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by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

  • Here’s to confusion in the camp! ProWomanProLife links to the somewhat amusing back story about the 13 Canadian Liberal party lawmakers who were no-shows on (and 3 who voted against) their own motion to include abortion funding in Canada’s G8 Initiative….

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  • Joe Scheidler of Pro-Life Action League shares a tribute to the late Fr. Paul Marx, pro-life pioneer:
  • After his powerful talk on contraception and abortion, 6 of us stayed after the banquet to learn more about how we could combat the evil of abortion. Looking around we asked why there were only 6 of us left…. And Fr. Marx said, “Because you feel the evil of contraception and abortion and you are probably called by God to dedicate your lives to fighting these evils.”
    … [H]e told us he had with him 2 babies, born prematurely and asked if we wanted to see them. He went to his room and returned with two bottles, one containing a 12-week fetus and the other an 18-week fetus. We were mesmerized at the beauty of these children. I think it was at that moment that I decided to go full-time into pro-life activism.

  • Christina at RealChoice brings to light the anti-life sentiment toward those with disabilities, especially preborn children:
  • We definitely need more public awareness. Right now, societal fear and loathing of people with Down Syndrome is so severe that the prenatal War on Down Syndrome has at least 13 times the level of “collateral damage” as combat bombing missions.

    March 21 was World Down Syndrome Day.

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