could.
From the NYU article I cited earlier:
“While this is one of the more absurd examples of anti-Sanger material in circulation, the Drogin pamphlet and most other attacks from anti-choice groups rely on the same small group of Sanger documents over and over again, including letters she wrote in the late 1930s to birth control movement contributors and black leaders expressing her concern that blacks living in the South would view her “Negro Project” as an attempt to limit their race. For instance she wrote to philanthropist Clarence Gamble in 1939:
The ministers work is also important and also he should be trained, perhaps by the [Birth Control] Federation [of America] as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members. (MS to Clarence Gamble, MSM S17:574).
Anti-choice groups attempting to discredit Sanger frequently extract the line “we don’t want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population” without offering context or intelligent explanation.”
Coincidentally, the exerpt in your comment at 12:10 pm uses the same Sanger quote that the NYU article refers to as commonly being misrepresented.
Wow, that’s a WHOLE LOT of “out of context,” don’tcha think?
Here’s another on the Negro Project:
“SANGER: I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world–that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically. Delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just marked when they’re born. That to me is the greatest sin — that people can — can commit”
From Sanger’s Mike Wallace Interview (read or watch in its entirety if you like)
Straight from Sanger’s mouth. One’s humanity depends on one’s position of social advantage or disadvantage. Bearing the disadvantaged is a “sin.”
Two faces of evil……
Posted by: HisMan at March 28, 2009 12:23 AM
When Hillary was still running for the democrat nomination for president someone floated the idea of having her likeness added to Mount Rushmore.
But the idea was scapped quickly when it was discovered there was only room for one more face.
yor bro ken
Posted by: asitis at March 28, 2009 2:36 PM
Coincidentally, the exerpt in your comment at 12:10 pm uses the same Sanger quote that the NYU article refers to as commonly being misrepresented.
I usually only try to restrain my ‘allies’, but you are really out there on this one and the flimsy limb you have selected will not bear the weight of your leaden thinking let alone the documented folly of a fruitcake like Margaret Sanger.
Suggest you request your post be deleted and go back to excusing PBHO. He has up untiil now succeeded in erasing or hiding a good part of his past. You will find easier hoeing.
yor bro ken
Fed Up, thanks for that interview. I read it and I have to say I kinda liked her. That was 1957? Wow. If it weren’t for Wallace’s cigarette praising you could have placed it in this blog. From my impression of the 50’s, I’d say she was ahead of her time.
I kinda liked her
I figured you would :)
you could have placed it in this blog
Could put almost anything here I suppose. Trash bin seems more suitable though.
Hi Ken. Thanks for the advice, but I think I’ll leave it. All I have done here is present a contradiction from NYU of what Kel has given us. Say something about that article if you wish.
I was unaware of this controversy and know very little of Margaret Sanger. But this has piqued my interest. I’m sure there must be some biographies out there to choose from. And I’m glad I stumbled upon NYU’s Margaret Sanger’s Paper Project………….
I kinda liked her
I figured you would :)
you could have placed it in this blog
Could put almost anything here I suppose. Trash bin seems more suitable though.
Posted by: Fed Up at March 28, 2009 7:19 PM
I read Katherine Hepburn’s autobiography years ago and got a similar impression of her.
By placing it in this blog I was referring to it being ahead of its time.
Did our hoeing around only dig up evidence to support your predilection or did you just choose to ignore the overwhelming evidence that showed Margaret Sanger was an unabashed eugenicist who never repudiated her goofy ideas.
Her singular talent seemed to be seducing and manipulating wealthy old men to finance her ‘progressive ideas’.
If you want a source you can rely on I suggest you read Margaret Sanger’s biography and then report back to us.
Quote shopping to find opinions that support your preferred conclusion does not impress us.
There is a story of a saintly woman who find something good to say about even the most wretched soul.
Someone challenged her and said, “Why I bet you could even find something good to say about the devil.”
She replied,”satan is always about his work.”
Asitis, you are always about your work, which it seems is to find something good to say about the most wretched among us.
yor bro ken
Asitis, you are always about your work, which it seems is to find something good to say about the most wretched among us.
Posted by: kbhvac at March 28, 2009 11:45 PM
If by “wretched among us” you mean peole and things that people here find the most wretched I would agree…. to the extent that I don’t just take your word fo it.
Dear Readers,
In Canada, the awarding of the nation’s highest civilian honor to notorious abortionist and actively hostile foe of all religion, Henry Morgentaler, has ignited protest against the suitability of such a person for the award. There appears to be widespread disgust, even among many Canadians who are not ardent pro-lifers, over the Order of Canada Advisory Committee’s sneaking through of this unexpected recognition of the abortion activist during Canada’s major national long holiday weekend.
Adding insult to injury, the head of the Advisory Committee, Supreme Court of Canada Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin, actively participated in the action which would appear to be a serious conflict of interest from which she should have removed herself. Her approval of the award, and the apparent unprecedented change to the unanimous vote tradition that brought it about, could easily be seen to contradict the decision that struck down Canada’s abortion law in 1988.
The Supreme Court justices in 1988 ruled that there was “a legitimate government interest in protecting the unborn” and they encouraged Parliament to draft a new law that would not violate the technicalities under which the old law was struck down. Henry Morgentaler, however, has always opposed any and all legal restrictions on abortion while insisting that governments fully pay for every abortion and for any reason.
It remains to be seen how all this will play out but one thing is certain – many Canadians are dismayed with the decision to grant the award to this abortion extremist, religion hater, self admitted womanizer and abortion chain owner who has personally highly profited from Canada’s lack of an abortion law since 1988.
Much of Canada’s mainstream media, especially the CBC, the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star, are responding with their usual abortion supporting tactics of painting all abortion opponents as violence prone religious fanatics and Henry Morgentaler as a compassionate, selfless crusader who acted on behalf of all the women of Canada. It will be interesting to see if today’s newer generation will swallow all the propaganda.
We will continue to report on this issue as things continue to develop.
Others who were given the same award returned it after one was given to Morgentaler.
“There appears to be widespread disgust, even among many Canadians who are not ardent pro-lifers”
Heather, are you from Canada?
I can see why prolifes would be disgusted by Morgentaler receiving this award. But others? Really? What evidence is there of this?
Who has returned their Order of Canada that is not pro-life?
asitis, I am not from Canada. I have a computer.
You have a computer????? Lucky!!!!!
I thought perhaps you were speaking from first hand experience.
So what about my other questions?
Would you like me to find it, because this is a factual story.
Groups and individuals who oppose Morgentaler being given the award have started to protest by returning theirs. The Madonna House, a Catholic organization, returned the Order medal of their organization’s founder. Former NB Lieutenant-Governor Gilbert Finn is returning his as well. And yet the Toronto Star is reporting that three in five Canadians support the award. You see what I mean when I said Canadians are conflicted?
There you go.
I salute those who refused to share an award with an abortionist.
Those sound to me like pro-lifers. It’s understandable why they might return there awrds. Any that aren’t pro-life though Heather?
You see what I mean when I said Canadians are conflicted?
There you go.
Posted by: Heather at March 29, 2009 11:49 AM
Hmmmm. I thought you ( or someone you quoted anyway)said there appears to be widespread disgust even among Canadians that aren’t pro-life.
What a disappointment! in Hillary Clinton accepting an award with Sanger’s name attached to it! This may end my long support and devotion to Hillary and what I believed she has stood for all her life It is my hope that Hillary will not accept the award (did she accept it last night?!) and if she has participated in this heinous award, let her speak up–tell us up front who she really is and what she stands for? Oh, I am so disappointed, heart sick.
It is people like Mogenthaler who make abortionists look bad and in comparison make an Adolph Hitler appear to be boon to humanity.
yor bro ken
The Clintons were in my city for the funeral of Judge Stephanie Tubbs Jones. They were friends of hers and she was black. I wonder how Stephanie would feel if she were still alive to see this.
However, Tubbs Jones was a huge Obama supporter, so maybe it wouldn’t have mattered.
The Clintons were in my city for the funeral of Judge Stephanie Tubbs Jones. They were friends of hers and she was black. I wonder how Stephanie would feel if she were still alive to see this.
Posted by: Heather at March 29, 2009 2:05 PM
As a friend of Hillary’s and a big supporter of Planned Parenthood, she would probably be thrilled Heather.
I wonder how Stephanie would feel if she were still alive to see this.
Heather, here’s Tubbs Jones’ record
With a 100% NARAL approval, I can imagine that you and I would be disappointed with her reaction. Oops, Asitis beat me to it.
Fed Up, thanks for the info. It figures. A news report just broke about 2 months ago that someone had robbed Tubbs Jones’ home. All of a sudden, they stopped the coverage. Who would do such a thing in a good neighborhood? It was her own drug addicted son.
Posted by: Heather at March 29, 2009 8:21 AM
“In Canada, the awarding of the nation’s highest civilian honor to notorious abortionist and actively hostile foe of all religion, Henry Morgentaler, has ignited protest against the suitability of such a person for the award.”
Ohhhhhhhh Canada!
yor bro ken
Posted by: Heather at March 29, 2009 2:43 PM
“A news report just broke about 2 months ago that someone had robbed Judge Stephanie Tubbs Jones’ home. All of a sudden, they stopped the coverage. Who would do such a thing in a good neighborhood? It was her own drug addicted son.”
No respect. Just don’t get no respect.
Reminds me of the story where some african-american hoodlum stole Rosa Parks Social Security check from her mailbox.
But enough social pressure was exerted to shame the thief into returning the check.
Wha dya noh!?!?! There is honor amongst thieves.
yor bro ken
Here’s a transcript of HRC’s acceptance speech if anyone wants to read it.
Fed Up, thanks. Just read it *vomit* Empowering rights??? sick, sick, sick!!!
Heather, this troubled me as much as anything.
coexisting are democracy, Islam, modernization, and women’s rights. And there is a connection between the commitment to family planning and the secular democracy
As someone who is concerned that the current admin is tromping on our constitutional republic, her praise of secular democracy did nothing to reassure me. Notice that she says women’s rights coexist with democracy. She doesn’t say they flow from democracy.
Fed Up, I know. She’s a sick woman. A narcissist all the way.
Hillary passed hundreds of Catholic protesters to reach this event, which was cosponsored by the Catholic Church. Georgetown University’s “Institute of Reproductive Health” helped pay for the Planned Parenthood event, and even had an exhibit booth inside the event.
Republicans/conservatives HAVE received this award as well.