weekend question.jpgHeather Corinna at RH Reality Check wrote on June 25:

The murder of abortion provider Dr. George Tiller on May 31st has resulted in a lot of conversation about abortion. It’s a topic frequently hushed, or spoken about more around its politics than the actual procedure, the experience itself and the real women who have abortions. So this increased discussion is certainly something potentially positive happening because of something horribly tragic. More discussion around anything which is or may be treated as unspeakable is always a good thing.

Two questions:
Do you agree that the national conversation about abortion after the death of late-term abortionist Tiller has been “a good thing” for pro-aborts?
And Corinna apparently would rather talk about the “actual procedure, the experience itself and the real women who have abortions” than leave the topic “hushed.” Do you agree conversations about those 3 aspects of abortion would be helpful to its acceptance?

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