Do Reid poll numbers indicate slam against Dems mid-term?
UPDATE, 8:20a: A DC friend just observed Reid’s poll numbers may bode well for pro-lifers in that he might become reticent to push pro-abortion legislation.
Yes, I know Reid says he’s pro-life – hogwash. But he may now start acting more like a pro-lifer. For instance, angering Dem gun-controllers, Reid just allowed an amendment through okaying loaded guns in national parks in states with concealed carry laws.
Republicans took home a big scalp in 2004 with the defeat of Democrat Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, the first in history to be toppled from that spot.
Are Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid’s nose-diving poll numbers an indicator of Democrat congressional fortunes in 2010, when he, for 1, is up for re-election? According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal yesterday:
According to LVRJ:
Reid’s approval ratings at home have been subpar for years, particularly since he ascended to Democratic leader in 2004 and to majority leader in 2006.
He had hoped things might improve with the departure of President George Bush, but that’s not the case, at least not yet. The poll finds Nevadans are bullish on President Barack Obama even as they are unhappy with Reid….
Mason-Dixon Managing Partner Brad Coker said for now, Obama is enjoying a honeymoon with voters, while Reid still gets stuck with people’s negative views of Congress.
“Obama so far has been able to stay out of the fray and let Reid and (House Speaker Nancy) Pelosi get their hands dirty,” he said. “Obama’s so popular, he’s a hard person to take a shot at right now, so Reid and Pelosi become the punching bags.”
Nonetheless, Coker said, Reid can expect to capitalize on Obama’s popularity down the line if it lasts – and to pay the price if the president’s political standing takes a turn for the worse….
[Photo attribution:]
Reid’s a Mormon and I’m quite sure they condemn abortion. Nevertheless Reid almost always votes for the pro abortion side.
2010 could be a tough year for Democrats.
Reid’s not too popular with me, but that doesn’t mean I won’t vote for my local Democratic Senators and House Members. I don’t think much of Reid’s leadership abilities. Remember, one reason Bush’s numbers were so low is many conservatives disapproved of him not being conservative enough. Some of Reid’s numbers could very well be due to liberals not finding him liberal enough.
Reid fits the party well. His expression is one if disdain. Moromons oppose abortion. Typical of a democrat to vote opposite of their religion. That tell us they are dishonest when they do.
He has a burning passion to toss trillions of dollars down the toilet. That makes him a faithfull Dem.
He was involved in all this urgency and moving now so that unemployment coud be kept under 7% and not go voer 8. The facts are that unemployment today is higher than they said it would be if we did nothing.
Let’s not forget Reid’s genius comment that “the Iraq war is lost”.
His and Pelosi’s chickens are coming home to roost as Obama’s will soon enough.
Posted by: Hal at May 22, 2009 11:45 AM
“Some of Reid’s numbers could very well be due to liberals not finding him liberal enough.”
The poll was not restricted to ‘liberals’.
Reid may be a vicim of his own ‘success’.
The Peter principle says a man will rise to the level of his highest incompetency.
While Reid was hidden in the crowd, his flaws remained unnoticed, but like Pelosi, he and his flaws are on full display for all to see.
pbho’s public pronouncements have not been kind to Vegas and there are some deep pockets there, which are not as full as they once were who may take out their anger on the most convienent target at the next opportunity.
Reid may become the whippin boy.
Look for attack ads that claim Reid drinks coffee and has only one wife at at time.
yor bro ken
Ken, you missed my point. Conservatives don’t like Reid because he’s a Democrat, and a powerful one. Many Democrats don’t like him because he’s not that liberal and not an inspirational leader of any kind. That doesn’t leave too many people who will say they’re fond of him when asked in a poll.
Most conservatives do not like Reid because he is:
1) a liberal
2) a weasel
3) a girly man
4) a democrat
There used to be some ‘conservative’ democrats, but they finally realized the Democrat party had moved so far to the left that it left them behind.
They were retired or were not re-elected or joined the Republicans.
Reid is as impotent as Pelosi. They are both light weight clowns who can be manipulated and intimidated by the radicals who run the circus.
They will both be thrown under the bus as soon as they have outlived their usefulness.
pbho is going to have to get a larger campaign bus or a trailer. It is getting so crowded under there some of the still living bodies are asking to be transferred to Quantanamo.
yor bro ken